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Our congregation's mission statement: Called and empowered to proclaim the radical love of Christ through lives of service.

January 26, 2025

Dear Siblings in Christ,

This Sunday is an incredibly important day in the life of our community! Annual Congregational Meetings help tell the story of the past year, set the tone for the coming year, and give us an opportunity to gather as a community. This year we will also be unveiling the vision plan created after months of hard work by our Intentional Visioning team to help create goals that will guide our work in the next few years. You won't want to miss out on this exciting reveal!

If you are unable to attend in person, please consider joining us online. Resources and links are posted below the Calendar. Living out these ambitious goals will be the work of our WHOLE community, and we truly believe they reflect our vision:

Called and empowered to proclaim the radical love of Christ through lives of service!

~ Faithfully yours, 

Pastor Naomi Hartman

Photo by Brad Weaver on Unsplash

Sunday Bulletin and

Worship Service Links

Click here or the picture above to access the Sunday 10:00a worship bulletin.
Click here for live-streaming of the worship service.


This Sunday, January 26 ~ 3rd Sunday after Epiphany

  • +8:00a -- Discussion Eucharist: Learning Center (In-person only).
  • 9:00a -- Growing in Faith Together: Activities Room. All ages are welcome!
  • +10:00a -- Sunday Celebration: Sanctuary. (In-person and live-streamed on YouTube)
  • 11:15a -- Annual Meeting: Activities Room. Refreshments provided. (In-person and Zoom) Click here to attend the Zoom meeting. Meeting ID: 868 6430 5413 Passcode: LCFCouncil (See also the article below.)
  • 11:15a -- Household Blessings Collection: Immediately after the service at Bethany's car.

+ Service includes Holy Communion.

Monday, January 27

  • The church office is closed on Mondays.
  • 10:00a to 11:30a -- Beyond the Book: Beyond Bread at Speedway & Wilmot. (See announcement below.)
  • 4:30p to 5:30p -- French Lessons: Activities Room. (Community Group)
  • 5:30p to 7:00p -- Beyond the Book: Beyond Bread at Speedway & Wilmot. (See announcement below.)
  • 6:30p to 9:00p -- Sunrise Presidio Townhomes board meeting: Activities Room (Community Group)

Tuesday, January 28

  • Tuesday through Friday, 9:00a to 3:00p -- Church Office is open: Use the south entry door and ring the doorbell if the door is locked.
  • 9:30p to 11:30p -- Worship & Music team meeting: Activities Room.
  • 1:00p to 3:00p -- Karen Kucharz piano rehearsal: Sanctuary. (Community group)

Wednesday, January 29

  • 9:30a to 10:30a -- All Staff meeting: Activities Room.
  • 10:30a to 11:30a -- Staff meeting: Activities Room.
  • Noon -- Articles are due for "Weekly Footnotes": Church Office.
  • 4:30p to 6:00p -- Los Campaneros handbell rehearsal: Activities Room.

Thursday, January 30

  • 10:00a to 11:30a -- Thursday Journey: Activities Room.
  • 1:00p to 3:00p -- Karen Kucharz piano rehearsal: Sanctuary. (Community group)

Friday, January 31

  • 11:00a to 12:00p -- Baker-Perry Memorial: Sanctuary and Activities Room. (Community group)
  • 5:45p to 8:00p -- AA PreWeekenders & Al-Anon Sunset: Activities Room. (Community Groups)

Saturday, February 1

  • 10:00a to 12:00p -- Celebration Choir rehearsal: Sanctuary.

Coming Up

  • February 4 and 6 -- Karen Kucharz piano rehearsal in Sanctuary every Tuesday and Thursday until Lent. (Community Group)

Annual Meeting This Sunday:

January 26, 2025

All people who participate at Lutheran Church of the Foothills are invited to our Annual Congregational Meeting to be held on Sunday, January 26, 2025, immediately after the 10:00a worship service (approximately 11:15a). Refreshments will be served. This is your opportunity to vote on the Mission Spending Plan for 2025, learn about the goals developed by our Intentional Visioning Team, and celebrate the ministry shared in 2024!

