Dear Siblings in Christ,
Beginning on Reformation Sunday, we will resume using freshly baked bread for Holy Communion on Sundays. You are invited to participate in this practice by signing up to help bake gluten-free communion bread. The recipe is at the end of this article and avoids all major allergens: eggs, milk, gluten, nuts, and tree nuts. Please be very attentive to cross-contamination in your kitchen when preparing our weekly bread by using freshly cleaned kitchen utensils, parchment paper to line your sheet pans, and honey and molasses containers with pour spouts or are reserved for gluten-free baking. If you have questions, please check with Pastor Naomi. All bread should be delivered to the church in Ziplock bags by Friday at 2 pm, for the following Sunday. Thank you for being a part of this revitalized ministry!
Faithfully yours,
Pastor Naomi
Gluten-Free Communion Bread Recipe
3 cups gluten-free flour
1 1/4 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon olive oil
3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons very hot water
3 tablespoons molasses
3 tablespoons honey
Sift dry ingredients then cut in oil. Combine honey, water, and molasses and add to dry ingredients. Mix well. The dough will be sticky. Divide into four parts. Roll each into 1/4 inch round. Mark 4 sections and add a cross to each section of the round.
Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes.
Remove from oven and brush with 1 teaspoon olive oil. Bake an additional 5-8 minutes. Cool completely. Yield 4, 1/2 lb loaves. 50 people served per loaf.
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Sunday Bulletin and
Worship Service Links
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This Sunday, September 29th ~ 19th Sunday after Pentecost
+8:00a -- Discussion Eucharist: Learning Center. (In-person only)
9:00a - 9:45a -- Growing in Faith Together: Activity Room. All ages are welcome!
+10:00a -- Sunday Celebration: Sanctuary. (In-person and live-streamed on YouTube)
11:15a -- Household Blessings collection: Bethany Boyd's car in the parking lot immediately after the service.
11:15a -- Fellowship time: Join us in the Activities Room immediately after the service.
+ Service includes Holy Communion.
Monday, September 30
- The church office is closed on Monday.
September 30 through October 2 -- Pastor Naomi is away at the ELCA Systems Academy in Chicago.
4:00p to 6:00p -- French Lessons: Activities Room. (Community group)
Tuesday, October 1
Tuesday through Friday, 1:00p to 3:00p -- Church Office has limited hours this week due to mold mitigation and construction in Pastor Naomi's office: Use the south entry door and ring the doorbell if the door is locked.
1:00p to 2:00p -- Affirming Lutherans of Tucson: Activities Room. (In-person and Zoom) See Leslie Johnson and Kristen Birner for the Zoom link and more information.
4:30p to 6:00p -- Los Campaneros handbell rehearsal: Activities Room.
Wednesday, October 2
Noon -- Articles are due for "Weekly Footnotes": Church Office.
Thursday, October 3
Friday, October 4
- Women of the ELCA Retreat at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Tucson
5:45p to 8:00p -- AA PreWeekenders & Al-Anon Sunset: Activities Room. (Community groups)
Saturday, October 5
- Women of the ELCA Retreat at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Tucson
10:00a to 12:00p -- Celebration Choir rehearsal: Sanctuary.
Coming Up
- October 6 -- Rev. Rebecca Boardman will be preaching. Meet the Pastor immediately after worship.
- October 10 -- Intentional Visioning Team meeting
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Calendar Note: All committees need to submit budgets to Ed Landes, Treasurer, by November 8. | |
Last Sunday for Emphasis on Soldier's Best Friend
Soldier’s Best Friend is an Arizona organization with two purposes:
- Serving our veterans who are living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
- Making a positive impact on the Arizona pet overpopulation problem.
Since 2011 Soldier’s Best Friend has been dedicated to pairing rescued dogs with veterans living with PTSD or TBI and training the two together at no cost to the veteran.
Thank you to all who have given monetary support to Soldier’s Best Friend during our Community Service September emphasis. Especially thank you to those of you who supported Soldier’s Best Friend by simply coming to the in-person presentation during Social Time last Sunday to meet the Executive Director of Soldier’s Best Friend, Mik Milem; Veteran/Dog Team Mike and Phoebe; and Mike’s wife Angie. (And thanks to our Hospitality Team for their tasty refreshments!) As they showed us, because of Soldier’s Best Friend, a dog learns skills specific to its veteran’s needs and gets a loving forever home, and a veteran learns proper service dog care and gets to live life more fully. Soldier’s Best Friend has seven training locations in Arizona, including in Tucson, and since 2011 has graduated 399 veteran/dog teams from its program.
