Sunday Worship at 11 a.m.
Livestream service of Holy Eucharist
Download the leaflet in advance here.
Presider: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Preacher: The Rev. Canon Walter B.A. Brownridge
Scripture: 1 Samuel 3:1-20; John 1:43-51
Hymns: How bright appears the Morning Star [Hymn #497]; Will you come and follow me? [see leaflet]; Lift every voice and sing [Hymn #599]
Organ: Dieterich Buxtehude, Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern, BuxWV 223; Kleinschmidt, Improvisation on Lift Every Voice
The Office of Compline
Listen to the Office of Compline on KING-FM 98.1 or online at Please subscribe to the Compline podcast: Read the update on the current Compline situation here.
Highlights: (Archive recording from January 14, 2018): Gerald Near, Jesus came, adored by angels; Jason A. Anderson, Domine, probasti
All repertoire and liturgy information subject to change.
This week's hymn introduction may be found here. Tune in each Thursday at 4 p.m. on the cathedral's Facebook page to watch each week's presentation live.
Please note: The cathedral offices will be closed on Monday, January 18, for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday.
Friday afternoon tea
Friday 1/15, 3 p.m.
Virtual Sunday School
Sundays 9 & 10 a.m.
Holy Eucharist liturgy (livestream)
Sunday 1/17, 11 a.m.
Virtual Coffee Hour
Sunday 1/17, 12 p.m.
SACRED: Milestones of a Spiritual Life
Watch Party with the 20s/30s Group
Sunday, 1/17, 5 p.m.
The Office of Compline
Sunday 1/17, 9:30 p.m.
Night Prayer with 20s & 30s
Monday, 1/18, 7 p.m.
Special Prayer Services in the week of the Inauguration
Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday 1/18–1/20, 6:30 p.m.
and Wednesday 1/20 at 8:15 a.m.
In-person Prayer Time in the Nave
by reservation only
Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday 1/18–1/20
Tuesday Bible Study
Tuesday 1/19, 12–1:30 p.m.
Pilgrimage into Celtic Spirituality
Wednesday, 1/20, 7 p.m.
Annual Parish Meeting: Session 1
Sunday, 1/24, 9:45 a.m.
Radix Project Opening Plenary:
What is God Up To in All "This"?
Sunday, 1/24, 7 p.m.
The Doctrine of Discovery
and the Necessity of Decolonization
Wednesday, 1/27, 7 p.m.
Music Series: John Stuntebeck on the Fritts Organ
Friday, 1/29, 7:30 p.m.
Annual Parish Meeting: Sessions 2&3
Sunday, 1/31, 9:45 a.m. & 11:45 a.m.
Spirited Women present: Illuminated Examen
Sunday, 2/7, 12:30 p.m.
Inquirers' Class
Begins Sunday, 2/14, 12:30 p.m.
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, 2/17
Morning Prayer, THURSDAYS, 7 A.M. via Zoom. A service of morning prayer, followed immediately by some time to talk and be together. Join using this Zoom link.
Evening Prayer, EVERY WEEKNIGHT, 6:30 P.M. via Zoom. A service of daily evening prayer to close the day. Join using this Zoom link.
Saint Mark's New Theologian-in-Residence to Preach This Sunday
SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, at the 11 a.m. Eucharist Service
The Rev. Canon Walter Brownridge, in his role as Saint Mark's Theologian-in-Residence for 2021 (although that residency will be virtual for a time), will preach his first sermon for the cathedral at the 11 a.m. Eucharist service on Sunday, January 17. We welcome Canon Brownridge’s prophetic voice in these times, and in recognition of the Federal Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday on Monday, and look forward to his working with the community in coming months.
SACRED: Milestones of a Spiritual Life Watch Party, Sponsored by the 20s/30s Group
SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 5 P.M., via Zoom
All ages are welcome to join the 20s/30s Group for a watch party viewing and discussion of SACRED via Zoom. How do others outside of our tradition, and our country, experience faith and spiritual practice? After the screening, we’ll discuss observations from the film. Watch the trailer here. Join using this Zoom link.
Daily Prayer Services Leading to the Inauguration
Evening Prayer with special prayers for the nation. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty will officiate. Join using this Zoom link.
Evening Prayer with special prayers for the nation. Jo Ann Bailey officiates. Join using Join using this Zoom link.
Morning Prayer with special prayers for the nation and our leaders. Dean Steve Thomason will officiate. (The service will conclude before the inauguration ceremony begins). Join using this Zoom link.
Evening Prayer with special prayers for the nation and our leaders. Canon Nancy Ross will officiate, with a debrief conversation following. Join using Join using this Zoom link.
In-Person Prayer in the Nave for Inauguration Week
At designated times on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday leading up the Inauguration of the new president the nave will be open for personal prayer. Time slots must be reserved in advance, and masks, distancing and screening procedures must be observed. Time slots are available during the following periods:
Monday, January 18, 12–2 p.m.
Tuesday, January 19, 4–6 p.m.
Wednesday, January 20, 11 a.m.–1 p.m.
