Sunday Worship at 11 a.m.
Livestream service of Holy Eucharist
Download the leaflet in advance here.
Presider: The Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty
Preacher: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Scripture: Exodus 12:1-14; Matthew 18:15-20
Hymns: Joyful, joyful we adore thee [Hymn #376, tune of Hymn to Joy]; Lord, make us servants of your peace [Hymn #593]
Organ: Edward Elgar, Allegretto piacevole; William Mathias, Fanfare
Offertory music: attr. Richard Farrant, Lord, for thy tender mercy’s sake; a virtual choir video featuring members of the Schola of the Choir School and adults if the Evensong Choir.
Here is this week's introduction to Sunday's hymns, presented by Canon Kleinschmidt. It was first broadcast live over Facebook on Thursday. Click here to watch the video on Facebook.
Newcomer’s Coffee with Clergy
On the first Sunday of each month, a separate coffee hour is offered especially for newcomers and guests to the livestream, near and far. If you know of someone who has recently begun participating remotely, please encourage them to contact Canon Chapman.
Birthday and Anniversary Blessings at Virtual Coffee Hour this week
On the first Sunday of the month, we will say our traditional blessings for those with birthdays or anniversaries in the month of August during the Virtual Coffee Hour. Email Peter McClung to get the link.
Friday afternoon tea
Friday 9/4, 3 p.m.
Holy Eucharist liturgy (livestream)
Sunday 9/6, 11 a.m.
Virtual Coffee Hour
with Birthday and Anniversary Blessings
Sunday 9/6, 12 p.m.
Newcomers Coffee Hour
Sunday 9/6, 12 p.m.
The Office of Compline
Sunday 9/6, 9:30 p.m.
A House For Us All:
Virtual Tour of Diocesan House
Thursday 9/10, 11 a.m.
Virtual Ministry Fair
Sunday 9/13, before and during morning liturgy and Virtual Coffee Hour
Night Prayer with 20's & 30's
Monday, 9/14, 7 p.m.
Virtual Choir School Rehearsals begin
Tuesday & Wednesday, 9/15 & 9/16
"Wonder in Creation":
Spiritual Practices in Creation
Wednesdays, 9/16 & 9/23, 7 p.m.
Navigating a Changing Church: Intercultural Competency Webinar
Saturday, 9/19, 8:30 a.m.
Virtual Sunday School Returns
Sundays, beginning 9/20, 9 & 10 a.m.
Special Parish Meeting:
Exploring the Potential Uses of the St. Nicholas Building
Sunday, 9/20, 7 p.m.
Living the Questions:
A (Virtual) Series for Inquirers
Sundays 9/20–10/25, 12:30 p.m.
The Radix Project Opening Plenary
Wednesday, 9/30, 7:30 p.m.
Regathering the Beloved Community: Virtual Diocesan BIPOC Retreat
Saturday, 10/17
Morning Prayer, THURSDAYS, 7 A.M. via Zoom. A service of morning prayer, followed immediately by some time to talk and be together. All are welcome. Email for the link.
Evening Prayer, EVERY WEEKNIGHT, 6:30 P.M. via Zoom. A service of daily evening prayer to close the day.
Special Musical Offering this Sunday
At the time of the Offertory during this coming Sunday's morning service, a new "virtual choir" video will be presented, featuring The Schola of the Cathedral Choir School (that is, the choir for high school-aged students and changed-voice boys), joined by adult members of the Evensong Choir. They will offer the beloved Tudor anthem "Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake," frequently sung in Lent but appropriate for all seasons. The authorship of both the words and the music of this small gem are a puzzle—in the sources that survive, the music is variously attributed it to John Hilton, Richard Farrant, and Thomas Tallis, but all these sources date from 50–100 years after the music was written, and may be nothing more than educated guesses. A convincing case has been made, based on purely stylistic evidence, that the music is the work of Christopher Tye. Like the previous virtual choir videos presented by the choirs of Saint Mark's, special thanks go to Peter Garbes and Heather MacLaughlin Garbes, who spend hours of work processing and assembling the videos!
The Office of Compline
Compline will be broadcast at 9:30 p.m. on Sunday, now with a choir of three or four singers. Listen live on KING-FM 98.1 and online at, and please subscribe to the Compline podcast:
Highlights: Ronald Arnatt, O lux beata Trinitas; Peter Hallock, Psalm 119:33-40; Charles Wood, Nunc dimittis in G; Thomas Tomkins, Out of the deep.
All repertoire and liturgy information subject to change.
20's & 30's
Night Prayer with the 20's & 30's Group
The 20's and 30s at Saint Mark's will be hosting prayer together over the phone on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 7 pm. The first service will be Night Prayer (from the New Zealand Prayer Book) on September 14th. Please email Canon Jennifer to receive the call-in information and liturgy for the service. Additionally, there will be an optional in-person gathering outdoors in groups of 5 or less to call-in to our common prayer on the 4th Monday of each month. Please fill out this form if you are interested in joining a group or getting more information.
Weekly Online Sunday School Returns!