During September we as a congregation have been helping to support Soldier’s Best Friend through our prayers and by encouraging donations through our church. Even beyond September, you can individually support Soldier’s Best Friend by purchasing items online from their Amazon wish list (SBF Amazon Wish List) and by volunteering with them in various ways.
Learn more by visiting the Community Service display table in the lobby. Also, go to the Soldier’s Best Friend website and click on Veteran/Dog Teams, or visit their Facebook site Soldier's Best Friend.
~ Community Service Team
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Household Blessings Collection September 29
Bethany Boyd will be collecting items for Household Blessings this Sunday, September 29, immediately after the 10:00a worship service at her car in the parking lot. Bring good quality or gently used kitchen, bath, or bedroom items. Large items and furniture for Household Blessings will need to be picked up by volunteers or taken to Tanque Verde Lutheran Church. If you have questions or items to donate, call Donna Elmquist at 520.603.2399 or email
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Partnering with Interfaith Community Services
Thanks to all you faithful grocery shoppers! There is an updated list of food items posted in the lobby. Interfaith Community Services (ICS) is providing healthier options to the people they serve. The additions are canned meats, small containers of fruit for children, shelf-stable milk, and pop-top cans for the unhoused people they serve plus all the other food items that we routinely donate.
The person who received our donation wanted us to know how much ICS appreciates all the food we donate and that they use all the food quickly. They are serving more people than ever. Many thanks.
~ Beth Daum
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Sister Jose Women's Center No Longer Receiving Clothing Donations
Sister José Women's Center a low-barrier shelter for women without housing, is no longer accepting clothing donations. The Center continues to accept small travel-size soaps and shampoos as well as sneakers and comfortable walking shoes (no fancy or high heels). If you have clothing items to donate, here are a few non-profits that will accept them:
- Bringing Out the Best, 2925 N. Country Club - accepts all types of clothing.
- The Humane Society Thrift Store, 1010 S. Wilmot - proceeds go directly to animal care at The Humane Society.
- Eagles Wings of Grace, 2925 N. Country Club - accepts professional-type clothing, shoes, and makeup for women who have experienced poverty and are returning to the workforce.
Because many guests have pets, dry food or canned food with pull tabs for dogs (especially puppies) and cats, is always needed. The Center will also take new or gently used pet supplies such as beds, leashes, and harnesses. Donations should be dropped off in the blue tub by the Community Service display in the Narthex or directly at the Center on 1050 S. Park Avenue, Tucson.
~ Patrice Frame
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Next Primavera Hot Stew Meal Delivery and Service is October 18
Our next opportunity to provide a hot stew dinner at the Primavera Men's Shelter is October 18. You can participate by signing up on the clipboard on the Activities Counter or calling the office to prepare the food in your home kitchen, provide side dishes and desserts, or serve the meal at the Shelter. The men will thank you!
Thank you for your participation in this ministry! For more information contact Sylvia Strauss-Kolb.
~ Community Service Team
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ELCA World Hunger
Proceeds placed in the World Hunger Appeal Contributions Jar (on the stand inside the entrance to our worship area) are shared with the ELCA’s World Hunger program. Thanks for your generosity. September total: $107.50. ~ Ann Krohn and Carol Lundberg
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Welcome & Hope Since 1939
Global Refuge is the largest faith-based national non-profit exclusively dedicated to helping restore a sense of home to immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees. For more information, go to their website:
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ELCA Disaster Response
To help with our church's response to current crises here in the United States and around the world, look for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Lutheran Disaster Response forms on the Activities Counter in the lobby.
~ Community Service Team
Image by Matthias Fischer from Pixabay
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Tanque Verde Lutheran Church Celebrates 50 Years
Tanque Verde Lutheran Church will celebrate 50 years of ministry with a special worship service on September 29 at 10:00a, followed by a banquet. An evening service on Saturday, September 28 will be held at 5:00p. We join our fellow Grand Canyon Synod Kino Conference congregation in celebrating this important milestone!
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Deepening Relationships Luncheon on October 13
Guests, visitors, and those who have been attending Lutheran Church of the Foothills are invited to an informal time of learning and discussion about Lutheranism and life at Lutheran Church of the Foothills on Sunday, October 13, at 11:15a in the Activities Room immediately after the service.
The Deepening Relationships luncheon is an excellent opportunity to build deeper relationships within our community. Even if you do not wish to make Lutheran Church of the Foothills your church home at this time, you are more than welcome to attend this gathering. For those who are seeking membership, participation is highly recommended.
If you would like to attend Deepening Relationships, please contact the church office at or call 520-299-5631 before October 9.
