Mass with Fr. Jack...
This Week's Bulletin
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Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Today’s Gospel recounts “a day in the life” of Jesus. Visiting the home of Peter, Jesus cured Peter’s mother-in-law. Word spread of his presence and people came bringing the sick and those with various diseases, as well as those possessed with demons. Jesus never turned away those who were in need of healing. In the second reading, St. Paul reminds us that we have a responsibility to preach the Gospel, to be disciples of Jesus Christ. Even if your life is busy, take time to notice the person Jesus puts in your path – someone who is in need of a listening ear, a word of encouragement, a caring smile.
Be the face of Jesus to that person.
This Alpha is a combined effort with the Pilgrim Catholic Collaborative and Holy Family Duxbury! All faiths welcome!

For more information and to sign up please visit:

Please consider helping with the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) program at Saint Joseph Parish. We will be attending the 4 pm Mass on Saturdays and then gather after for the Breaking Open of the Word.
This program is to help our candidates prepare for full initiation into the Catholic Church. With enough volunteers this would mean
a commitment of 1 or 2 times monthly.
For more information please contact Ann Moberg @ 508-465-1959.
Transformed in Love Marriage Prep
Transformed in Love for engaged couples is the Archdiocesan program for marriage preparation. St. Joseph’s Kingston will be hosting a program March 19 & 20, 2021. For additional information and upcoming 2020 dates, locations, and registration, please visit
or contact Deacon Kevin Winn at [email protected] 

Below is the link for more information:

Weekly Eucharistic Adoration
6 pm
St. Joseph Church

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