Our congregation's mission statement: Together we are called and empowered to proclaim the radical love of Christ through lives of service. | |
Dear Siblings in Christ,
For where your heart is, there your treasure will be also. Last Sunday, Rev. Kautz invited us to turn this passage around and place the emphasis on leading with our hearts. When we allow our hearts to guide us, we will not regret the decision to be generous with our time, talents, or resources.
As we return our Estimate of Giving cards for 2025 this Sunday, I want to bring you back to the story of the widow's mites. This woman gave seemingly all she had, and we don't know why. We can presume it is her heart that led her to this generosity. Perhaps her gift helped feed the poor, care for other widows or orphaned children, or even keep the oil lamps lit in the temple so worship could occur.
Why does your heart call out for you to give to Lutheran Church of the Foothills? Is it the monthly meal to Primavera Men's Shelter--a partnership that goes back more than twenty years? Is it the annual service at Poz Cafe, another decades-long partnership with TIHAN? Perhaps you are moved in worship by the beautiful music, the choir or the bells, the liturgy, or the preaching. Did you walk through the doors one Sunday and receive a welcome so warm, so inclusive, you just couldn't stay away? Do you watch a small but close-knit number of children learn and play in worship and appreciate how they feel accepted for who they are in our community?
Hopefully, there are many reasons your heart calls you to support the ministry of Lutheran Church of the Foothills. We cannot do this without the contributions of our whole community. From the change in the Hunger Jar, the dollars in the plate for Community Service, to the checks, to online giving--every gift, no matter the size, shows the heart of this congregation. Your hearts are blessing us with the treasures entrusted to us by God. Thank you for your continued trust and generosity. Together we are called to share the radical love of Christ in lives of service. Together, your generosity continues to make that happen every year!
~ Faithfully yours,
Pastor Naomi
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Sunday Bulletin and
Worship Service Links
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This Sunday, November 24 ~ Christ the King/Commitment Sunday (Remember your Estimate of Giving card!)
+8:00a -- Discussion Eucharist: Learning Center. (In-person only)
9:00a - 9:45a -- Growing in Faith Together: Activity Room. All ages are welcome!
+10:00a -- Sunday Celebration: Sanctuary. (In-person and live-streamed on YouTube)
11:15a -- Household Blessings Drop-Off: Bethany Boyd's car in parking lot.
11:15a -- Pie Social and Fellowship time: Join us in the Activities Room immediately after the service.
+ Service includes Holy Communion.
Monday, November 25
- The church office is closed on Mondays.
4:30p to 5:30p -- French Lessons: Activities Room. (Community Group)
Tuesday, November 26
9:00a to 3:00p -- Church Office is Open: Use the south entry door and ring the doorbell if the door is locked.
Noon -- Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, articles are due for "Weekly Footnotes": Church Office.
5:00p to 6:30p -- Church Council meeting: Activities Room.
Wednesday, November 27
9:00a to 3:00p -- Church Office is Open: Use the south entry door and ring the doorbell if the door is locked.
9:30a to 10:30a -- All Staff meeting: Activities Room.
10:30 to 11:30a -- Staff meeting: Activities Room.
4:30p to 6:00p -- Los Campaneros handbell rehearsal: Activities Room.
Thursday, November 28 ~ Thanksgiving Day
Church Office is Closed for the Thanksgiving holiday.
- 12:00p to 3:00p -- Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner and Informal Worship Service. (Activities Rom and Sanctuary)
Thursday Journey: Does not meet this week.
Friday, November 29
Church Office is Closed for the Thanksgiving holiday.
5:45p to 8:00p -- AA PreWeekenders & Al-Anon Sunset: Activities Room. (Community groups)
Saturday, November 30
10:00a to 12:00p -- Celebration Choir rehearsal: Sanctuary.
Coming Up
- December 1 -- 45th Lutheran Church of the Foothills celebration and special send-off for Anne and Steve Keyl.
- December 1 -- Lutheran Choir Christmas Concert
- December 5 -- Community Service team meeting
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Spread Joy to Neighbors in Need
Thank you all for your generous support of our collaborative campaign with Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest (LSS-SW) to provide $25 Walmart, Fry’s and VISA gift cards to local refugee families in Tucson. Between gift cards and donations for additional cards, we dropped off 66 gift cards for a total of $1650 to LSS-SW! Our donation is wonderful news for refugee families living in Tucson.
For Christmas, we are partnering with LSS-SW on their campaign to Spread Joy to Neighbors in Need. Can you help this year by giving new pots and pans for older adults or toys for children in need? Many of the older adults who receive services from LSS-SW are home-bound and their kitchen is an important place of comfort and safety. Your gift this year can ensure that their upcoming year is filled with delicious food, wrapped up in the love of their neighbors. New pots and pans in every size are welcome, as all are needed.
Children in foster care and refugee children will also receive gifts of toys. Thank you for your passion and care for neighbors in need over the years. You bring smiles and joy to people when they need it most.
The deadline for dropping off gifts at LCF is Friday, December 13. The gifts do not need to be wrapped.