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Thursday Journey: Faith and Politics for the Rest of Us
Join us on Thursdays either in-person or via Zoom, 10:00a to 11:30a in the Activities Room as we explore the intersection of faith and politics. Through a series of mini-lectures from leading scholars and podcast conversations featuring Dr. Diana Butler Bass, Dr. Tripp Fuller, and Tim Whitaker, participants will be guided into a deeper understanding of the role of politics in our religious life, as well as the rise of Christian Nationalism in America today. Rev. Stewart McDonald and Pastor Naomi will lead this series from Homebrewed Christianity. If you cannot attend or miss a class, contact Pastor Naomi for the login information to access the course videos. Click here to join Thursday Journey via Zoom. Meeting ID: 868 5877 7124 Passcode: 301178
Photo by Brad Dodson on Unsplash
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Connect with Other Generations at 9:00a in the Activities Room!
The first Sunday of Growing in Faith Together was a resounding success! Several generations were gathered in the Activities Room to read, reflect, compare, and discuss the Lord's Prayer as found in Luke and Matthew. There were hands-on activities, questions posed, connections made, puzzles built, and laughter!
Join us in the Activities Room each Sunday from 9:00a to 9:45a and Grow In Faith Together (G.I.F.T). In this age of chronic loneliness, interacting with different ages increases your sense of belonging and builds community within the church. For more information, contact Pastor Naomi.
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Monday Book Club with Pastor Naomi
Pastor Naomi is launching a monthly book study each Monday with a topical emphasis on social justice and today's Christianity. The meetings will be held in a public space (i.e. coffee shop, pub, park) and welcome non-members to join us in conversation even if they have not read the book. Please indicate your interest in such a group by talking with Pastor Naomi after the service or via email at The first book for discussion will be Do I Stay Christian?: A Guide for the Doubters, the Disillusioned, and the Disappointed by Brian McLaren. Times and places are yet to be determined.
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Pray for the Retreat and Attendees
Your prayers are coveted for the attendees and organizers of the Grand Canyon Synod Women of the ELCA retreat being held at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Tucson on October 4-5, 2024. Pray that it will be a meaningful weekend for all attendees who will be making connections with their Lutheran siblings from around the synod.
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Share Your Love of Books with the Read & Yak Group
"One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time."
– Carl Sagan
Read & Yak is a diverse group that meets on the fourth Saturday of every month in person in the Activities Room and on Zoom. The next meeting is on Saturday, September 28, at 10:00a to discuss the Pulitzer Prize winner Trust, by Hernan Diaz. Click here to join the Read & Yak Zoom meeting. Meeting ID: 822 7558 0676 Passcode: 844657
Plan for October's meeting by ordering or reserving a copy of Sure, I'll Join Your Cult, by Maria Bamford.
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United in Prayer: Ecumenical Vigils for Peace during the 2024 Election Season
Leaders from several Christian denominations, including the ELCA, have organized a series of prayer vigils leading up to the election. These vigils will be held at various locations across Arizona. Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, 1200 N. Campbell, Tucson, will host a vigil based on the topic "Harden Not Our Hearts" on October 14, 2024, at 6:00p. For the entire schedule and locations go to
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You are Appreciated!
The church recently received this note of appreciation (which has been edited for length) from the Primavera Foundation for our community service offering to the Casa Paloma Women's Shelter:
"As we move into our 41st year of service, we are grateful to have you by our side. Together we are co-creating pathways out of poverty, through housing, workforce development, community building and engagement, and financial education and homeownership. . . .
. . . Your gift makes a meaningful difference in the lives of others and increases the capacity of the Primavera Foundation to conduct this important work."
In Gratitude,
Cal Woods
Executive Communications, Donor Relations Officer
Primavera Foundation
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We pray for . . .
- Mary and Anicia E. and Terry B. (relatives and friends of Nona E.);
- Emily (niece of Patrice F.);
- Steve A., Peter S., and Michael S. (friends of the Warrilows);
- Katy, Rick, Jennetta and Lily, and Kathy & Don (friends of Sylvia S-K.);
- Jody J. (daughter of Darlene & Don B.);
- T.L. (friend of Martine B.);
- Helen H., Peter R., and Bill C.;
- Lance, Susie, Charlton & Heidi, Ricky & Laurie (friends of Sylvia S-K.);
- Michael S. and Peter S.;
- Allen W. (friend of Donna & Ken C.);
- Robert O. (Pastor Naomi's father);
- Bryce L. (Michael L.'s nephew);
- Vicki B.; and
- Sue T.
Names will remain on the prayer list for three weeks unless otherwise notified.
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