Dear Trinity,

Welcome to Fall worship! We are excited to Kickoff today! Remember to check out the Expo Fair to learn about all of the Ministries, groups, and circles.

Pastor Judith will be in the pulpit today with a new fall sermon series.

Get Ready for worship:

Contemporary Worship Bulletin

Traditional Worship Bulletin

Livestream Link



All morning: Gallery T's summer show

9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship in Calvin Hall (ushers needed)

10:00 a.m. Ministry, Groups and Circles Expo Fair

10:10 a.m. Children's and Youth Sunday School

11:15 a.m. Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary (ushers needed)

Changes to Office Staff

Reminder that if you have announcements, prayer requests, Moments for Mission, or anything else for the bulletin, please send an email to both AND In order for announcements to be put in the bulletin for Sundays, please send them in no later than end of day on Wednesdays. Thank you for your patience as people adjust to new roles and the staff collaborate to make Sunday worship happen.

 Fall is here!

Save the Date: Fall Retreat Oct. 18-20

Mark your calendar now for the Trinity Fall Retreat at Massanetta Springs in the foothills of the Shenandoah Mountains (2-3 hours from Arlington). There's plenty to do, like outdoor games, board games, and Russ Scholls’ world famous obstacle course. Or kick back and enjoy quiet contemplation or a good book surrounded by the fall foliage. Whether you’re a long-time member or still getting acquainted, the fall retreat is the perfect way to get away while deepening ties within the Trinity community. Details and sign-up to follow in early September.

VOICE in September: Sign up today!

There are two great opportunities this September to address behavioral health and substance addiction in youth here in NOVA. One is in person on September 29th in Fairfax High school from 3:15-5:00 with an assembly to hear stories and focus on actions. Click here to sign up for the Sept 29th Event. The other is an INOVA sponsored virtual two night meeting on Acting on Addition. You can sign up for Tuesday September 17th HERE or Thursday September 19th HERE.

Field Trip: Saturday, OCTOBER 5TH National Cathedral

Please note the date change: Saturday, October 5: The Racial Justice Ministry is sponsoring a trip to the National Cathedral for a tour of the ‘Now and Forever Window’ that was recently installed.  We will meet at Trinity at 9:15am and car pool to the Cathedral. 

The tour will be led by a docent who specializes in the history of this window. Please sign up here Click here for more details.

Confirmation Class: Sign up today!

This is a membership class for 8th-12th Graders. If you are interested in taking part in the class register using this link For more information contact Keeley

Parents, mark you calendars!

On Kickoff Sunday, we will be kicking off the youth program with a Youth Parent's Information Night from 5-5:30, followed by regular youth group from 5:30-7. We will have snacks for youth during the Information Session, for which we need 1 more adult volunteer! Please let Keeley ( know if you would be able to volunteer (ideally, if you don't have a youth in the youth program!)

Please check out the current Gallery T. The theme is ‘JOY’. 

The next theme for the fall is “God’s World” with the idea that we want people to capture their view of God’s World as they go through the summer, either in your backyard, at an outing or event, or on travel. You can also share past work that capture’s God’s World.

Dates as to when we will be collecting for this will be sometime in mid to late September. Plenty of time to work on something to display.

Connect via Church Connect

Social Media Photograph Release Form

The Outreach ministry would like to be able to use more photos of Trinity members in action on our website and social media platforms. We respect that some people would prefer to not have their images on public platforms, so we are asking for a simple photo release from each Trinity household. To sign the release, you can use the Church Connect link to the right and scroll until you see the Photograph Release Form.

Church Connect: Trinity’s Official One Stop Shop!

Looking for the calendar, announcements, bulletin, giving platform?  We now have a one stop shop for Trinity members called Church Connect, which you have already used to sign up for the online directory! Church Connect is your secure portal to the bulletin, directory, enews, giving, sign ups, announcements, prayer requests and more! You can link it (like an app) on your phone, or bookmark on your computer (it is called “Connect”)! In the fall we will be using this portal regularly for members and visitors so access it now and get ahead of the game! How do you access it? Just go to To put the webpage on your phone (like an app) for easier access here are some simple instructions. If you have questions or need help contact Courtney Desautels oPatrick Merkel.

In Case You Missed It...past announcements

New online tool for coordinating meals and rides

The Pastoral Care Ministry has launched a new online tool for coordinating meal deliveries or rides for Trinity members who are recovering from illness, surgery, have welcomed a new baby, etc. We have discontinued our “Lotsa Helping Hands” online platform and replaced it with our new Meal Train site, which we hope will be more user-friendly and help us to more easily spread the word about pastoral care needs within the church community via the weekly e-news. You can just click on the link and sign up for a day to help!

Meal trains are a tangible way we can care for one another in our Trinity family during challenging moments of our lives. If you would like to request meals for yourself, your family, or to let the pastoral care ministry know about a potential recipient we should contact, please reach out to Gillian McClelland, Trinity’s meal train coordinator at  And please keep an eye out for upcoming opportunities to provide a meal! 

Summer Sabbaticals

Both Carol Feather Martin and Ben Stewart are back from their sabbaticals this week. Welcome back Carol and Ben!

Standing Announcements

Online Directory! Signup, Sign in and Update.

We are excited to announce that Trinity now has an online directory, called Church Connect. But to make it work, we need members to create accounts and update their information. As well as access to the directory, members will also have access to their Church giving, and have one place where they can easily see upcoming events and get involved. This is a great tool to help us keep connected and help us support one another but to make it work, we need you to signup, sign in and update.

For the link and step-by step instructions click here. Questions? Ask Patrick Merkel.

Caregivers Support Group Forming

Are you caring for someone with a long-term illness or declining health? Maybe you are in the sandwich generation, juggling the needs of your children with the needs of your aging parents. Maybe your spouse or child has a diagnosis or on-going health or mental health issue that weighs on your mind. Come join a support group. This weekly Zoom call with other caregivers, Pastor Judith, and Katherine Nichols (Commissioned Ruling Elder), is a place to talk about what is going on, get strength from each other, and pray. Weekly zoom call on Thursdays 2-3 p.m. Contact Judith or Katherine to get on the email list. Here is the Zoom link.

Childcare at Trinity 

We welcome you to worship today! Children are always welcome in worship. If you prefer we offer childcare for children through age 8. The older children can be dismissed after the Children’s Moment to the child caregivers at the back of the sanctuary. You can pick them up after worship in Room 11, which is in the far end of the preschool hall, by the playground doors. At Godly Play our trained staff engages the children from age 3-8 with crafts, stories, and activities that have a Christian theme and sometimes we go to the playground. We also offer care for our very youngest children in Room1 and 2 in the preschool hallway (the first two rooms by the ramp). We have a room for infants and non walkers as well as a room for toddlers through age 3, though sometimes these rooms are combined depending on numbers. If you have questions, please ask an usher or pick up a childcare brochure on the table in the Narthex. 

Livestreaming Worship Tips

We want to make the experience available to as many as possible. If you would like to livestream the worship service, please click the link in the enews which takes you to the livestream page. You will see the different worship service options to click on the page. If there is a technical difficulty, please click here to see options. We will not offer livestream when we have outdoor worship.


 Youtube Channel   Podcast Channel Sign Ups

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