All are invited to participate in the meeting, but only those who attend in person and whose status is "Active" or "Active-Seasonal" are eligible to vote. (If you have any questions about your voting status at LCF, please get in touch with the church office.) If you are unable to attend in person, click here to attend via Zoom. Meeting ID: 868 6430 5413 Passcode: LCFCouncil

Click the images or buttons below to access the documents for the Annual Meeting. Additional copies will be available on the Activities Counter in the Narthex.

2024 Annual Report

Click here to view and download a copy of the 2024 Annual Report.

Lutheran Church

of the Foothills Intentional

Visioning Plan

Click here to view and download the Lutheran Church of the Foothills Intentional Visioning Plan

Community Service

Thank You to All of the Volunteers and For the Donations!

Your gift of time and donations of shampoo and toothpaste made a difference in the lives of the guests at Poz Café, the monthly lunch and social time for people living with HIV/AIDS. Hosted monthly by TIHAN (Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network), Poz Café is one of their most popular and effective programs.

Although this month's Poz Café is now finished, Lutheran Church of the Foothills will also collect monetary donations to pay for the food served at the lunch. Make checks payable to “Lutheran Church of the Foothills” and note “TIHAN Community Service” in the memo line. Use the Community Service envelopes on the display table in the Narthex and place your donations in the offering basket or mail them to the church. You can also give online by using the QR code in the Sunday worship bulletin or the Giving page on our website. Finally, any loose cash placed in the offering basket is automatically designated for the current Community Service emphasis. January's emphasis is POZ Café.

~ Community Service Team

Household Blessings Collection January 26

Bring good quality or gently used kitchen, bath, or bedroom items to Bethany Boyd’s car immediately after the service on January 26. Large items and furniture for Household Blessings will need to be picked up by volunteers or taken to Tanque Verde Lutheran Church, 8625 E. Tanque Verde Road.


Volunteers are needed to help with sorting on Thursday, February 6th at 9:00a at Tanque Verde Lutheran Church. If you have questions or items to donate, call Donna Elmquist at 520.603.2399 or email welmquist@msn.com

February 21 is the Next Primavera Delivery Date

Thank you to all of the volunteers who provided hot stew meal items and your time for January's Primavera hot stew meal at the Men's Shelter! Our next opportunity to provide a hot stew dinner at the Primavera Men's Shelter is February 21. You can participate by signing up on the clipboard on the Activities Counter or calling the office to prepare the food in your home kitchen, provide side dishes and desserts, or serve the meal at the Shelter. The men will thank you!

Thank you for your participation in this ministry! For more information contact Sylvia Strauss-Kolb.

~ Community Service Team

Sister Jose' Women's Shelter

Sister José Women's Center, a low-barrier shelter for women without housing, is accepting limited clothing donations, including jackets, coats, blankets, tarps, walking shoes, pants, leggings, jeans, and sweatpants. The Center continues to accept small travel-size soaps and shampoos as well as sneakers and comfortable walking shoes (no fancy or high heels). If you have other clothing items to donate, here are a few non-profits that will accept them:

Because many guests have pets, dry food or canned food with pull tabs for dogs (especially puppies) and cats, is always needed. The Center will also take new or gently used pet supplies such as beds, leashes, and harnesses. Donations should be dropped off in the blue tub by the Community Service display in the Narthex or directly at the Center on 1050 S. Park Avenue, Tucson.

Showing Christ's Radical Love

In 2024, Lutheran Church of the Foothills collected and delivered 1,173 pounds of non-perishable food to Interfaith Community Services and their food bank. This includes 237 jars of peanut butter for the July peanut butter drive. Thanks to all of you for living out and showing Christ’s radical love to all Interfaith Community Services serves. And on we go into 2025. Thank you.

