Sunday, January 12

Sunday School returns this week for Baptism of the Lord Sunday! (Except for grades 6-8; Sunday School is cancelled as it's the Junior High Retreat weekend.)

Caregiving is provided for kids ages birth through age 2 in the nursery and for ages 3-4 in the PreK-K caregiving room (105/106) for those kids who don't feel quite ready to participate in a Sunday School setting or sit through worship.

You can find all the planned Sunday School dates (and other programming dates) here, so you don't miss a thing!

Sunday, January 19

Do you have a third grader in your household? If so, this is the year they will receive a special Bible from the church. We'll gift them with their Bibles in the sanctuary worship next Sunday, January 19 (and walk over to the chapel as well).

Afterward, we'll host your student and your family at a How-to-Read-Your-Bible luncheon where we'll go over some basics, as well as provide some fun ways to engage with this new Bible.

Did you miss the deadline on January 5 but still want your third grader to participate? Contact Nicole here ASAP.


After testing out the Wiggly Worship tables this past summer, the Session has agreed they are a helpful addition to worship for our kids and that they can stay in the worship spaces. NOW, we are looking for 8th-12th graders to be Wiggly Worship shepherds. We're looking for students to who will sit with the younger kids at the Wiggly Worship tables and help them follow the bulletins in the Worship Kits, which teach when we sit and stand and sing and are silent. Training will be offered. If you are interested, let Nicole know ASAP by emailing her here. Thank you for sharing what you learned while sitting in the pews in worship!


Friday 1/10 - Sunday 1/12

winterXtreme Retreat at Camp Timber-Lee

Sunday 1/12 NO JHF

Sunday 1/19 6:00-8:00 PM

Combined JHF/SHF

  • We'll have a selection of items with which to make our own games - choose a partner or two to figure out the rules of a game that we'll all play. We'll also be ordering pizza that night so come hungry!

Sunday 1/26 4:00-5:30 PM

Coffee House fundraiser


Saturday 3/15 9:30-11:30 AM

Youth Sunday rehearsal in the sanctuary

Sunday 3/16 10:00-11:00 AM

Youth Sunday in the sanctuary

Sunday 3/16 11:00 AM-12:00 PM

Pi Day Pie Sale youth fundraiser

Wednesday 4/9 5:00-6:30 PM

Feed My Starving Children service event

Friday 4/25 6:00-11:30 PM

Junior High Lock-out

Saturday 6/7 - Saturday 6/14

Montreat Youth Conference in Montreat, NC


open to entering 9th graders through graduated 12th graders


Sunday 1/12 7:00-9:00 PM

Top Ten lists and planning the theme for our Stronghold Retreat at the end of the month.

  • If you have not been here for Top Ten lists before, you choose the subject of your own top ten list, make your list, and then tell us what's on it - you can give us the reasons you ranked things as you did or just give us your list. It sounds simple but it's a lot of fun!

Sunday 1/19 6:00-8:00 PM

Combined JHF/SHF

  • We'll have a selection of items with which to make our own games - choose a partner or two to figure out the rules of a game that we'll all play. We'll also be ordering pizza that night so come hungry!

Sunday 1/26 4:00-5:30 PM

Coffee House fundraiser

Friday 1/31 - Sunday 2/2

Stronghold Senior Retreat at Stronghold Center

Sunday 2/2 NO SHF


Saturday 3/15 9:30-11:30 AM

Youth Sunday rehearsal in the sanctuary

Sunday 3/16 10:00-11:00 AM

Youth Sunday in the sanctuary

Sunday 3/16 11:00 AM-12:00 PM

Pi Day Pie Sale youth fundraiser

Wednesday 4/9 5:00-6:30 PM

Feed My Starving Children service event

Friday 4/11 6:00-11:30 PM

Senior High Lock-out

Saturday 6/7 - Saturday 6/14

Montreat Youth Conference in Montreat, NC


open to entering 9th graders through graduated 12th graders


adopted 9/2024

The Christian Education Committee cultivates flourishing disciples at First Pres by enhancing faithful understanding and biblical literacy, empowering spiritual growth, and enriching relationships with God and neighbors.

The Christian Education Committee adopted a mission statement in September which we had crafted over months with the intent that it would help guide and shape our programming. What we state is what we strive to achieve consistently. If you have suggestions or observations that can help us live more fully into our mission statement, please contact Nicole or speak to committee chair, Debra Alexander.



Registration for this year's programs - from Sunday School to fellowship events to caregiving - is now open. Pick up a family registration form in the office OR complete it after clicking on the button below and email it to Megan Huber.

Click here to download the 2024-25 registration form

As always, should you have any questions, feel free to email Nicole or call her.