Prelude – Ring of Faith
Welcome & Announcements
Hymn of Praise –We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations 1,3,4 (UMH #569)
We’ve a story to tell to the nations,
that shall turn their hearts to the right,
a story of truth and mercy,
a story of peace and light,
a story of peace and light.
For the darkness shall turn to dawning,
and the dawning to noonday bright;
and Christ’s great kingdom shall come on earth,
the kingdom of love and light.
We’ve a message to give to the nations,
that the Lord who reigneth above
hath sent us his Son to save us,
and show us that God is love,
and show us that God is love.
For the darkness shall turn to dawning,
and the dawning to noonday bright;
and Christ’s great kingdom shall come on earth,
the kingdom of love and light.
We’ve a Savior to show to the nations,
who the path of sorrow hath trod,
that all of the world’s great peoples
might come to the truth of God,
might come to the truth of God.
For the darkness shall turn to dawning,
and the dawning to noonday bright;
and Christ’s great kingdom shall come on earth,
the kingdom of love and light.
Call to Worship:
Pastor: Friends, we know what God desires of us:
People: That we do justice, and love kindness, and walk humbly with God.
Pastor: We gather this morning to remember that,
People: To remember that now is always the right time to do these things.
Pastor: So with thanks in our hearts, let us worship God.
Affirmation of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed UMH 881
Message in Music - Ring of Faith - "Rejoice, Rejoice Believers"
Prayer of Intercession
Prayer of Confession
Almighty God, we confess our need of Your presence and Your guidance. We each have our hopes and expectations for what lies ahead, but only You can give us the strength and the wisdom we need. In life’s uncertainties, assure us of Your unchanging love. In disappointing moments, help us turn to You for stability. In temptation, give us courage to humbly place our hands into Yours. In daily preoccupations, open our eyes to the sorrows of our hurting world that we might respond with compassion. By your grace, equip us to keep You as the center of our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Experiencing and Extending the Peace of Christ (Note: we will extend the Peace of Christ without physical contact.)
A Prayer for Veteran’s Day
O God, please gaze upon those men and women who, in their military service, have sacrificed time, comfort, strength, ambition, health and prosperity for the peace and safety of family and friends and for others they have never even known. Bless them richly for their service and for all that they have given. We pray in the name of Christ. Amen.
Prayer of Thanksgiving followed by The Lord’s Prayer
Hymn – Spirit Song (UMH #347)
O let the Son of God enfold you
with his Spirit and his love.
Let him fill your heart and satisfy your soul.
O let him have the things that hold you,
and his Spirit like a dove
will descend upon your life and make you whole.
Jesus, O Jesus,
come and fill your lambs.
Jesus, O Jesus,
come and fill your lambs.
O come and sing this song with gladness
as your hearts are filled with joy.
Lift your hands in sweet surrender to his name.
O give him all your tears and sadness;
give him all your years of pain,
and you’ll enter into life in Jesus’ name.
Jesus, O Jesus,
come and fill your lambs.
Jesus, O Jesus,
come and fill your lambs.
Sermon – Do You Believe in Miracles? Pastor Ruth, CLM
Hymn – Sent Forth by God’s Blessings (UMH #664)
Sent forth by God’s blessing,
our true faith confessing,
The people of God
from this dwelling take leave.
The service is ended,
O now be extended
The fruits of our worship
in all who believe.
The seed of the teaching,
receptive souls reaching,
shall blossom in action
for God and for all.
God’s grace did invite us,
and love shall unite us
to work for God’s kingdom
and answer the call.
With praise and thanksgiving
to God ever living,
the tasks of our every day life
we will face.
Our faith ever sharing,
in love ever caring,
embracing God’s children of each tribe and race.
With your grace you feed us,
with your light now lead us;
Unite us as one
in this life that we share.
Then may all the living
with praise and thanksgiving
give honor to Christ
and that name which we bear.
Accompanist: Brian Barber
Ring of Faith Bell Choir
Amy Cons, Erin Maurer, Alissa Nelson, Roy Nelson