Sunday Worship at 11 a.m.
Livestream service of Holy Eucharist
Download the leaflet in advance here.
Presider and Preacher: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Scripture: Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Mark 1:21-28
Hymns: O for a thousand tongues to sing [Hymn #493]; From thee all skill and science flow [Hymn #566]; From all that dwell below the skies [Hymn #380]
Organ: Two Meditations on Hymn Tunes: Leo Sowerby, Malabar [tune of Hymn #312: “Strengthen for service, Lord”], Gerre Hancock, Slane [tune of Hymn #488: “Be thou my vision”]; David N. Johnson, Trumpet Tune in D
Session 2 of the Annual Parish Meeting begins before the Sunday morning liturgy, at 9:45 a.m. There will be no coffee hour following the service. Instead, all are encouraged to join in on Zoom for Session 3, with awards and recognitions, and the announcement of the election results. See details below.
The Office of Compline
Listen to the Office of Compline on KING-FM 98.1 or online at Please subscribe to the Compline podcast: Read the update on the current Compline situation here.
Highlights: (Archive recording from January 28, 2018): Johann Rudolph Ahle, Blessed Jesus, at thy word we are gathered; Tomás Luis de Victoria, Domine non sum dignus
All repertoire and liturgy information subject to change.
This week's hymn introduction may be found here. Tune in each Thursday at 4 p.m. on the cathedral's Facebook page to watch each week's presentation live.
Friday afternoon tea
Friday 1/29, 3 p.m.
Virtual Sunday School
Sundays 9 & 10 a.m.
Annual Meeting Session 2
Sunday 1/31, 9:45 -10:30 a.m.
Holy Eucharist liturgy (livestream)
Sunday 1/31, 11 a.m.
Annual Meeting Session 3
Sunday 1/31, 11:45 - 12:30 p.m.
The Office of Compline
Sunday 1/31, 9:30 p.m.
Radix Groups begin meeting
Week of 1/31
The Feast of the Presentation
Tuesday, 2/2, 6:30 p.m.
Formal Blessing for Kelly Moody
Sunday, 2/7, 11 a.m.
Spirited Women present: Illuminated Examen
Sunday, 2/7, 12:30 p.m.
Choral Evensong for the Fifth Sunday After Epiphany
Sunday, 2/7, 4:30 p.m.
Night Prayer with 20s & 30s
Monday, 2/8, 7 p.m.
Inquirers' Class
Begins Sunday, 2/14, 12:30 p.m.
Shove Tuesday/Mardi Gras
Tuesday, 2/16
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, 2/17
Mideast Focus Film Series presents: Advocate
Friday, 2/19
Saturday Night Shakespeare Live
Saturday, 2/20, 7 p.m.
New Weekly Morning Prayer Service
Begins Wednesday, 2/24, 8:30 a.m.
Evening Prayer, EVERY WEEKNIGHT, 6:30 P.M. via Zoom. A service of daily evening prayer to close the day. Join using this Zoom link.
Morning Prayer, THURSDAYS, 7 A.M. via Zoom. A service of morning prayer, followed immediately by some time to talk and be together. Join using this Zoom link.
Starting February 24, a new weekly service of Morning Prayer begins on Wednesdays! See more below.
TONIGHT: Fritts Organ Concert with John Stuntebeck, Organist
The next concert on the Music Series this year features Associate Organist John Stuntebeck! Here is a rare opportunity to hear a richly diverse collection of pieces played on the organ built for Thomsen Chapel in 2003 by Paul Fritts, a world-renowned organ builder based in Tacoma. As principal organist of the Sunday 8 a.m. worship service in the chapel, John Stuntebeck expertly highlights all the beauty of this marvelous instrument. His program will include works of three living North American composers: Rebecca Groom Te Velde, Calvin Fuller, and Denis Bédard; and works of Percy Whitlock, J.S. Bach, and W.A. Mozart.
