Welcome & Announcements
Hymn of Praise – Lift High the Cross UMH #159 (Verses 1,3,4)
Lift high the cross,
the love of Christ proclaim
till all the world adore
his sacred name.
Come, Christians,
follow this triumphant sign.
the hosts of God in unity combine.
Lift high the cross,
the love of Christ proclaim
till all the world adore
his sacred name.
O Lord, once lifted on the glorious tree,
as thou hast promised,
draw the world to thee.
Lift high the cross,
the love of Christ proclaim
till all the world adore his sacred name.
So shall our song of triumph ever be:
Praise to the Crucified for victory!
Lift high the cross,
the love of Christ proclaim
till all the world adore his sacred name.
Call to Worship:
Pastor: This is the good news which we proclaim to you.
People: Jesus Christ is raised from the dead!
Pastor: Walk in the light of his love.
People: Live in the light of his teachings and healing mercies.
Pastor: Come, let us worship the One who overcame death.
All: Let us celebrate the triumph of our Lord. Amen.
Affirmation of Faith -- Apostles Creed:
Message in Music – "Above All" - Jeff Cartwright
Prayer of Intercession
Prayer of Confession
Lord Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit we have been raised from the waters of baptism to share in your glorious resurrection. Yet we have not lived as Easter people. We are unsure of your promises, confused about your will, and afraid in the face of danger. Call us by name, risen Lord, that we may know you with confidence. Whenever we are tempted to fear death, give us courage to confess your Easter victory. Whenever we are distracted by petty conflicts, keep our minds on your reconciling love. Forgive us our sin and let our lives be a testimony to your salvation through the love of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Experiencing and Extending the Peace of Christ (Note: we will extend the Peace of Christ without physical contact.)
Prayer of Thanksgiving
The Lord’s Prayer
Hymn – Because He Lives UMH #364 (Verses 1,3)
God sent his Son, they called him Jesus;
He came to love, heal, and forgive;
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
an empty grave is there
to prove my Savior lives.
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow;
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
and life is worth the living
just because He lives.
And then one day I’ll cross the river;
I’ll fight life’s final war with pain;
and then as death gives way to victory,
I’ll see the lights of glory
and I’ll know He reigns.
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow;
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
and life is worth the living
just because He lives.
Introduction of Bishop Peggy Johnson
Sermon – Bishop Johnson - “Courtroom Drama: So that You Might Believe”
Hymn – Majesty, Worship His Majesty UMH #176
Majesty, worship his majesty;
unto Jesus be all glory, honor and praise.
Majesty, kingdom authority,
flow from his throne unto his own;
his anthem raise.
So exalt, lift up on high the name of Jesus.
Magnify, come glorify
Christ Jesus, the King.
Majesty, worship his majesty,
Jesus who died, now glorified,
King of all kings.
Accompanist: Brian Barber
Special Music: Jeff Cartwright
Amy Cons, Ron Oedemann, Rebecca Carey