Victory is a prevalent promise we as Christians can claim. Romans 8:37 reminds us that in Christ “we are more than conquerors.” Growing up in church I believe we sang Victory in Jesus almost every Sunday. Our victory is multifaceted. Presently we may have victory over the sinful pattern of this life and ultimately, we have victory over death which is eternal life. John asks later in I John 5:5 “Who is that overcomes the world?” He then answers with a truth that still applies today: “Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.” (NIV)
Verses 19-22 Verse 19 refers back to verse 18 which affirms the adage that our actions speak louder than our words. We will know that we belong to the truth because it is demonstrated by God’s love in action through us. Our hearts can refer to both our intellect and our emotions. Verse 20 indicates that like in a court of law our hearts can condemn or convict us of our guilt. Fortunately, this self-conviction is not final or authoritative. God and His redemptive acts are greater than our mortal hearts for He knows all things. God outweighs our guilt because His forgiveness is total and complete. When we realize this truth, our hearts will no longer condemn us and “we have confidence before God” (v.21). In verse 22 John tells the reader we can receive what we ask of God when we keep His commands and do what is pleasing to Him. This is not a reward for our good actions. When we fellowship with and walk in the Spirit our prayers will naturally be in harmony with God’s will. Our victory is secured because of God’s forgiveness.
Verses 23-24 Here, John clearly states our duty toward God and others. We are to believe in the name of the Son, Jesus Christ and we are love one another as Jesus commanded in John 13:34. To believe is more than just an agreement to certain facts, it is also an agreement to Jesus’ claim to be the Messiah, the anointed one sent by God. This right belief will lead to right action. Our actions will be motivated by a pure and unselfish love for others. The leader guide writer suggests right belief and love are inseparable, like two sides of a coin. “Love must be grounded in belief. Belief in the name of Jesus means believing His name contains the character and power it signifies and acting accordingly” (BSFL Sr Adult Leader Guide, p. 54).
Verse 24 contains another reference to remaining or abiding in Christ. We remain in Him when we are faithful to keep His commandments. The awesome thing to see here is that this abiding is mutual. We abide through our obedience and God abides within us through the gift of the Holy Spirit. This Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, empowers us for kingdom service, seals our salvation, enables us to love others, and so much more.
John 4:1-4 John again is addressing his dear friends in the faith. John recognizes that there will continue to be false prophets who attempt to lead God’s people astray. We are with the help of the true Spirit to cautiously analyze teachings and discern truth from falsehoods. Second, we are to test the spirits to see whether or not they are from God. A spirit of truth will always recognize the full deity of Christ. On the other hand, deceitful spirits will portray Christ as something less than God, incarnate. Verse 3 states that “every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God.” These deceitful spirits were in the time of the 1st Century and are still active today in many different forms. For example, Jehovah’s Witness believe that Jesus is a creation of God and fully human but not fully divine – some would term Him as a “lesser god.” They also believe that Christ did not experience a physical resurrection, but only a spiritual resurrection.
Mormonism also has faulty views of God, Jesus, and the Trinity.
Verse 4 closes with words of encouragement. He tells the church that they are from God, and God is the source of all they need. He continues to say they have conquered or overcome the false teachers. This was a present victory through their salvation and continuing sanctification. We will experience final and total future victory at our physical death or when Christ returns. We have victory because the Spirit within us is greater than the spirit of this world. How great it is that we are not left here to fend for ourselves. I began by referencing Victory in Jesus, so I’ll close referencing another hymn that speaks to our eternal victory. John Yates wrote the words of Faith Is the Victory back in 1891: “To him who overcomes the foe White raiment shall be giv’n; Before the angels he shall know His name confessed in heav’n. Then onward from the hills of light, Our hearts with love a – flame; We’ll vanquish all the hosts of night, In Jesus con-q’ring name. Faith is the victory! Oh, glorious victory that overcomes the world.”
Because Jesus has won the victory, His people are victorious.