~ Beth Daum

Empty Bowls Fundraiser

Join Interfaith Community Services (ICS) on Saturday, March 1, at the Tucson Chinese Cultural Center (1288 W. River Road, Tucson) for their biggest fundraiser of the year, Empty Bowls 2025! This inspiring event brings the community together to support those in need with delicious soups, breads, and desserts donated by local restaurants. Enjoy an exciting silent auction and select a handcrafted pottery bowl, created by local artists, as a keepsake. Proceeds benefit ICS Food Banks and programs. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets. Don't wait! Last year, tickets sold out early.

Life Together

Read & Yak: Help Us Choose Our Books for 2025!

Have you ever finished a book and wished you could dive into a great discussion about it with friends? Look no further—Read & Yak is the perfect place to share your thoughts and hear others' perspectives!

We meet on the fourth Saturday of every month from 10:00a to 11:30a to chat about the book we’ve all been reading. Whether you join us in person in the church’s Activities Room or hop on Zoom from Tucson—or even further afield—you’re welcome here. Click here to join Read & Yak via Zoom. Meeting ID: 822 7558 0676 Passcode: 844657

Our first meeting of the year is on Saturday, January 25, at 10:00a. We’ll be making our reading list for 2025, and we’d love your input! Do you have a book in mind that you’d love to discuss? Email your suggestion to Holly Hope at hollyhopeaz@gmail.com (please put "Yak" somewhere in the subject line!) or bring your idea to the meeting. Be sure to include the title, author, and a few words about why the book is worth discussing.

We embrace all kinds of books—fiction, nonfiction, inspirational, challenging, and everything in between. So bring your ideas—and your friends—and join us for lively conversation. Let’s make 2025 a year filled with fantastic reads and meaningful connections!

~ Leslie Johnson,

in collaboration with Gilbert (Chat GPT/Open AI)

for the Read & Yak Book Discussion Group

Thursday Journey

Thursday Journey Mission Statement

 Thursday Journey is a group that explores various topics that impact our calling to live as grace-filled, inclusive, generous, and justice-focused people in today's world.


What does that look like?

Beginning on January 30 for 12 weeks we will watch and discuss a video series called Easter Stories by John Dominic Crossan, a renowned biblical scholar, historian, and former priest, best known for his work on the historical Jesus and early Christianity. Through insights about Easter in both the Western and Eastern Christian traditions, with stunning visuals from the Holy Land, and with ideas from his book, The Last Week, Crossan invites us to reflect on the deeper meaning of Easter.


So, whether you’re curious, seeking, or just love a good discussion, we’d love to have you join us as we explore these powerful stories together and prepare for the celebration of Easter on April 20.

Let’s Carpool to Lutheran Day at the Legislature on February 10

Join us for Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona’s (LAMA’s) fourth annual Advocacy Day at the state legislature on Monday, February 10, 2025. This is a fantastic opportunity for seasoned advocates and first-timers alike to come together for direct advocacy and engagement.

How to Get Involved

Preparation Session

After registering, you'll receive details about a Zoom preparation session on Thursday, February 6, at 3:00p. This session will help you get ready for your day at the legislature–everything from who’s who to what to wear.

Event Highlights

The day begins at 8:45a on Monday, February 10, in Wesley Bolin Plaza (downtown Phoenix) with a light breakfast and coffee, offering a chance to connect with others. The schedule includes:

  • Inspirational speakers and prayers for justice
  • Meet-and-greet opportunities with legislators and fellow advocates
  • Learning stations and a Capitol tour
  • Introductions to the House and Senate
  • Observing legislative hearings
  • Individual meetings with officials

A free lunch will be provided, and the event concludes around 1:30p.

Don't miss this opportunity to connect with other Lutherans, learn more about advocacy, and make your voice heard!

PS: To volunteer to help with event logistics, follow this link:  Will you be a district coordinator this year? — Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona

~ Neighborhood Interaction Team

Volunteers Needed for Upcoming 2025 ELCA Churchwide Assembly in Phoenix

The Grand Canyon Synod is honored to host the 2025 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, taking place July 28–August 2, 2025, at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona. This event, held every three years, is the primary decision-making gathering of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), where representatives from across the church meet for worship, communal discernment, and essential decision-making.

