SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 2021
Sunday Worship at 11 a.m.
Livestream service of Holy Eucharist
Download the leaflet in advance here.
Presider: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Preacher: The Rev. Canon Nancy Ross
Scripture: Mark 11:1–11; Isaiah 50:4–9a; Psalm 31; Philippians 2:5–11; Mark 15:1–47
Hymns: All glory, laud, and honor [Hymn #154]; Were you there? [Hymn #172]; My song is love unknown [Hymn #458]; O sacred head [Hymn #168]
Organ: Louis Marchand, Grand Dialogue in C
Offertory Anthem: Thomas Morley, Nolo mortem peccatoris
Communion Voluntary: Woodwind improvisation, James Falzone
Virtual Coffee Hour
There will be no coffee hour Palm Sunday, 3/28, or Easter Sunday, 4/4. Coffee hour resumes 4/11.
This week's hymn introduction may be found here. Rather than repeat the presentation about Palm Sunday's hymns, which were covered last year, Canon Kleinschmidt discusses four hymns from the liturgies of the Triduum. There will be no hymn introduction next week (Holy Thursday). Tune in again on April 8 at 4 p.m. on the cathedral's Facebook page for the next installment.
The Office of Compline
EVERY SUNDAY, 9:30 P.M., on KING 98.1 FM and
Live broadcasts and livestreams have resumed! Read the update on the current Compline situation here.
Highlights: Orlando Gibbons, Drop, drop, slow tears; Absalon fili mi, attr. Josquin des Prez(?) or Pierre de la Rue(?)
All repertoire and liturgy information subject to change.
Virtual Sunday School
Sundays 9 & 10 a.m.
Holy Eucharist liturgy for Palm Sunday (livestream)
Sunday 3/28, 11 a.m.
Inquirers' Class (registration now closed)
Sundays, 12:30 p.m.
Music Series: Quartet for the End of Time
Sunday 3/28, 4:30 p.m.
The Office of Compline
Sunday 3/28, 9:30 p.m.
20s/30s Postal Fellowship
3/22 - 3/29
Registration opens for in-person Easter morning service
Monday 3/29, 9:00 a.m.
Liturgies every day, 3/29–4/3
Easter Sunday
Sunday 4/4
Mideast Focus Film Ministry
'Til Kingdom Come film discussion
Friday, 4/9, 8:30 p.m.
Night Prayer with 20s & 30s
Monday, 4/12, 7 p.m.
Cathedral Yoga
Monday, 5/3, 5:30 p.m.
Jesus and the Disinherited
Q&A with Canon Brownridge
5/11, 12:30 p.m.
Please note: During Holy Week, March 29 through April 2, 2021, Daily Evening Prayer will be suspended. Wednesday and Thursday Morning Prayer will be offered as usual.
Please note: The second offering of Cathedral Yoga, announced for Monday, April 5, has been cancelled due to an unforeseen conflict. The next offering will be the first Monday in May—May 3, at 5:30 p.m.
Last Chance! Palms for Palm Sunday Available for Pick-up at the Cathedral
Drop by the office entrance of the cathedral today, Friday, March 26, between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to pick up palm fronds for your Palm Sunday observance from home. (For those attending the Palm Sunday liturgy in person, palms will be distributed at the service.)
Messiaen's Quartet for the End of Time
PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 4:30 P.M., via livestream
Olivier Messiaen composed his sublime Quatour pour la fin du Temps [Quartet for the End of Time] in 1941 while captive in a Nazi prisoner of war camp. Considered to be one of the masterpieces of the 20th century, it is a deeply spiritual work contemplating the power of faith, hope and love to transcend time itself. Rose Bellini, cello; Luke Fitzpatrick, violin; Jesse Myers, piano; Rachel Yoder, clarinet will present the work on the afternoon of Palm Sunday. Learn more here.
Personal Prayer in the Cathedral Nave in Lent
PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 12:30-1:30 P.M.
Come to the cathedral nave for a moment of quiet, prayerful reflection during Lent. Several times have been set aside to welcome parishioners to the nave for socially-distanced individual prayer. There is no need to register. Come to the Hoerster Annex entrance (southwest corner of cathedral) where you will be greeted and asked to sign a health waiver. Then you will proceed to the nave for your time of prayer. Total occupancy will be limited. Contact Canon Jennifer, with any questions.
