Sunday Worship at 11 a.m.
Livestream service of Holy Eucharist with The Great Litany in Procession
Download the leaflet in advance here.
Presider: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Preacher: The Rev. Canon Nancy Ross
Scripture: Genesis 9:8-17; Mark 1:9-15
Litany: Enriching Our Worship version, musical setting by Dent Davidson
Hymn: Now let us all with one accord [Hymn #147]
Organ: Dieterich Buxtehude, Three Preludes on Lententide Hymns; J.S. Bach, Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist, BWV 671
Offertory: African-American Spiritual
arr. Carl Haywood, I want Jesus to walk with me
Virtual Coffee Hour
Immediately following the service, join us for Virtual Coffee Hour! All are welcome. Join using this Zoom link.
This week's hymn introduction may be found here. Tune in each Thursday at 4 p.m. on the cathedral's Facebook page to watch each week's presentation live.
The Office of Compline
EVERY SUNDAY, 9:30 P.M., on KING 98.1 FM and
Live broadcasts with a vocal quartet resume this Sunday! Read the update on the current Compline situation here.
Highlights: Thomas Ravenscroft, Remember, O thou man; Christopher Tye, In pace, in idipsum
All repertoire and liturgy information subject to change.
Photo of the installation of the Stations of the Cross by Virginia Maksymowicz in 2018 by Liz Bartenstein.
Friday afternoon tea
Friday 2/19, 3 p.m.
Mideast Focus Film Series presents: Advocate
Friday, 2/19, 8:30 p.m.
Saturday Night Shakespeare Live
Saturday, 2/20, 7 p.m.
Virtual Sunday School
Sundays 9 & 10 a.m.
Holy Eucharist liturgy (livestream)
Sunday 2/21, 11 a.m.
Virtual Coffee Hour
Sunday 2/21 12 p.m.
Inquirers' Class (registration now closed)
Sundays, 12:30 p.m.
The Office of Compline
Sunday 2/21, 9:30 p.m.
Night Prayer with 20s & 30s
Monday, 2/22, 7 p.m.
New Weekly Morning Prayer Service
Begins Wednesday, 2/24, 8:30 a.m.
Lenten Wednesday Evensong
Begins Wednesday, 2/24, 4:30 p.m.
Concert à 3
Friday, 2/27, 7:30 p.m.
Jesus and the Disinherited
Introductory Presentation
Sunday, 2/28, 1 p.m.
Second Sunday Book Group
Sunday, 3/14, 1:00 p.m.
Jesus and the Disinherited
Concluding Discussion
Wednesday, 3/24, 6:30 p.m.
Evening Prayer, EVERY WEEKNIGHT, 6:30 P.M. via Zoom. A service of daily evening prayer to close the day. Join using this Zoom link.
Morning Prayer, THURSDAYS, 7 A.M. via Zoom. A service of morning prayer, followed immediately by some time to talk and be together. Join using this Zoom link.
NEW THIS WEEK! Morning Prayer, WEDNESDAYS, 8:30 A.M. via Zoom. Join using this Zoom link. See more details below.
MEFM 2021 Film Series Opening Event—Advocate
WATCH THE FILM AT YOUR CONVENIENCE (see below for details)
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 8:30 P.M., via Zoom
Advocate is a powerful documentary film providing a fascinating look at the life and work of Jewish Israeli lawyer Lea Tsemel, who has represented Palestinian prisoners for nearly 50 years in Israeli courts.
The film's distributor has made this film available for viewing for a limited time. Send an email to to receive the link, which will work anytime until 8:30 p.m. Friday.
The post-film conversation will feature the participation of the subject of the film, Lea Tsemel herself! Discussion will be moderated by John McKay, Former U.S. Attorney for Western Washington and current President of the King County Bar Association. Join the discussion tonight at 8:30 p.m. using this Zoom link.
Saturday Night Shakespeare Live!
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 4-7 P.M., via Zoom
Join the 20s/30s Group for a virtual group reading of Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Contact Emily Meeks ( for more information, or join via Zoom here.
A Service of Morning Prayer Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. Launches this Week!