A Video Tour and Demonstration of the Thomsen Chapel Organ
The Marion Camp Oliver Organ in Thomsen Chapel is one of the treasures of Saint Mark's Cathedral, and in preparation for his concert tonight, John has recorded a brief video tour and demonstration of this remarkable instrument. Watch it here.
This Sunday—The 132nd Annual Parish Meeting Continues
JANUARY 31, 2021, 9:45 A.M and 11:45 A.M. via Zoom
Even if you missed this first session last week, please plan to attend the remainder of this important event in the life of this community. Session 2 begins at 9:45 a.m. this Sunday, January 31. The morning session features brief but important reports to the parish, including the Senior Warden's address and the Treasurer's financial report.
In addition, only those who attend the morning Zoom session will be able to vote in this year's Vestry election. The link to cast your vote will be publicized during the morning session, and the voting will close at the conclusion of the 11 a.m. liturgy. The results of the election will be announced in Session 3, beginning following the liturgy at 11:45 a.m.
All eight candidates for the four open Vestry positions, including their personal statements and video introductions, may be found here.
- Call to Order, Elections, Reports, then Recess for Worship via Livestream
Dean Thomason's sermon during the service on January 31 will serve as the Dean's Report to the Parish.
- Election Results, Awards, and Recognitions by Dean Thomason, Closing Prayer, Adjourn
Holy Eucharist for the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 6:30 pm., via livestream or Zoom
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple on February 2 is one of the Feasts of the Our Lord, sometimes known as "Candlemas." On Tuesday evening, a brief service Holy Eucharist will be offered from Thomsen Chapel, which you may join either on the livestream page in the usual way, or by joining a special Zoom meeting (with some time for chatting afterwards). Dean Thomason will preside and preach. Join using this Zoom link.
2020 Annual Giving Statements
On Thursday, January 28, giving statements were sent out via email to everyone who made a donation to the cathedral in 2020. If you did not receive your statement, or have any questions, please contact Erik Donner, or 206.323.0300 x217.
Illuminated Examen: A Virtual Retreat for Spirited Women
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 12:45 -3:00 P.M., via Zoom. Registration now closed.
Evensong on the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 4:30 P.M., via livestream
Saint Mark's Cathedral continues to offer Evensong on the first Sunday of the month. Via livestream, join the Reverend Nancy Ross, Officiant, and two safely distanced soloists from the Evensong Choir in raising prayers and praises to God as the sun sets on the penultimate Sunday before Lent. Music will consist of Gregorian Chant, familiar hymns, and Henry Purcell's mesmerizing Evening Hymn (solo).
Inquirers' Class: Living the Questions
SUNDAYS, FEBRUARY 14 – MARCH 28, 12:30 P.M., via Zoom
Are you interested in learning more about the Episcopal Church? Living the Questions is especially designed for newcomers and seekers and offers opportunities for you to make lasting connections within the community, share some of your own journey, and learn more about the faith and tradition of the Episcopal Church and the community life here at Saint Mark’s. No matter where you are on your journey, consider attending this multi-week series, where we will explore the basics of the Christian faith through the Episcopal lens. The series will begin virtually on Sunday, February 14 and continues on Sundays weekly through March 28. Sessions run from 12:30–2 p.m. via Zoom. All are welcome, whatever your experience! Register here or contact Emily Meeks ( to RSVP or with questions.
Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday
These two important days form the hinge as we turn into Lent, and both are traditionally observed at the cathedral—Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras) with a community celebration, pancakes, and the closing of the doors in the nave; and Ash Wednesday with its profound liturgy of ashes and mortality. Special versions of both traditions, with online and at-home components, will be offered from the cathedral on February 16 & 17. Details will be announced in the coming weeks, but mark your calendars now.