~ Community Service Team
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Next Primavera Delivery: December 20
Thank you to all the volunteers who prepared and served the November hot stew meal for the guests at the Primavera Men's Shelter. Your effort and dedication to this monthly effort means so much and the men are very appreciative of a hot meal!
Thank you for your participation in this ministry! For more information contact Sylvia Strauss-Kolb.
~ Community Service Team
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Called and empowered to proclaim the radical love of Christ through lives of service.
What does “lives of service” mean ?
In the Christian context, being a servant is a way of life that models the example of Jesus, who lived to serve others, embodying humility, compassion, and selflessness. Christian service is a way of aligning one’s life with the heart of Jesus' message, which emphasizes love, sacrifice, and a commitment to justice. (See the description of agape love from last week.)
Jesus commands us to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself." (Luke 10:27, also known as the Great Commandment) A good example of loving God and neighbor comes from Matthew 25:34-40, where Jesus commends those who feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, take care of the sick, and visit the prisoner, saying, “Just as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to me.” By leading lives of service, we reflect Christ’s radical love in tangible ways through acts of kindness, advocacy, and support for the marginalized.
In essence, Christian servanthood is a calling to participate actively in God's love for the world, proclaiming that love not just through words but through lives of faithful, humble, and transformative service. We act out our lives of service when we serve in the congregation and outside the congregation in the community and world. We act out this service as individuals and together as a community of faith.
~ Stewart McDonald and the Intentional Visioning Team
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Read & Yak Book Group: Join the Discussion
Read & Yak will meet on Saturday, November 23, from 10:00a to 11:30a, in the Activities Room, simultaneously in person and on Zoom. The author of On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World, Danya Ruttenberg, is a highly sought after speaker and lecturer who was named by Newsweek and The Daily Beast as one of ten "rabbis to watch," and one of the top 50 most influential women rabbis. Click here to join the Read & Yak Zoom meeting. Meeting ID: 822 7558 0676 Passcode: 844657
The group will be taking a break during the month of December, and will start up again in January with a new list of books for 2025. If you are interested in joining or have ideas for books to read and discuss, contact Holly Hope at hollyhopeaz@gmail.com.
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Thanksgiving Day Service & Dinner
A Thanksgiving potluck dinner will be held in the Activities Room from 1:00p to 4:00p on November 28 followed by an informal service of thanksgiving for all of the blessings we have received from our Creator. All are welcome, including winter visitors or anyone who finds themselves celebrating Thanksgiving away from family and friends. Even if you are unable to attend, if you would like to help with food, decorations, or coordination of the informal service, there is a sign-up sheet on the round table in the Narthex or contact Ellie Mae Nelson at elliemae.or@gmail.com or call 520-540-6747.
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Thursday Journey
This discussion group meets on Thursdays, 10:00a to 11:30a in the Activities Room. We are currently discussing Amy Jill Levine's book, Sermon on the Mount: A Beginner's Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven. Books are available for pickup at the church, and you can also find the book on Kindle or Audible. We will not meet on Thanksgiving Day, and you are welcome to join us each Thursday when we resume meeting on December 5.
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Growing in Faith Together: Help Build Community
Join us in the Activities Room each Sunday from 9:00a to 9:45a and Grow In Faith Together (G.I.F.T.). Multiple generations gather together to read, reflect on, and discuss Scripture. In addition, there are hands-on activities, questions posed, connections made, challenges completed, and laughter! Interact with different ages and build community within the church. For more information, contact Pastor Naomi.
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A Gathering to Commemorate World AIDS Day, and TIHAN's 30th Anniversary
You are invited to join Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDs Network (TIHAN) on Sunday, December 1, at 5:00pm for a gathering to commemorate World AIDS Day at Catalina United Methodist Church, 2700 E Speedway. The gathering will take place in the Fellowship Hall, which is the site of TIHAN's first gathering, their public debut on December 1, 1994. There will be a few reflections from people living with HIV, music, remembrances of people we've lost, information from community resources, and light refreshments. It's free and open to all. To help TIHAN plan, please RSVP to Scott@tihan.org .
~ Beth Daum
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We pray for . . .
- Lily & Fred K., Linda, Maria, Rachel, John M. (friends of Leticia P.);
- Debby M. (Kristen B.'s sister);
- Kristie H. (sister-in-law of Gene H. and Roger H.);
- Cynthia and Village of Hope in Haiti (friends of the Warrilows);
- Judi W.;
- Madds M.;
- Larry;
- Donna E. and Mari (friends of the Warrilows);
- Mary, Anicia, and Melissa (friends of Nona E.);
- Margie, Don, Lance, Susie, Katy, Bev, Ricky, Brandon, Karin, and Wallee (friends of Syliva S-K.);
- Jean M. (relative of Vicky K.);
- Robert O. (Pastor Naomi's father);
- Bryce L. (Michael L.'s nephew); and
- Sue T.
We also pray for the family and friends of Lorraine Newman who completed her baptismal journey on November 15. Lorraine is a close friend of Donna Cousino.
Names will remain on the prayer list for three weeks unless otherwise notified.
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