BEGINS FEBRUARY 24, 8:30 A.M. via Zoom
Beginning on February 24, Saint Mark's will offer an additional service of Morning Prayer each week. At 8:30 a.m. on February 24, and every Wednesday thereafter, join together on Zoom for Morning Prayer, led by one of the lay worship leaders from Saint Mark's. (Thursday Morning Prayer at 7 a.m. continues as usual.) Occasionally, one of our priests will also join us and lead us in prayer. We will meet using the existing Zoom link for Morning and Evening Prayer. Consider making a commitment to yourself to attend just for the six weeks of Lent. If you have questions about this new service, please email Cathedral Sacristan Michael Seewer (
As we begin the season of Lent, all in the Saint Mark's Cathedral community are invited to a holy rhythm of prayer, reflection, and renewal. A variety of opportunities and resources to support each person and each family in observing a holy Lent at home are collected together on the Lent at Home page of the cathedral website.
Special Lenten Wednesday Evensong Service, Led by Choristers of the Choir School
During the season of Lent, the choristers of the Choir School will host a weekly Evensong service over Zoom on Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. All are welcome! Take a break in your week to be lead in prayer by the voices of our cathedral choristers. (Daily Evening Prayer continues at 6:30 p.m. as usual.) Join using this Zoom link.
A Lenten Evening Devotional
A printed version of this brief liturgy for individuals or families has been mailed—keep an eye on your mailbox! (Or click here to view it as a pdf online.) The Lent at Home web page also contains the complete service, plus additional resources.
Prayer Banners
All in the Saint Mark’s cathedral community are invited to share their Lenten prayer intentions by writing them on a fabric banner and hanging them around the labyrinth on the cathedral front lawn. See more detailed instructions here.
The Stations of the Cross
The cathedral is blessed to be able to once again display the stunning sculptural interpretation of the traditional fourteen Stations of the Cross by artist Virginia Maksymowicz in the nave. This beautiful video from the cathedral of the "Way of the Cross" liturgy from the Book of Occasional Services was directed and edited by filmmaker and community member David Wild—it is available to use as an aid to prayer at home at any time.
Two Opportunities during Lent
The Rev. Canon Walter Brownridge, Theologian-in-Residence, Presents Howard Thurman’s Jesus and the Disinherited
Plenary prior to community book reading for Lent:
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1-2 P.M., via Zoom
follow-up book discussion:
Gather (via Zoom) on February 28 at 1 p.m. with Saint Mark’s Theologian-in-Residence, The Rev. Canon Walter Brownridge, for an introduction to acclaimed African-American religious leader and theologian Howard Thurman’s legacy. Canon Brownridge’s presentation leads off an invitation to read for Lent Thurman’s foundational work Jesus and the Disinherited, exploring the Gospel as a manual of resistance for the poor and disenfranchised. (You may recall that Canon Brownridge discussed Thurman in his sermon of January 17.) We will follow up on March 24 for an online discussion of the book together with Saint Mark’s clergy at 6:30–8 p.m.
Howard Thurman was a pastor, teacher, preacher, writer, and mystic. He played a guiding role in many social justice movements and organizations of the twentieth century. His writings formed the spiritual foundation for the modern, nonviolent civil rights movement and he was a key mentor to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In Jesus and the Disinherited, Thurman interprets the teachings of Jesus through the experience of the oppressed and discusses nonviolent responses to oppression. Join the Zoom with Canon Brownridge here. Questions? Contact Canon Jennifer Daugherty at
Dismantling Racism Training from Absalom Jones Center
TRAININGS VIA ZOOM RUN FROM 6 A.M. TO 1 P.M., PACIFIC TIME (because they’re happening on the East Coast!)
While the world is meeting via Zoom, the Saint Mark’s community has an opportunity to participate in Dismantling Racism Trainings with The Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing in Atlanta, Georgia, focused on increasing racial understanding, healing, and reconciliation. Let’s take advantage of this significant resource – and then share our learning and reflections in an upcoming Zoom gathering on the evening of Wednesday, May 12 at the cathedral! The Absalom Jones Center provides tools and experiences that allow faith communities to engage in dismantling racism through education, prayer, dialogue, pilgrimage, and spiritual formation.
Sign up for this significant training, which is scheduled on many upcoming weekdays and Saturdays. Although there is no charge to take the training, pre-registration is required no later than one week in advance. Register here. (Note that Zoom classes are offered only until it is safe to meet in person again, as classes are filling up quickly, so sooner is better!) Questions? Contact: Canon Nancy Ross:
Concert à 3 with Jillon Dupree, Rebekah Gilmore, and Page Smith
The Saint Mark's Music Series continues with this free, livestreamed concert. Three towering talents in the Puget Sound Region—who also happen to be members of the Saint Mark's Cathedral Choir—join forces to offer a varied program of music for voice with bowed and plucked strings. Featured composers include Hildegard, Giovanni Picchi, Purcell, Peri, Gabrielli, Monteverdi, Fux, and Bach.