"Who's at the Checkpoint?": The Spring 2021 Online Film and Discussion Series
The Mideast Focus Ministry will sponsor its eighth series of films focused on the story of the Palestinian people—but with a difference this year. In response to the U.S. apartheid-like parallels to Palestine in our own country, we will spend some evenings linking to Black Lives Matter and the story of Indigenous people in America. We will focus on various people at "the Checkpoint"—some who work to help Palestinians, and some who do not. Do join us in our (once again) virtual film series beginning 7 p.m. on Friday February 19! Subsequent events will be offered on Friday evenings, March 5 & 19, April 9 & 23, and May 7 & 21. See the complete scheduled here.
Saturday Night Shakespeare Live!
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 4-7 P.M., via Zoom
Join the 20s/30s Group for a virtual group reading of Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Contact Emily Meeks ( for more information, or join via Zoom here.
NEW! A Service of Morning Prayer— Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m.
Beginning on February 24, Saint Mark's will offer an additional service of Morning Prayer each week! At 8:30 a.m. on February 24, and every Wednesday thereafter, join us on Zoom for Morning Prayer, led by one of the lay worship leaders from Saint Mark's. Occasionally, one of our priests will also join us and lead us in prayer. We will meet using the existing Zoom link for Morning and Evening Prayer:
If you have questions about this new service, please email Cathedral Sacristan Michael Seewer (
The Creation Care Ministry team wants to hear from YOU!
Everyone is the Saint Mark's community is invited to complete this brief survey to help guide our programming in 2021. There are just eight simple questions—it should take less than five minutes to complete. The deadline to submit is February 14, 2021. Thank you!
Weekly Conservation Tip
In these cold months of winter, we all enjoy our favorite comfort food. According to the City of Seattle, using a crock pot, toaster oven, or microwave rather than a conventional oven for those familiar dishes can save as much a $70 a year. Conserve energy and save money at the same time!
Would you like to be more involved in the work of the Creation Care Ministry at Saint Mark’s? Please join us at our next monthly meeting on Monday, February 8 at 6:30 p.m. Contact Marjorie Ringness to find out more!
Interfaith Climate Learning Opportunities
JANUARY 27-31, online
Want to learn more about ways to make a difference? Attend one or more of over 150 workshops at the Big Bold Jewish Climate Fest January 27-31, which seeks to make climate change a central moral issue of the Jewish community. Join leaders from many faith communities, indigenous activists, youth organizers, and more for inspiration and invitations to make a difference. Check it out here.
Night Prayer with the 20s/30s Group
NEXT SERVICE: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 7 P.M., over the phone
Yes! Night Prayer with the 20s/30s Group at Saint Mark's will continue on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in the new year! This will be offered over the phone—the young adults decided that there were already too many videoconferences and Zoom meetings in their lives! Please email Canon Jennifer to receive the call-in information and liturgy for the service.
Sunday Morning Church School
SUNDAYS, 9 A.M.: Godly Play with Alicia (for pre-K—grade 2)
SUNDAYS, 10 A.M.: Saints & Sacraments with Sonjia and Kristen (for grades 3–5).
Saint Mark's Sunday School offerings have returned to their usual pattern. For more information and Zoom links, contact Kelly Moody, Associate for Spiritual Formation, at Make sure you're signed up to the "Children and Families" email list to receive the monthly newsletter for parents, Be Present at Our Table, containing reflection, activities, recommendations, and special announcements.
Pray by Podcast with Kelly & Rebekah!
Staffing Changes at the Cathedral: Kelly Moody
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7: Formal Blessing and Farewell
Saint Mark's Cathedral’s Associate for Spiritual Formation, Kelly Ramer Moody, has resigned from her position on staff effective February 12, 2021, as she turns her focus to serve a one-year internship at St. Michael and All Angels Church in Issaquah. Read the full message from Dean Thomason and Kelly Moody here. And join in the blessing and farewell at coffee hour following the morning service next Sunday, February 7.
Do you know someone who might need to be contacted?
Is there anyone you know who might benefit from a quick phone call, or a note in the mail, from clergy or a member of the community? Email Dean Steve Thomason at or Erik Donner at, or call either one—or any of the clergy—at 206.323.0300.