- You must register in advance to attend in person.
- Registration opens six days before each service.
If you try to register online and have problems, contact Erik Donner,, 206.323.0300 x217
If you need to cancel a reservation, contact Michael Seewer,, 206.323.0300 x219
And finally, even as we gradually move towards full reopening, those joining via livestream are still full participants in the liturgies, just as it's been for the last twelve months.
Altar of Repose: Night Watch via Livestream
As we did last for the first time last year, the Night Watch at the Altar of Repose will once again be offered via livestream. (There will be no in-person attendance.) This virtual Night Watch begins on the usual livestream page as soon as the Maundy Thursday liturgy concludes, and continues until sunrise on Good Friday. As Jesus asked his disciples in the garden of Gethsemane, "Could you not stay awake with me one hour?" all are invited to spend some time in prayer and stillness at home before the consecrated bread and wine of the Eucharist, streaming live from the nave all night. Spend the time in whatever way feels meaningful to you: meditating, reading scripture or poetry, journaling, knitting or just sitting in silence. If you wish, you can sign up so we know who will be keeping watch online, but this is not required. Sign up using this form. Questions? Email Sacristan Michael Seewer,
The Stations of the Cross
Virginia Maksymowicz's sculptural interpretation of the traditional fourteen Stations of the Cross has been on display in the nave for the entirely of Lent, but it is in Holy Week that the spiritual practice of walking the stations can be most meaningful. Prayerfully moving from station to station adds a physical and embodied dimension to the Holy Week journey we make with Jesus to the cross. When the nave is open for private prayer on the afternoons of Palm Sunday and Good Friday, consider engaging with these artworks, using the printed materials provided in the nave, or however you feel called. Read more about the art, including an interview with the artist, here.
If you don't plan to visit the cathedral in person, set aside some time to engage with the beautiful video liturgy with the Stations created last year by Canon Daugherty, filmmaker David Wild, musician James Falzone, and others. It is available anytime on demand here.
Easter Memorial and Thanksgiving Gifts
Help underwrite the beautiful flowers and music of the celebration of Easter by making a special contribution in honor or in memory of someone. Fill out the form located here, then make a gift in any amount, using the method that is most convenient for you. Contact Erik Donner in the cathedral office with questions. Contributions received by this Sunday, March 28, will be acknowledged in the Easter Sunday bulletin.
Prayer Banners around the Labyrinth
There is still time to contribute to the Prayer Banner Project around the outdoor labyrinth. Pick up a banner from the bin on the cathedral patio, or make one with whatever fabric you have on hand (approx. 3 inches by 12 inches), write your prayer intention on it, and come hang it on the line around the labyrinth any time—or mail it to the cathedral at the usual mailing address if you cannot come by. The banners will be blessed and offered up at the Maundy Thursday liturgy, April 1.
Livestream Page Update
We expect heavy traffic on our website for Easter Sunday, and YOU can help keep it working smoothly for all by alleviating some of that demand! As an alternative, on Easter Sunday morning, instead of going to our livestream page, please go directly to Links to the leaflet pdf, etc. will appear in the description of the video. (The usual livestream page is now working as normal if you go there, but this Vimeo page is a direct route!) Please contact Greg Bloch with any questions or observations:
'Til Kingdom Come
FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 8:30 P.M., via Zoom
In this provocative look at strange political bedfellows, Israeli filmmaker Maya Zinshtein (Forever Pure, DOC NYC 2016) investigates the political alliance between American evangelicals and Israel’s right wing, and their influence on the Trump administration’s foreign policy. Why do American church leaders encourage parishioners to make donations to Israel, even from poor communities? Because they believe Israel’s expansion will play a key role in end-times prophecy, when Christians will be saved and others—including Jews—will perish. Learn more here.