Pilgrimage into Celtic Spirituality
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 7-8 P.M., via Zoom
Facilitated by Dean Steve Thomason
Join Dean Thomason and others for an evening of reflecting on our Celtic heritage, and the ways Celtic spirituality innervates our communal life and worship even still. The pilgrimage to Iona and the Celtic missions of northern England and Scotland has been postponed till summer 2022, but pilgrimage involves prayer and preparation, and an openness to be changed by the experiences that unfold near and far from the place we call home. All are welcome. Join using this Zoom link.
Annual Parish Meeting to take different shape this year due to the pandemic
TWO SUNDAYS, JANUARY 24 & 31, 2021, via Zoom
Please note the changes made to this year’s Annual Parish Meeting which has been adapted given the cathedral’s closure and the need to conduct our business virtually. All sessions of the Annual Meeting will take place via Zoom. If you have any questions, please contact Dean Thomason or Erik Donner.
- Call to Order, Election Rules (adapted), Report of the Nominating Committee, Nominations from the Floor, then Recess until January 31 at 9:30 a.m.
At the regular coffee hour following the 11 a.m. service in January 24, candidates for Vestry will be present for an information meet-and-greet.
- Call to Order, Elections, Reports, then Recess for Worship via Livestream
Dean Thomason's sermon during the service on January 31 will serve as the Dean's Report to the Parish.
- Awards and Recognitions by Dean Thomason, Closing Prayer, Adjourn
Notice of Intent to Amend Bylaws
At the Vestry meeting on January 19, 2021, the Vestry will consider and vote on an amendment to the cathedral's bylaws, in order to clarify who may vote in the upcoming parish elections, and to more closely align the cathedral bylaws with the Canons of the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Olympia. You may see the proposed revision here.
What is God Up To in All “This”?
SUNDAY, JANUARY 24, 2020, 7 P.M. (note evening time!), via Zoom
All are welcome to an evening presentation and discussion led by Dean Thomason on our “Stories of Salvation,” a lead-in to the upcoming season of Lent (yes, already!). The Easter Vigil, which features these salvation stories, is the apical liturgy of the entire year, weaving a rich tapestry of scriptural stories, the ritualized confluence of grace found in Baptism and Eucharist celebrated on this most holy night, and a textured choreography of music and movement meant to inspire us for the journey. Radix 4 groups are forming now, with a focus drawing on select scriptures from the Easter Vigil that tell the story of God’s engagement with humanity and all creation. We need these stories now as ever—what is God up to in all “this”? Join Dean Steve Thomason to explore the question of what scripture has to say about our experiences and the meaning we make as we turn into a new year. All are welcome, whether or not you intend to participate in the small groups. Join using this Zoom link.
Register for The Radix Project 4: Stories of Salvation
In January of 2020 the cathedral launched The Radix Project: Small Groups/Deep Roots. More than 150 people in 18 small groups met weekly for six weeks to share their stories, reflect on Holy Scripture and sacred art, and pray for one another with intention. This offering lent itself perfectly to the transition to an online-only offering when the pandemic happened, and two further series were offered, with groups meeting virtually, in the Spring and the Fall of 2020. This season you are invited to a fourth series, centered around the scripture narratives heard each year at the Easter Vigil liturgy. New groups are formed for each series, and you are encouraged to sign up whether or not you have participated in the past.
More information is available on the Radix Project webpage, where material from previous iterations of the Radix Project are now posted, and where materials for the upcoming series will be posted as they become available.
The Doctrine of Discovery: The Episcopal Church, Indigenous Peoples, and the Necessity of Decolonizing Christianity
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 7–8:30 P.M., via Zoom
A Presentation and Discussion with The Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton
Saint Mark’s welcomes The Rev. Rachel Taber-Hamilton, who is Shackan First Nation, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Everett, and Coordinator of Ethnic Ministries Circles of Color. The Doctrine of Discovery historically informed the legal premise for justifying the forces of colonialism, including the enslavement of African and Asian peoples as well as the oppression and genocide of indigenous peoples. Rev. Taber-Hamilton will share the historical development of the Doctrine of Discovery, the historical role of the Church, and real-world contemporary examples of its continuing impact. The Doctrine of Discovery remains embedded in the legal policies of the U.S. and colonized nations throughout the world, policies that maintain the theological, political, and legal justification for continued neo-colonialism, including the seizure of land, genocide, oppression, and racism. The Episcopal Church National Convention in 2009 formally renounced the doctrine and urged dioceses’ reflection and action. Come learn how allies can help deconstruct the effects of the Doctrine of Discovery as a social force in our Church, in our nation, and in our world. Register to attend here.
Fritts Organ Concert: John Stuntebeck, Organist
FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 7:30 P.M., on the Saint Mark's livestream page
The next concert on the Music Series this year features associate organist John Stuntebeck! Here is a rare opportunity to hear a richly diverse collection of pieces played on the organ built for Thomsen Chapel in 2013 by Paul Fritts, a world-renowned organ builder based in Tacoma. As principal organist of the Sunday 8 a.m. worship service in the chapel, John Stuntebeck expertly highlights all the beauty of this marvelous instrument. His program will include works of three living North American composers: Rebecca Groom Te Velde, Calvin Fuller, and Denis Bédard; and works of Percy Whitlock, J.S. Bach, and W.A. Mozart.
