SUNDAY, MARCH 21, 2021
Sunday Worship at 11 a.m.
Livestream service of Holy Eucharist
Download the leaflet in advance here.
Presider: The Rev. Canon Nancy Ross
Preacher: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Scripture: Jeremiah 31:31-34; John 12:20-33
Hymns: When Christ was lifted from the earth [Hymn #603]; Lift High the Cross [Hymn #473]
Organ: Florence Price, In Quiet Mood; Evelyn Simpson-Curenton, Meditation on “Were you there?”
Communion Anthem: Words by Delores Dufner, music by Shirley W. McRae, O wheat whose crushing was for bread
Virtual Coffee Hour
Immediately following the service, join us for Virtual Coffee Hour! All are welcome. Find the link to join here.
This week's hymn introduction may be found here. Tune in each Thursday at 4 p.m. on the cathedral's Facebook page to watch each week's presentation live.
The Office of Compline
EVERY SUNDAY, 9:30 P.M., on KING 98.1 FM and
Live broadcasts and livestreams have resumed! Read the update on the current Compline situation here.
Highlights: Alice Parker, "Psalm 51" from Six Hymns to Doctor Watts; Peter Hallock Psalm 51 from The Compline Psalter; Jean Richafort, Peccavimus cum patribus
All repertoire and liturgy information subject to change.
Photo by Kevin Johnson, taken during the test reopening on March 14, 2021.
Mideast Focus Ministry
There is a Field film discussion
Friday, 3/19, 8 p.m.
Virtual Sunday School
Sundays 9 & 10 a.m.
Holy Eucharist liturgy (livestream)
Sunday 3/21, 11 a.m.
Virtual Coffee Hour
Sunday 3/21 12 p.m.
Inquirers' Class (registration now closed)
Sundays, 12:30 p.m.
Exploring the Doctrine of Discovery
Four Sundays through 3/21, 1-2:30 p.m.
(registration now closed)
The Office of Compline
Sunday 3/21, 9:30 p.m.
Registration opens for in-person service on 3/28
Monday 3/22, 9:00 a.m.
Night Prayer with 20s & 30s
Monday, 3/22, 7 p.m.
Postal Fellowship
3/22 - 3/29
Lenten Wednesday Evensong
Wednesday, 3/24, 4:30 p.m.
Jesus and the Disinherited
Community Discussion
Wednesday, 3/24, 6:30 p.m.
Palm Sunday
Sunday 3/28
Music Series: Quartet for the End of Time
Sunday, 3/28, 4:30 p.m.
Registration opens for in-person Easter morning service
Monday 3/29, 9:00 a.m.
Easter Sunday
Sunday 4/4
Cathedral Yoga
Monday, 4/5, 5:30 p.m.
Jesus and the Disinherited
Q&A with Canon Brownridge
5/11, 12:30 p.m.
Dean Thomason's Message on Hate Crimes against Asian Americans
In response to the massacre in Georgia, threats against churches in Seattle, and the legitimate fear of violence that members of our own community are experiencing, Dean Thomason sent a message to the community, which may be read here.
In-Person Worship Updates
Thanks to everyone in the community for their support as we gradually resume in-person worship in the cathedral nave! In an email sent to the cathedral on Wednesday, it was announced that the total number of registrations for congregants this Sunday had been increased from 30 to 40. All those spot are now claimed, and there are names on the waiting list.
An important addition: If you register, and then for any reason you discover you will not attend, please cancel your reservation as soon as possible. Use the "view and edit your order" link in your confirmation email (Eventbrite account required). Or simply contact Sacristan Michael Seewer at 206.323.0300 x206 or
You must register in advance to attend in person.
- You cannot register until six days before the service.
For Palm Sunday, March 28, registration to attend in person opens this Monday, March 22 at 9 a.m., here.
Holy Week and Easter Schedule Now Updated with Registration Information
On the Holy Week and Easter Schedule of Events, all the services with in-person attendance now include links to their registration pages, along with clear guidance about when you will be able to make a reservation for each service. For example, you will be able to register for Tenebrae (on Wednesday in Holy Week) beginning at 9 a.m., Thursday March 25. Registration for Easter Sunday opens at 9 a.m. on Monday, March 29.
Palms for Palm Sunday Will Be Available for Pick-up at the Cathedral
Drop by the office entrance of the cathedral Monday, March 22, through Friday, March 26, between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to pick up palm fronds for your Palm Sunday observance from home. (For those attending the Palm Sunday liturgy in person, palms will be distributed at the service.)
Jesus and the Disinherited—Time to Discuss and Reflect and Q&A
1. Book Discussion with Saint Mark’s Clergy and Small Breakout Groups
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 6:30-8 P.M., via Zoom
2. NEW! Canon Walter Brownridge leads Q&A and concluding reflections
SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 12:30-2 P.M., via Zoom
Many members of the Saint Mark’s community are participating in a Lenten book study of Howard Thurman’s foundational book, Jesus and the Disinherited. It’s not too late to join in! We have two opportunities to discuss the book and reflect on its application to our individual and communal lives:
Register for a small-group book discussion led by Saint Mark’s clergy on March 24, 6:30-8 p.m. at this link.