Jesus and the Disinherited - Canon Walter Brownridge leads Q&A and concluding reflections
SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 12:30-2 P.M., via Zoom
Many members of the Saint Mark’s community are participating in a Lenten book study of Howard Thurman’s foundational book, Jesus and the Disinherited. It’s not too late to join in! We have one more opportunity to discuss the book and reflect on its application to our individual and communal lives:
Register for a concluding session and Q&A with Canon Walter Brownridge, Saint Mark’s Theologian in Residence, on April 11 from 12:30-2 p.m. at this link. Questions? Contact Canon Jennifer Daugherty at
Jamie Rubio: Two Years in Sanctuary
On the evening of March 28, 2019, Jaime Rubio very quietly and cautiously came to live in Sanctuary at Saint Mark’s Cathedral in great trepidation for his safety. On the 29th, he spoke at a press conference and his situation—working for a legal remedy to keep his family together—became public.
On this Palm Sunday, Jaime has been here in Sanctuary at Saint Mark’s for TWO YEARS in this struggle. He and his wife Keiko and their son Yoshi are a remarkable family with tremendous strength and perseverance. We are the richer for their sharing their gifts with us in this community and grateful for their patience and trust in sharing this journey with us. But two years without freedom is not just! We stand with Jaime and his family and are called to raise our voices and support in every way we can for reform of our unjust and inhumane immigration laws, and for Jaime—and countless others!—to be free from fear of being separated from his family.
Want to keep abreast of Sanctuary at Saint Mark’s? Email Canon Nancy Ross to be on the Sanctuary mailing list:
Dean Thomason's Message on Hate Crimes against Asian Americans
In response to the massacre in Georgia, threats against churches in Seattle, and the legitimate fear of violence that Asian American and Pacific Islander members of our own community are experiencing, Dean Thomason sent a message to the community, which may be read here.
Creation Care Weekly Tip
Find some headphones, close your eyes, and "surrender yourself as a listener to be "inside of God’s clock." Says Gordon Hempton in this podcast, "We need quiet places to "fall back in love with Earth."
Interested in hearing more about the Creation Care Ministry and being more involved? Contact Marjorie Ringness to find out more!
Vaccination Navigators for Cathedral Community Members
Many people in the Saint Mark’s community are now eligible for COVID-19 vaccination, and the improving availability of the vaccines offers hope that everyone who wishes to be vaccinated soon can be. Securing an appointment, however, can sometimes be complicated and frustrating. If you are eligible but are having difficulty with the sign-up process, parishioners Beatrix and Greg Hamm have offered to help folks navigate the system to get an appointment. If you would like to seek their help, please send an email to Erik Donner,, or one of the clergy, and the connection will be made. Thanks.
Julian of Norwich and Christ’s Passion with Kenneth Peterson
SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 9 A.M.-12 P.M., via Zoom
Julian of Norwich—fourteenth-century anchorite, mystic and theologian, lived during a time of plague. Her witness gives us inspiration now during a similar time. This Saturday, Kenneth Peterson, known to many at Saint Mark's as the longest-serving member of the Compline Choir, and a Benedictine oblate at St. Placid's Priory in Lacey, WA, will offer a seminar on this saint for our times. He will consider her visions of the Passion of Christ, and ensuing revelations of God’s love, as a subject for our own meditations during Holy Week. Register here.
Seattle Service Corps Newsletter
The members of the Seattle Service Corps have prepared a newsletter to share stories, reflections, and even recipes with the community. Check it out here.
Night Prayer with the 20s/30s Group
NEXT SERVICE: MONDAY, APRIL 12, 7 P.M., over the phone
Night Prayer with the 20s/30s Group at Saint Mark's will continue on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. This will be offered over the phone. As the weather permits, an in-person option in addition to audio will be offered—stay tuned! Please email Canon Jennifer to receive the call-in information and liturgy for the service.
Sunday Morning Church School
SUNDAYS, 9 A.M.: Godly Play with Alicia (for pre-K—grade 2)
SUNDAYS, 10 A.M.: Saints & Sacraments with Sonjia and Kristen (for grades 3–5)
Saint Mark's Sunday School offerings have returned to their usual pattern. For more information and Zoom links, contact Canon Jennifer King Daugherty at
United Way Tax Help
From now through April18, 2021, trained and IRS-certified tax experts will be available to provide safe, secure and 100% online assistance in filing your taxes. Their experts know all the new tax laws and available credits, including those in the new relief bill, so that they can maximize your return and you can keep more of your money. They can also assist with claiming stimulus check money. You can file for free online and get information and assistance over the phone in numerous languages. Visit here for more information.