9:00 am Service (Calvin Hall)
11:15 am Service (Sanctuary)
10:10-11:00 am Meditation Group
5:30-7:00 pm Youth group
Please come join us after the 9:00 AM service as we decorate the gym for Christmas. Then, after the 11:15 AM service, we’ll decorate the sanctuary as well!
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Please note the following for this week:
No Adult Sunday School or Virtual Coffee Hour this week.
Advent Resources
If you are looking for resources to help guide you through Advent this year, you can access a weekly devotional, a fun advent calendar, and a photo challenge here.
Advent Sunday School Class begins on December 1st.
Inspired by the book “An Unlikely Advent,” this class will look at the side characters in the Christmas Story and ask, “What can we learn from them?”
Led by Ben Stewart
Meditation Group
The meditation group will meet in the Meditation Room on Sunday mornings from 10:10 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. We’ll explore meditation philosophy and practice, spending 30 minutes in meditation—sometimes in silence, with guided audio, or quiet music. Everyone is welcome to join for one meeting or all of them. If you’re looking for a small group connection at Trinity without having to talk or listen to others talk all the time, this is the perfect space for you! Experience how silence can deepen your connection with God and others.
Just Coffee
Knox Room (Preschool Building)
A place to gather informally to drink coffee, eat pastries, and get to know people.
Wednesday Bible Study
We are taking a break until January 8th. People are free to join at any time, if you would like more information, contact ben@trinityarlington.org
Christian Nationalism:
A four-part class sponsored by the Racial Justice Committee
If you have missed the previous classes on Christian Nationalism, you can listen back to them and see the PowerPoint presentations here. Click here for the previous classes.
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Office Closed: Nov 27-29
Please note, the office will be closed from November 27-29 for Thanksgiving. If you need to contact us during this time, please send an email, and we will get back to you as soon as we're back in the office. Thank you for your understanding!
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Christmas Wreaths have arrived! For those who placed an order for Christmas wreaths with Cub Scout Pack 116, they will be distributed during the Sunday School hour this coming Sunday November 24th. If you can't pick up your order then, please contact Chris Paulraj at cgpaulraj@gmail.com to arrange for a time to get them. | |
Men’s Fellowship: Canal Towpath Hike - Saturday, November 23
The Men’s Fellowship is sponsoring a family-friendly hike along the Canal Towpath on Saturday, November 23. This is a great opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and connect with others in the church community. All are welcome! To RSVP or Questions: Please contact Dan Campbell or Steve Hufford at racquetswinger@gmail.com
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Advent and Christmas at Trinity:
Sunday, Dec. 1st: First Sunday of Advent
- 8:30-12:30pm Alternative Christmas Market
- 11 am Christmas Music in Sanctuary
- 3:00-5:00pm Advent Workshop for all ages in Narthex
Wednesday, Dec. 4th:
- 7:30 pm Advent Workshop led by Carol Feather Martin
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Sunday Advent Craft Workshop - December 1st
The Annual Advent Workshop will be held on Sunday, December 1st in the Narthex from 3:30-5 p.m. There will be plenty of craft opportunities for kids, as well as the popular living greens Advent Wreath station. It’s a great way to make some wonderful gifts while getting in the Christmas spirit. The cost for the event is free except for a small charge of $10 for those interested in making the Advent Wreath (a tabletop living greens wreath with candles).
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Alternative Christmas Market
Sunday, December 1 (8:30 AM – 12:30 PM)
This special event offers an opportunity to purchase gifts that make a difference! You'll find:
- Heifer International – Gifts that help families and communities thrive
- Ten Thousand Villages – Handcrafted goods from artisans in developing countries
- Olive Oil from Palestine – Support peace efforts in the Middle East
- Offender Aid and Restoration – Helping individuals returning from incarceration
- Resilient Threads – Handmade products that support families in Guatemala
Gift Wrapping Available!
Gift cards describing your donation are available for each contribution. You can also make purchases and donations online.
Interested in Volunteering? Contact Jocelyn Hunn at jocelyn.hunn@verizon.net
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Reserve the Date for the Annual Cookie Exchange and Christmas Carols!
The Annual Cookie Exchange will take place on Monday, December 9th at 7:00 PM beginning with Christmas carols in the sanctuary. Please join us for carols and then those interested will exchange cookies at 7:30 PM! All bakers and singers are welcome. If you want to just come and sing carols, snacks will be provided afterward. For those interested in exchanging cookies, please bring 4 dozen cookies (48!) and package them in 16 Ziploc bags with three cookies per bag. You will go home with 16 bags of three cookies and enjoy a variety while only having to bake one batch!
For any questions, please contact Jocelyn Hunn at jocelyn.hunn@verizon.net
Advent Fellowship Evening: Caroling & Chili - December 15
Join us for a festive evening of caroling and fellowship! The evening will begin with carolers meeting in the Narthex at 5 pm to head out into the neighborhood to spread Christmas cheer. Song sheets will be provided! Afterward, we’ll gather for a warm and delicious chili supper in Fellowship Hall at 6 pm.
Youth Christmas Production: Not Your Typical Nativity - 7 pm
After dinner, enjoy the youth production of Not Your Typical Nativity, a unique and humorous take on the Christmas story. This family-friendly performance is perfect for kids in late elementary grades and up!
Ways You Can Contribute: Sign up here to contribute chili or sides for the meal.
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SAVE THE DATE for Vacation Bible School at Trinity: June 23-27, 2025! Shakti Shukla will be our VBS Director, and she will be looking for volunteers to help make this week fun for our kids while they learn that God loves them. Want to help out? Email trinityarlingtonvbs@gmail.com.
