Sunday of the Most Holy Trinity
May 30, 2021
"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. ... And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age." (Mt 28:19-20)
Easing of COVID Restrictions / Cambios en Restricciones por COVID
New Cathedral hours and lifting of capacity limit as of Tuesday, June 1! All are welcome!

Mass Schedule (beginning Tuesday, June 1)
Sunday: 7am, 10am, 1pm (Spanish), 5:30pm
The Cathedral opens at 6:30am and closes at 7pm.
Monday-Friday: 12:10pm, with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 11:30am - Noon
The Cathedral opens at 10am and closes at 2pm.
Saturday: 8am
The Cathedral opens at 7:30am and closes after Mass.
Confessions are still by appointment.

For the time being, to protect our entire congregation, we will continue to require masks inside the Cathedral.

On Sundays, we will do our best to seat you at a distance you are comfortable with, while also making sure there are enough seats available for everyone who comes to Mass.

We will continue to sanitize surfaces in the Cathedral on a regular basis throughout the week. Hand sanitizer is still available at all entrances and communion stations.

The votive candles are back by popular demand! We are so happy to see once again that familiar glow lighting up the candle racks with our prayers.

We will continue to livestream the 10am English Mass and the 1pm Spanish Mass on Sundays through our YouTube channel. To those who can come to Mass in-person, we look forward to seeing you!

Rectory Office
The rectory office is not yet open for walk-ins. Phone calls are answered Monday - Friday, 10am-3pm. Outside those hours, please leave a voicemail and we will return your call.
¡Nuevo horario y capacidad sin límite en la Catedral a partir del martes 1 de junio! ¡Todos están bienvenidos!

Itinerario de Misa (comenzando el martes 1 de junio):
Domingo: 7am, 10am, 1pm (español), 5:30pm
La Catedral abre a las 6:30am y cierra a las 7pm.
Lunes - Viernes: 12:10pm, con exposición del Santísimo de 11:30am al Mediodía
La Catedral abre a las 10am y cierra a las 2pm.
Sábado: 8am
La Catedral abre a las 7:30am y cierra después de la Misa.
Las confesiones se siguen ofreciendo por cita.

Por el momento, para proteger a toda la congregación, continuaremos requiriendo el uso de mascarillas dentro de la Catedral.

Los domingos, trataremos lo mejor posible de sentarlos a una distancia que sea confortable para ustedes, asegurando a la vez que haya suficientes asientos para todos los que asistan a la Misa.

Continuaremos desinfectando las superficies en la Catedral con regular frecuencia durante la semana. Seguiremos teniendo desinfectantes de mano disponible en todas las entradas y las estaciones de comunión.

¡Las velitas votivas están de regreso por aclamación popular! Estamos muy complacidos de ver otra vez ese resplandor tan familiar de las velitas en los estantes de velas, símbolo de nuestras oraciones.

Transmisión en vivo
Continuaremos la transmisión en vivo de las Misas dominicales de las 10am y de la 1 pm en español por nuestro canal de YouTube. Para aquellos que pueden venir a Misa en persona, anticipamos con alegría poder verlos nuevamente. 

Oficina de la Rectoría
La oficina de la rectoría todavía no está abierta para visitas sin cita previa. Las llamadas telefónicas son atendidas de lunes a viernes de 10am a 3pm. Fuera de estas horas, por favor deje un mensaje y le contestaremos su llamada. 
Sunday Masses

 7am (English) | 10am (English) | 1pm (Spanish) | *5:30pm (English)
*5:30pm Mass interpreted for the deaf (see 5:30pm Mass Program)
Masses are open to the public, with maximum capacity of 150 persons.
Reservations not taken
Online Offertory options:
Livestreamed Masses

10am (English), Msgr. W. Ronald Jameson, celebrant
1pm (Spanish), Most Rev. Mario Dorsonville, celebrante

Sacramento de la Confirmación
el Domingo de la Santisima Trinidad

El domingo 30 de mayo, día de la Santísima Trinidad, el Obispo Auxiliar Mario Dorsonville oficiara la Misa de 1pm, donde 23 adolescentes y 2 adultos recibirán el sacramento de la confirmación. On Sunday of the Most Holy Trinity, May 30, Bishop Mario Dorsonville will celebrate the 1pm Mass at which 23 youth and 2 adults will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Daily Readings
Look for a video reflection by Fr. Hurley on
St. Justin, patron of philosophers, to be posted on our YouTube channel on Tuesday, June 1!