Illuminated Examen: A Virtual Retreat for Spirited Women
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 12:45 -3:00 P.M., via Zoom. Preregistration required. Register here.
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, the Spirited Women are having another gathering—Sunday, February 7 from 12:45 p.m. to 3 p.m. (virtually). The focus is the spiritual practice of the Examen, a way of prayerful reflection from the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. We will be led by Lorelei Amato, cathedral clergy, and others in exploring a contemplative way of doing Examen by “illuminating” our written reflections through art. Art skills are not required—you will be provided a template for ideas/designs. Registration and a fee of $11 are required, to cover a packet of materials that will be mailed to you before the event. Register by January 20 using this link. Contact Mary Segall ( or Canon Nancy Ross ( with any questions or to receive a scholarship.
Inquirers' Class: Living the Questions
SUNDAYS, FEBRUARY 14 – MARCH 28, 12:30 P.M., via Zoom
Are you curious about Episcopal liturgy, beliefs, or tradition? Are you feeling called to create a deeper commitment with God? No matter where you are on your journey, consider attending this multi-week series, where we will explore the basics of the Christian faith through the Episcopal lens. Whether you are new to Saint Mark’s, or just interested in sharing and learning, you are welcome! The series will begin virtually on Sunday, February 14 and continues on Sundays weekly through March 28. Sessions run from 12:30–2 p.m. via Zoom. Bring your lunch and your curiosity! Interested? For more information or to RSVP, contact The Rev. Canon Nancy Ross at
New Habits: Re-Evaluate Your Water Usage
Thinking about starting some new habits for the new year? Save the planet and save money at the same time by using less hot water. Project Drawdown says hot water is responsible for a quarter of residential energy use worldwide. It takes energy to clean and transport water, to heat it, and to handle wastewater after use. But efficiency can be improved household-by-household and tap-by-tap. The City of Seattle has water-saving suggestions here. For instance, if a family of four each shortens their daily showers by 3 minutes, they could save about $80 a year. And did you know that 90% of the energy used by washing machines is for heating water? Use cold water and only wash full loads to save up to $124 a year. Look around on the websites mentioned above for other ideas that you can put into practice in your own home.
Would you like to be more involved in the work of the Creation Care Ministry at Saint Mark’s? Contact Marjorie Ringness to find out more!
The Creation Care Ministry team wants to hear from YOU!
Everyone is the Saint Mark's community is invited to complete this brief survey to help guide our programming in 2021. There are just eight simple questions—it should take less than five minutes to complete. The deadline to submit is February 14, 2021. Thank you!
Church Leaders Respond to Political Violence
The shocking if unsurprising events of January 6 have occasioned countless responses from faith leaders in The Episcopal Church and beyond. A selection of those responses, including the messages from Dean Thomason and Bishop Rickel, are collected here for convenience.
Sunday Morning Church School!
SUNDAYS, 9 A.M.: Godly Play with Alicia (for pre-K—grade 2)
SUNDAYS, 10 A.M.: Saints & Sacraments with Sonjia and Kristen (for grades 3–5).
Saint Mark's Sunday School offerings have returned to their usual pattern. For more information and Zoom links, contact Kelly Moody, Associate for Spiritual Formation, at Make sure you're signed up to the "Children and Families" email list to receive the monthly newsletter for parents, Be Present at Our Table, containing reflection, activities, recommendations, and special announcements.
Pray by Podcast with Kelly & Rebekah!
Night Prayer with the 20s/30s Group
NEXT SERVICE: MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 7 P.M., over the phone
Yes! Night Prayer with the 20s/30s Group at Saint Mark's will continue on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in the new year! This will be offered over the phone—the young adults decided that there were already too many videoconferences and Zoom meetings in their lives! Please email Canon Jennifer to receive the call-in information and liturgy for the service.
URGENT: Two Male Student Actors Needed for Kennedy Center Performance
Community member Margaret Ann O'Donnell's immersive theater work, The Detention Lottery, received its first public performance in Bloedel Hall in 2018. Now this powerful play, based on Margaret's own experiences as an immigration lawyer, has been accepted to the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival, which this year will be 100% virtual. But they are in urgent need of two more performers. Margaret writes:
"We urgently need two men to play detainees in my play, The Detention Lottery, selected reading for the now online Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival, Region IV. These actors must be active students to fulfill the quota—enrolled in grade school, high school, college, or graduate school, in any discipline. The first rehearsal is this Saturday, January 16; the second is Saturday, January 30. I’d love it if you can forward this to your contacts to send a brief bio and headshot to Franca Baroni at Here’s the website with the script. Reply NO LATER than Friday, January 15th, at NOON."
Do you know someone who might need to be contacted?
Is there anyone you know who might benefit from a quick phone call, or a note in the mail, from clergy or a member of the community? Email Dean Steve Thomason at or Erik Donner at, or call either one—or any of the clergy—at 206.323.0300.