Register for a concluding session and Q&A with Canon Walter Brownridge, Saint Mark’s Theologian in Residence, on April 11 from 12:30-2 p.m. at this link. Questions? Contact Canon Jennifer Daugherty at
Vaccination Navigators for Cathedral Community Members
Many people in the Saint Mark’s community are now eligible for COVID-19 vaccination, and the improving availability of the vaccines offers hope that everyone who wishes to be vaccinated soon can be. Securing an appointment, however, can sometimes be complicated and frustrating. If you are eligible but are having difficulty with the sign-up process, parishioners Beatrix and Greg Hamm have offered to help folks navigate the system to get an appointment. If you would like to seek their help, please send an email to Erik Donner,, or one of the clergy, and the connection will be made. Thanks.
Easter Memorial and Thanksgiving Gifts
Help underwrite the beautiful flowers and music of the celebration of Easter by making a special contribution in honor or in memory of someone. Fill out the form located here, then make a gift in any amount, using the method that is most convenient for you. Contact Erik Donner in the cathedral office with questions. Contributions received by March 28 will be acknowledged in the Easter Sunday bulletin.
Ongoing Livestream Page Issues
In the last several weeks, people have reported problems accessing the livestream page on the cathedral website on Sunday morning. While the attempt to address this last week did not solve the problem, fewer people had problems than in previous weeks, and so once again the livestream player will no longer be embedded in the web page on Sunday morning, instead replaced with a link to the Vimeo page.
This week, in addition, we invite you to bookmark the direct link to cathedral's Vimeo account page: On Sunday morning, you are invited to go directly to this page to see the liturgy, bypassing the cathedral's website entirely. Links to the leaflet pdf, coffee hour, etc. will appear in the description of the video. Thank you for bearing with us as we attempt to restore normal function to Please contact Greg Bloch with any question or observations:
There is a Field: Seattle Filmmaker Explores Israel/Palestine through the Lens of Black Lives Matter
TODAY, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 8 P.M., via Zoom
There's still time to email and watch the film There is a Field before tonight's discussion. In addition to filmmaker Jen Marlowe, Jesse Hagopian, Seattle-based activist and educator, who has been active in Black-Palestinian solidarity work, will join the discussion.
MidEast Focus will present the next film in the series, 'Til Kingdom Come, in three weeks, on Friday, April 9. Learn more here.
Personal Prayer in the Cathedral Nave in Lent
MONDAY, MARCH 22, 6-7 P.M.
PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 12:30-1:30 P.M.
Come to the cathedral nave for a moment of quiet, prayerful reflection during Lent. Several times have been set aside to welcome parishioners to the nave for socially-distanced individual prayer. There is no need to register. Come to the Hoerster Annex entrance (southwest corner of cathedral) where you will be greeted and asked to sign a health waiver. Then you will proceed to the nave for your time of prayer. Total occupancy will be limited. Contact Canon Jennifer, with any questions.
For 20s/30s: "Postal Fellowship" Letter Exchange During Lent
There is something about writing and receiving a handwritten note that can be central to our wellbeing in connecting with others. All people in their 20s/30s are invited to join in “Postal Fellowship” as an opportunity to pause, reflect, and connect with each other in handwritten correspondence during the weeks of March 22 and March 29. Share your letter writing, card decorating, stamp selection, envelope art or postcard style with another 20s/30s member. Suggested writing prompts will include themes of “Release” (Week 1) and “Renewal” (Week 2). If you are interested in participating, then please complete this form by March 15 to get your “match” and additional instructions. Questions? Email Seyi Akanni (
Messiaen's Quartet for the End of Time
PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 4:30 P.M., via livestream
Olivier Messiaen composed his sublime Quatour pour la fin du Temps [Quartet for the End of Time] in 1941 while captive in a Nazi prisoner of war camp. Considered to be one of the masterpieces of the 20th century, it is a deeply spiritual work contemplating the power of faith, hope and love to transcend time itself. Rose Bellini, cello; Luke Fitzpatrick, violin; Jesse Myers, piano; Rachel Yodel, clarinet will present the work on the afternoon of Palm Sunday. Learn more here.
Holy Week at Home Packets for Families with Elementary Age Children
Sign up today!
Calling all families with elementary school children! Saint Mark’s faith formation leaders are preparing packets for you to observe Holy Week at home while staying connected to the broader community. We’ll drop off your packet between April 25 and 27, or will mail it to you if you are at a longer distance. We want to be sure to include all families with younger children—please send a note to Canon Jennifer with your name, address, and names of children at We’ll let you know when to expect your Holy Week delivery!