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Trinity 2024 Angel Tree Program
We're excited to sponsor the Angel Tree program again, focusing on students at Drew Elementary School and Hamm Middle School. Here’s how you can help:
For Drew Elementary:
Winter Coats Drive (Deadline: November 10): Purchase coats through Drew’s Amazon wish list. Select the address for Carol Burka at Drew Elementary for direct delivery.
Books and Games Drive (Deadline: December 6): Contribute fun and educational books and games via another Amazon wish list.
For Hamm Middle School:
Gift Cards for Families: Donate through Trinity’s online giving site (Online Giving | Trinity Presbyterian Church) select Angel Tree or by check to TPC Angel Tree. The Mission & Service Ministry will buy gift cards for the social worker to distribute. Contributions are due by December 2.
Thank you for your continued generosity! For questions, contact Stephen Ward (swhwfam@hotmail.com) or Gail Klein (gsklein3@gmail.com).
You can find more information on our website here: Trinity Angel Tree Program
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Stewardship Newsletter
Would you like to know more about how Trinity’s budget supports the different ministries and activities of the church? Then check out the Stewardship Newsletter which includes a pie chart of the 2025 spending plan, some great information on the life of the church, and a FAQ page that addresses concerns about the budget and our needs going forward.
For more information: Stewardship Newsletter
New Online Giving Portal!
As part of our move to Church Connect, we have switched online giving payment portals. As of early October, we have moved from Tithe.ly to Stripe for our online donations. This can be found through the Trinity website and Church Connect.
If you are a current or prior user of Tithe.ly and would like access to that account, you can log-in through this link: https://app.tithely.com/login
We are hoping to have all recurring donations transferred from Tithe.ly to Stripe by the beginning of 2025. If you currently have a recurring donation on Tithe.ly, you will need to either add an end date to that donation, or cancel it, and then set up a new recurring donation on Stripe.
Please contact Carol Hart, treasurer@trinityarlington.org with questions or for assistance in transferring your recurring donations.
Ways to Give to Trinity
We continue to be grateful for the generous financial support of the Trinity community. As we approach the 2025 Stewardship season, we want to remind you about some alternative ways you can contribute to Trinity, such as electronic checks, online donations and stock donations. Click here for more details.
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4th and 5th Grade Group
This group meets once a month and is a time for our fourth and fifth graders to get to know each other outside of Sunday school. We play games and talk about life and faith.
Led by Ben and Keeley, the next gathering is January, 4-5:30 pm. For more information contact either Ben@trinityarlington.org or Keeley youth@trinityarlington.org
Youth 6-12th grade meets each Sunday at 10:10 am for Sunday School and from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. for weekly Youth Group activities.
Trinity adults: consider signing up to chaperone at Sunday evening Youth Group!
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Connect via Church Connect | |
What is Church Connect?
Church Connect is a website tailored for Trinity members. You can access the online directory and the church calendar and keep track of your giving history. To find out all of the features on the website, click here!
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Social Media Photograph Release Form
The Outreach ministry would like to be able to use more photos of Trinity members in action on our website and social media platforms. We respect that some people would prefer to not have their images on public platforms, so we are asking for a simple photo release from each Trinity household. To sign the release, you can use the Church Connect link to the right and scroll until you see the Photograph Release Form.
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Just a reminder: If you have announcements, prayer requests, Moments for Mission, or anything else for the bulletin, please email Officetemp@trinityarlington.org only. To ensure your announcements make it into the Sunday bulletin, send them by noon on Wednesdays. Thank you for your understanding as everyone adjusts to new roles! | |
New online tool for coordinating meals and rides
The Pastoral Care Ministry has launched a new online tool for coordinating meal deliveries or rides for Trinity members who are recovering from illness, surgery, have welcomed a new baby, etc. We have discontinued our “Lotsa Helping Hands” online platform and replaced it with our new Meal Train site, which we hope will be more user-friendly and help us to more easily spread the word about pastoral care needs within the church community via the weekly e-news. You can just click on the link and sign up for a day to help!
Meal trains are a tangible way we can care for one another in our Trinity family during challenging moments of our lives. If you would like to request meals for yourself, your family, or to let the pastoral care ministry know about a potential recipient we should contact, please reach out to Gillian McClelland, Trinity’s meal train coordinator at gillian_mcclelland@yahoo.com. And please keep an eye out for upcoming opportunities to provide a meal!
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Caregivers Support Group
This weekly Zoom call with other caregivers, Pastor Judith, and Katherine Nichols (Commissioned Ruling Elder), is a place to talk about what is going on, get strength from each other, and pray. There is a new time for the weekly zoom call on Tuesdays 12-1 p.m. Contact Judith or Katherine to get on the email list or click below for the zoom link.
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Childcare at Trinity
We welcome you to worship today! Children are always welcome in worship. If you prefer we offer childcare for children through age 8. The older children can be dismissed after the Children’s Moment to the child caregivers at the back of the sanctuary. You can pick them up after worship in Room 11, which is in the far end of the preschool hall, by the playground doors. At Godly Play our trained staff engages the children from age 3-8 with crafts, stories, and activities that have a Christian theme and sometimes we go to the playground. We also offer care for our very youngest children in Room 1 and 2 in the preschool hallway (the first two rooms by the ramp). We have a room for infants and non walkers as well as a room for toddlers through age 3, though sometimes these rooms are combined depending on numbers. If you have questions, please ask an usher or pick up a childcare brochure on the table in the Narthex.
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Livestreaming Worship Tips
We want to make the experience available to as many as possible. If you would like to livestream the worship service, please click the link in the enews which takes you to the livestream page. You will see the different worship service options to click on the page. If there is a technical difficulty, please click here to see options. We will not offer livestream when we have outdoor worship.
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