As the host synod, we have a unique opportunity to extend our hospitality and support this important work on behalf of the entire church. To make this possible, we are calling on up to 100 volunteers to join us between July 26 and August 2, 2025. Volunteers will play a vital role in helping the event run smoothly and welcoming our ELCA family to Phoenix.

We’ll be sharing more details and sign-up opportunities soon, but for now, please mark your calendars. Whether you assist with logistics, hospitality, or worship support, your contribution will make a difference.

To express early interest or learn more, please contact Mary Beth Baron, Volunteer Coordinator, at mbbaron@gcsynod.org.

Let’s come together as the Grand Canyon Synod to serve joyfully and support the ELCA Churchwide Assembly in 2025!

2025 Offering Envelopes Are Here!

Boxed offering envelopes are available on a table at the west end of the Narthex (by the Memorial Garden door). Because of an abundance of unused offering envelopes, only 80 boxes of envelopes were ordered for 2025. If you have been using a giving envelope numbered 81-125, you will have a new envelope number in 2025. If you have questions, please contact Brian Shon.

Lodging Needed

Jackie McKenzie, a volunteer with New Spirit Lutheran Church's homeless program will be losing her home on February 28. She is looking for a living situation, preferably with a family or a female. She has experience with special needs children, knows sign language, and has worked in group homes. She is also willing to cook, clean, and be a companion. Please call her if you have any leads at 520-296-6475.

Kino Conference Women of the ELCA Spring Gathering

Join the Kino Conference Women of the ELCA (WELCA) from 8:30a to 3:30p for their Spring Gathering on March 8, 2025, at Streams in the Desert (5360 E. Pima St., Tucson). This year's theme is "Women on the Move." Registration is $20. For more information, see the display on the Activities Counter.

The Magazine is Returning in 2025!

Beginning in 2025, Living Lutheran will again appear in mailboxes with 4 issues a year (spring, summer, winter, fall). The cost for an individual subscription for one year is $19.95. Call 1-800-328-4648 or sign up at www.livinglutheran.org/subscribe.

FREE copies will be made available in the Narthex next to the Our Daily Bread devotions in late January or early February.

Lutheran Disaster Response: California Wildfires

You can do something to help. Recently, wildfires in Los Angeles County have destroyed homes and businesses and have led to injuries and loss of life.

Your gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response equip this organization to respond quickly and generously, wherever and whenever disaster strikes. Click here to give online or see the display on the Activities Counter to mail in your contribution.


We pray for . . .

  • Cari B.;
  • Ann E.;
  • Jee-Hyun L. (sister of Ji Sun L.);
  • Bill B. (relative of Craig B.);
  • Willie S. (friend of Roger H.)
  • Griffin, Julie, Barb;
  • Elijah (friend of Martine B.);
  • Dale (brother of Martine B.);
  • Gene;
  • Sheri (daughter of Carol L.);
  • Jason (friend of Sylvia S-K.);
  • Donna U., Mari E. (friends of the Warrilows);
  • Jean M. (relative of Vicky K.);
  • Robert O. (Pastor Naomi's father);
  • Bryce L. (Michael L.'s nephew); and
  • Sue T.
  • Amy L. (friend of Laura H.);
  • Anicia E. (sister of Nona E.);
  • Kellie (friend of Nancy & Gerry A.); and
  • Sarah, Daisy & Oliver, Joe & Hedy, Maria, Linda (friends of Leticia P.).

We also pray for the friends and family of Mary Evans (mother of Nona), and Jean Goebel (former member) who recently completed their baptismal journeys.

Names will remain on the prayer list for three weeks unless otherwise notified.

Sent on behalf of Pastor Naomi Hartman (pastor@lcftucson.org) by:

Stacy Bade, Office Administrator (office@lcftucson.org)







Lutheran Church of the Foothills

5102 N. Craycroft Rd.

Tucson AZ 85718-6343

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