Cathedral Yoga Returns as a Monthly, Zoom-based Offering
MONDAY, MARCH 1, 5:30 P.M., via Zoom
Last year on March 1 the final Cathedral Yoga gathering of 2020 was offered on the altar platform of Saint Mark's. The following week, the class was suspended. Now, one year later to the day, Cathedral Yoga will begin again as a once-a-month live Zoom offering from the cathedral nave direct to your living room. Ministry leader Irene Beausoleil, a longtime parishioner of Saint Mark's and a professional yoga instructor, will lead the class. It will look different, but some things about Cathedral Yoga will remain the same as ever: a gentle, contemplative, and restorative practice, offered on a pay-what-you can basis. All are welcome, regardless of skill level or prior experience—Irene will always adapt or modify elements when requested. Cathedral Yoga will be offered on the first Monday of each month, and future months could feature special guest teachers and musicians. Check out the Cathedral Yoga web page for future updates and the link to join.
Two Books by Phyllis Tickle: The Great Emergence: How Christianity is Changing and Why and Emergence Christianity
SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 1:00 P.M., via Zoom
Ensemble Singing Has Returned to Saint Mark's Cathedral
After a three-month hiatus during which only vocal soloists were permitted to sing during religious services, updated guidelines now once again allow small groups of singers to sing in harmony. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, livestreamed services will now feature a quartet of singers, with the possibility of larger groups of singers in the future, as conditions allow. Live broadcasts of Compline on KING-FM will resume on February 21, also with a quartet at first. Singers will be spaced widely apart, and will remain masked at all times.
New Wardens Announced
At the (virtual) Vestry Retreat held on February 6, new Senior and Junior Wardens were selected for 2021. The Senior Warden for the year will be Peter McClung. Clara Berg was named Junior Warden for Finance. Walter Stuteville will continue another year as Junior Warden for Facilities. Thanks to the new Wardens and to all the members of this year's Vestry for their faithful service!
Creation Care Weekly Tip: Got Leftovers?
Mismatched Tupperware or old containers in the back of your cabinet? Check out this Terracycle program to recycle food storage containers. Learn more here.
Would you like to be more involved in the work of the Creation Care Ministry at Saint Mark’s? Contact Marjorie Ringness to find out more!
Night Prayer with the 20s/30s Group
NEXT SERVICE: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 7 P.M., over the phone
Night Prayer with the 20s/30s Group at Saint Mark's will continue on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in the new year! This will be offered over the phone—the young adults decided that there were already too many videoconferences and Zoom meetings in their lives! Please email Canon Jennifer to receive the call-in information and liturgy for the service.
Sunday Morning Church School
SUNDAYS, 9 A.M.: Godly Play with Alicia (for pre-K—grade 2)
SUNDAYS, 10 A.M.: Saints & Sacraments with Sonjia and Kristen (for grades 3–5).
Saint Mark's Sunday School offerings have returned to their usual pattern. For more information and Zoom links, contact Canon Jennifer King Daugherty at
Faith Action Network Legislative Update
Saint Mark's is one of over 150 diverse faith organizations across Washington State affiliated with FAN, which lobbies our state government on behalf of legislation supporting a range of issues including police and criminal reform, homeless prevention, climate change, immigrants rights, healthcare access, and an equitable budget. FAN is supporting 43 bills in the current legislative session, touching all areas listed above. A few examples: bills to fund the working families tax credit; prohibit qualified immunity as a defense for officer misconduct; private prison prohibition; clean fuel standards; eviction reform; and expanding health care for undocumented workers. If you are interested in knowing more about FAN, or how to contact your state representatives and senators, please contact Tom Sunderland on behalf of the Saint Mark's Justice Committee, at
United Way Tax Help
From now through April18, 2021, trained and IRS-certified tax experts will be available to provide safe, secure and 100% online assistance in filing your taxes. Their experts know all the new tax laws and available credits, including those in the new relief bill, so that they can maximize your return and you can keep more of your money. They can also assist with claiming stimulus check money. You can file for free online and get information and assistance over the phone in numerous languages. Visit here for more information.
Do you know someone who might need to be contacted?
Is there anyone you know who might benefit from a quick phone call, or a note in the mail, from clergy or a member of the community? Email Dean Steve Thomason at or Erik Donner at, or call either one—or any of the clergy—at 206.323.0300.