Monday, May 31 (Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Tuesday, June 1 (St. Justin)
Wednesday, June 2
Thursday, June 3 (St. Charles Lwanga and Companions)
Friday, June 4
Saturday, June 5 (St. Boniface)
Parish News

Prayers for the Sick
Let us pray for the sick who have asked for prayers, especially Robert Jordan, Blanca Rose Juarez, Gloria Harrington, Bill Largess, and Eileen Ahearn. Please also pray for the recently deceased, especially Maritza Vargas and Betty Shimek. You may add a name to the parish prayer list by emailing Msgr. Jameson. If you are asking for prayers on behalf of another person, please get their permission.

Memorial Day
On Memorial Day, Monday, May 31, Mass is celebrated at 12:10pm. There is no Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. The Cathedral opens at 11:30am and closes after Mass, and the rectory office is not staffed. Enjoy the Memorial Day holiday, and remember that the next day, Tuesday, June 1, the new Cathedral hours begin - stop in anytime between the new weekday 10am opening and 2pm closing times!

Procesión de Corpus Christi
El domingo 6 de junio es la Solemnidad del Santísimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo. Únase a nosotros este día en celebración con la procesión del Santísimo Sacramento por las calles de Washington. La procesión será después de la misa de la 1 de la tarde, concluyendo con adoración al Santísimo, al volver a la iglesia.

Corpus Christi Procession
Sunday, June 6 is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. All are invited to join us as we celebrate with a procession of the Blessed Sacrament in the streets of Washington following the 1pm Mass and concluding with benediction upon our return to the Cathedral at 3pm.
Ordination Season
Save the Date!
Join parishioners and friends in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament on Monday, June 14 at 7pm at a Cathedral Holy Hour for the Intentions of our Ordinandi of the Archdiocese of Washington, and an increase in Vocations to the priesthood and Consecrated Life.

Pray for our Priests
Let us pray for our priests as they celebrate their anniversaries of priestly ordination - this week Fr. Jack is a year closer to his 40th - happy 39th, Fr. Jack! Earlier this month, Msgr. Jameson celebrated his 53rd, and Fr. John's 2nd is coming next month. St. Thérèse of Lisieux wrote a Prayer for Priests that you can pray, or use as the beginning of your own prayer of thanksgiving for all the priests who have figured in your life.
Great Organ 2021 Series

Spring and Summer Recitals
Next in our Spring 2021 Great Organ series will be a recital by Andy Brown on Wednesday June 9, at 12:40pm, following the 12:10pm Mass. The program continues with summer recitals with Peter Bayer (Toronto, Ontario) and Stefan Donner (Vienna, Austria). Details will be available shortly.
Respect Life
Margo's Drive - A Blood Drive for Children's Hospital
In memory of baby Margo, a former parishioner and patient of Children’s, our parish will once again host Margo’s Drive - this year, on Sunday, June 20 from 10am to 3pm, in the North Conference Room. Please register, either by calling the blood donor center at 202-476-5437 to make an appointment, or scheduling online at Make an Appointment ( Questions? Email the Social Justice Coordinator.

Petition to "Save Hyde. Save Lives."
As Catholics, we are gravely concerned about the prospect of expansion of taxpayer funding of abortion. For 45 years, the Hyde Amendment and other life-saving appropriations riders have prevented taxpayers from being forced to pay for elective abortion. The amendment has had longstanding bipartisan support since 1976 but is now at risk of being overturned. Please consider signing a USCCB-sponsored petition to Congress (Save Hyde. Save Lives.)
Summer Bible Study & Book Club
"Angels in the Bible"
Our summer Bible Study is filling up, but you can still participate! In June and July, St. Matthew's hosts a 6-session Bible Study newly published by Little Rock Scripture Study, "Angels in the Bible." Register for either of two parishioner-led groups that will meet virtually once each week - one on Sunday afternoons, and one on Monday evenings.

John Thompson's Story in June
Fr. Jack Hurley leads a Cathedral Book Club Zoom discussion of "I Came as a Shadow: An Autobiography," by John Thompson, on Thursday, June 17, from 7 to 8pm (Zoom link to be published). It is the story of the recently deceased native Washingtonian whose life on and off the basketball court threw America’s unresolved struggle with racial justice into sharp relief. All are welcome. 
What's New Online?
Click to View

Msgr. Jameson, 10am Mass Homily
Pentecost Sunday
P. Benson, Homilía de la Misa
a la 1:00 de la tarde
Domingo de la Pentecostés 
Quick Links for the Week
A mix of virtual and in-person events

See you 'round the Cathedral!
St. Matthew's Respect Life Committee this week hosted the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe as part of an Evening Reflection on the Sanctity of Life.