Welcome & Announcements
Introit – Celebration Ringers - Bell Chime "Intrada"
Hymn of Praise – When Morning Guilds the Skies, v1,3,4 (UMH #185)
When morning gilds the skies
my heart awaking cries:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Alike at work and prayer,
to Jesus I repair:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Let all the earth around
ring joyous with the sound:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
In heaven’s eternal bliss
the loveliest strain is this:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Be this, while life is mine,
my canticle divine:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Be this th’ eternal song
through all the ages long:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Call to Worship:
Pastor: I was glad when they said ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!’
People: We gather with gladness in the Lord’s house today.
Pastor: Come and give thanks to the name of the Lord.
People: Come and pray for the peace of God’s people.
Pastor: Let us worship the Lord with gladness and zeal,
People: Praise be to God for God’s goodness and truth.
Affirmation of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed UMH 881
Message in Music – Celebration Ringers - "Softly and Tenderly"
Prayer of Intercession
Prayer of Confession
Holy God, as we gather in your house today, we are blessed by your presence and reassured by your strength. We want to seek your goodness by following in the ways of your Son, yet we often fall short in our calling to be faithful disciples. Forgive us, Lord, for the many times we worship anyone or anything but you. Soften our hardened hearts, such that we fully trust the words of Christ, and his Church is built up for your glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Experiencing and Extending the Peace of Christ (Note: we will extend the Peace of Christ without physical contact.)
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Hymn of Praise – I Need Thee Every Hour, v1,4 (UMH #397)
I need thee every hour, most gracious Lord;
No tender voice like thine can peace afford.
I need thee, O I need thee;
every hour I need thee;
O bless me now, my Savior,
I come to thee.
I need thee every hour, teach me thy will;
And thy rich promises in me fulfill.
I need thee, O I need thee;
every hour I need thee;
O bless me now, my Savior,
I come to thee.
Sermon – A Song of Worship
Sacrament of Holy Communion
The Great Thanksgiving
Pastor: The Lord be with you.
People: And also with you.
Pastor: Lift up your hearts
People: We lift them up to the Lord.
Pastor: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
People: It is right to give our thanks and praise.
Pastor: And so, with your people on earth
and all the company of heaven we praise your name and join their unending hymn.
People: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory, Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
Pastor: And so, in remembrance of these your mighty acts in Jesus Christ, we offer ourselves in praise and thanksgiving as a holy and living sacrifice, in union with Christ’s offering for us, as we proclaim the mystery of faith.
People: Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.
Pastor: Through Your Son Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit in your holy church, all honor and glory is yours, almighty Father, now and forever.
People: Amen.
Hymn – Marching to Zion, v1,2,4 (UMH #733)
Come, we that love the Lord,
and let our joys be known;
Join in a song with sweet accord,
join in a song with sweet accord
And thus surround the throne,
and thus surround the throne.
We’re marching to Zion,
beautiful, beautiful Zion;
we’re marching upward to Zion,
the beautiful city of God
Let those refuse to sing
who never knew our God;
but children of the heavenly King,
but children of the heavenly King
may speak their joys abroad,
may speak their joys abroad.
We’re marching to Zion,
beautiful, beautiful Zion;
we’re marching upward to Zion,
the beautiful city of God
Then let our songs abound,
and every tear be dry;
We’re marching through
Emmanuel’s ground,
We’re marching through
Emmanuel’s ground,
To fairer worlds on high,
to fairer worlds on high.
We’re marching to Zion,
beautiful, beautiful Zion;
we’re marching upward to Zion,
the beautiful city of God
Accompanist: Brian Barber
Erin Maurer, Lynne Tomlinson, Ron Oedemann