Ongoing Lenten Opportunities
As we continue through the season of Lent, all in the Saint Mark's Cathedral community are invited to a holy rhythm of prayer, reflection, and renewal. A variety of opportunities and resources to support each person and each family in observing a holy Lent at home are collected together on the Lent at Home page of the cathedral website, and a few are highlighted briefly below (click the image to learn more).
Lenten Wednesday Evensong Service, Led by Choristers of the Choir School
FINAL SERVICE, MARCH 24, 4:30 P.M. Join together for an evensong service led by the young people of the Choir School, via Zoom.
A Lenten Evening Devotional
A brief prayer service for the evening to be said alone or as a family in the home. Find as a pdf here, or online here—the online version has been newly updated with new videos from cathedral musicians.
Jesus and the Disinherited
All are encouraged to read this book in preparation for the discussion Wednesday, March 24, and the newly-announced Q&A event on April 11. Information including a video of Canon Brownridge's introduction can be found here.
The Stations of the Cross
In the nave is artist Virginia Maksymowicz's stunning sculptural interpretation of the traditional fourteen Stations of the Cross. You may engage with them in prayer through an on-demand video liturgy filmed in the cathedral nave, available here.
Prayer Banners around the Labyrinth
Thanks to all those who have already contributed to the Prayer Banner Project around the outdoor labyrinth. Pick up a banner from the bin on the cathedral patio, or make one with whatever fabric you have on hand (approx. 3 inches by 12 inches), write your prayer intention on it, and come hang it on the line around the labyrinth any time—or mail it to the cathedral at the usual mailing address if you cannot come by. The banners will be blessed and offered up at the Maundy Thursday liturgy, April 1.
Sanctuary Event at Saint Mark's
On Wednesday, March 17, Saint Mark's was the location of a special event marking the release of Jose Robles after 20 months confined in the immigration detention center. Prior to entering detention, Jose lived for a year in Sanctuary inside Gethsemane Lutheran Church in downtown Seattle. This gathering also marked Jaime Rubio’s upcoming two-year anniversary of being in sanctuary at Saint Mark’s, as he continues to work toward a legal remedy. Check out some photos and a complete video of the event here.
Dean Thomason in The Episcopal Cafe
On Monday, The Episcopal Café, a prominent independent online platform reporting and reflecting on the Anglican faith from a progressive perspective, posted Dean Thomason's statement to the community regarding the Vatican's recent statement on same-sex couples. Then, on Thursday, Dean Thomason was included, along with the Bishop Akiyama of Oregon and Presiding Bishop Curry, in a post about responses to from Episcopal leaders to hate crimes against Asian Americans.
Seeking Hospitality Ministers
With the cathedral resuming in person worship as of March 21, we are looking to form teams of hospitality ministers to serve for each of our Sunday services. Hospitality ministers will be the first face people see when they enter the cathedral. They will welcome people, ensure they are registered for worship, and help guide them to their seat. We hope to form teams of six people each to rotate once every four or so weeks. Training will be provided in the coming weeks (stay tuned for the date). If you might be interested in joining the hospitality ministry, or with any questions, please contact sacristan Michael Seewer or Don Sutkus,
With the Flick of a Switch, You've got the Power!
Rev. Canon Nancy Ross shared that she's making it a point this year to be more mindful to turn lights off in her apartment during the daytime. In doing so, she can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 0.15 pounds per hour, according to sustainability research at Boston University. And it's not just lights but also unplugging devices like printers, iPod and phone chargers, and external hard drives, too.
Interested in hearing more about the Creation Care Ministry and being more involved? Contact Marjorie Ringness for the Zoom link or to find out more!
Seattle Service Corps Newsletter
The members of the Seattle Service Corps have prepared a newsletter to share stories, reflections, and even recipes with the community. Check it out here.
Night Prayer with the 20s/30s Group
NEXT SERVICE: MONDAY, MARCH 22, 7 P.M., over the phone
Night Prayer with the 20s/30s Group at Saint Mark's will continue on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. This will be offered over the phone. As the weather permits, an in-person option in addition to audio will be offered—stay tuned! Please email Canon Jennifer to receive the call-in information and liturgy for the service.
Sunday Morning Church School
SUNDAYS, 9 A.M.: Godly Play with Alicia (for pre-K—grade 2)
SUNDAYS, 10 A.M.: Saints & Sacraments with Sonjia and Kristen (for grades 3–5)
Saint Mark's Sunday School offerings have returned to their usual pattern. For more information and Zoom links, contact Canon Jennifer King Daugherty at
United Way Tax Help
From now through April18, 2021, trained and IRS-certified tax experts will be available to provide safe, secure and 100% online assistance in filing your taxes. Their experts know all the new tax laws and available credits, including those in the new relief bill, so that they can maximize your return and you can keep more of your money. They can also assist with claiming stimulus check money. You can file for free online and get information and assistance over the phone in numerous languages. Visit here for more information.