Sunday School News

at First Congregational Church of Reading

Lunches for Common Cathedral

Sign up now to pack lunches for Common Cathedral, which serves the homeless and unhoused on Boston Common. We still need about 70 more lunches as of Wednesday August 10. Drop off your lunches in the Town Hall parking lot from 10:30-11:15 AM on Sunday, August 14. 

Interested in serving at Common Cathedral? Let Rev. Emelia know by Friday!

Click to sign up

Sunday School returns!

Sunday, September 18

Each Sunday beginning September 18 we will offer a Sunday School activity for all ages. We will meet at the table in the Sanctuary after the Children's message. Depending on how many are in attendance that week, we will either stay at the table or move into another room to spread out more. 

The 3rd Sunday of every month will feature a special activity. For September, we will be packing school kits for kids in need with supplies. 

Contact Rev. Emelia if you'd like to be a Sunday School volunteer to assist Melissa Carpenter.

Blessing of the Backpacks

Remember to also bring your backpack (or laptop bag, work bag, etc!) on Sunday, September 18. We will bless these together along with the school kits we pack during the service. 

We hope to offer a Grades 10-12 class in the winter through an overnight retreat format. Please reach out to Rev Emelia if interested.

Register for Our Whole Lives - Grade 7

By Labor Day

First Congregational Church is hosting a 7th Grade OWL class on Sundays from the end of September through April in collaboration with Melrose Unitarian Universalist Church and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading. The curriculum includes lessons on bullying, gender, sexuality and safe-sex practices, body image and self-worth, and has been instrumental in empowering youth. The faith component also reinforces our dignity and self-worth through the eyes of God.

To register, click here. To learn more about OWL, click here.

Stop by our activity table on Sunday mornings in the Sanctuary! Parents can sit with kids here if you like. There are activities each week, as well as puzzles, fidget items, and books.

Did you attend our Trunk-or-Treat last year? Interested in hosting a trunk or volunteering? Reach out to Rev. Emelia! We hope to do this again and organize to collect for different charities and church partners.