RESUMES SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20: 9 A.M. (pre-K—grade 2) AND 10 A.M. (grades 3–5).
Church School on Sunday mornings is starting up again for the Fall season! Children in Pre-K through second grade meet at 9 a.m. for Godly Play with Alicia Goodwin, where they tell bible stories with objects from home, make art together, and share their prayers and praises. Children in third through fifth grade meet at 10 a.m. for Exploring Saints and Sacraments with Kristen Kelly, where they study scripture together and make connections to life in quarantine, plan projects for the community, and more! Contact Kelly Moody, Associate for Spiritual Formation, for more information and zoom links at
THE SAINT MARK'S PRAYER PODCAST FOR CHILDREN: In each 6–8-minute episode, you'll hear a verse of scripture, sing a song with Miss Gilmore, and be invited to pray together. Search for "Prayer Podcast for Children" wherever you get your podcasts, or check out all the episodes here!
Saint Mark's Choir School Returns!
The Saint Mark’s Choir School returns in September for a year of music-making, liturgical learning, and fun! We begin online this fall using Zoom and will continue in this fashion until it is deemed safe to gather in person. Online, weekly "rehearsals" will teach: music theory, ear training, vocal training, choral repertoire and listening, liturgical knowledge, faith building, and camaraderie. Juniors (ages 5, beginners) rehearse Tuesdays from 4–4:30 p.m., and Seniors (3rd grade - 8th grade, intermediate) rehearse Wednesdays from 4–4:45 p.m.
Living the Questions:
A (Virtual) Series for Inquirers
SIX SUNDAYS, SEPTEMBER 20–OCTOBER 25, 12:30 P.M., via Zoom
Are you curious about Episcopal liturgy, beliefs, or tradition? Are you feeling called to create a deeper commitment with God? No matter where you are on your journey, consider attending this multi-week series, where will explore the basics of the Christian faith through the Episcopal lens. The series will begin virtually on Sunday, September 20 and continues on Sundays weekly through October 25. Sessions run from 12:30–2 p.m. in via Zoom. Bring your lunch and your curiosity! Interested? For more information or to RSVP, contact The Rev. Canon Cristi Chapman,
The Radix Project Returns for the Fall
OPENING ONLINE PLENARY: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 7 P.M., via Zoom (link to be announced)
In January of 2020 we launched The Radix Project: Small Groups/Deep Roots. Over 150 people met together weekly for 6 weeks to study scripture, share stories, and pray for one another. Then, when the Cathedral closed in the Spring, 80 people met in small groups via zoom to study the Resurrection narratives in the season of Easter. This fall, you are invited to a third series centered around stories of Biblical surprise. New groups are formed for each series, and meet once a week online for six weeks, beginning the first week of October. To participate in a small group, please complete the online form.
The Opening Plenary will include a brief presentation by Dean Steve via Zoom, who will offer some theological reflections on the element of surprise in the Bible, and in our lives. This presentation is open to anyone, whether or not they are participating in the small group series. Contact Spiritual Formation Associate Kelly Moody,, with questions.
Ministry Blessing Sunday and Ministry Fair (Online)
NEXT SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, before, during, and after Sunday morning worship.
The building may be closed, but the ministries of Saint Mark’s are as vibrant in heart as ever. They are integral to our community—those fully in action during the pandemic and those that will be reenergized as we gather in person again! At the 11 a.m. livestream liturgy, Dean Thomason will commission and bless all ministries of Saint Mark's. That also includes everyone who participates—all of us—because worshiping together IS ministry!
After the service, Zoom into a lively online Coffee Hour for a special presentation on the ministry life of Saint Mark’s and preview of our new Ministry Guide, and talk together as we kick into our fall season!
Tune into the livestream a little early, at 10:45, to watch a slideshow of images of cathedral ministries in action in recent years!
If you have not already received the link to join Zoom Coffee Hours, please email Peter McClung for instructions:
Special Parish Meeting - Exploring Potential Uses of the St. Nicholas Building
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 7 P.M., via Zoom
Earlier this week Dean Thomason sent an email to the cathedral community announcing that the Vestry has recently engaged a development consultant to assist us in exploring potential uses of the St. Nicholas building with a goal of advancing the cathedral’s mission and ministries. John Hoerster serves as the chair of a committee guiding this process. A summary report is available on the cathedral website.
On Sunday, September 20 at 7 p.m., Mr. Hoerster and Dean Thomason will share details of the process, plans for parish input along the way, and address questions folks may have at this early stage. Another email will the Zoom link will be shared closer to the event.
A House for Us All: Diocesan House, the Former Leary Mansion
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2020, 11:00 A.M., via Zoom
Come join Diane Wells, Archivist for the Diocese of Olympia, as she leads a virtual tour of Diocesan House, the former Leary Mansion. Purchased in 1948, Diocesan House was intended “to give us a center for the Church’s life in the Northwest” and has served the diocese as a place of community for almost 75 years. On the National Register of Historic Places, this magnificent house is filled with history and is a place of beauty as well as a place of work. Register here.
Navigating a Changing Church: Intercultural Competency as a Bridge to Effective Anti-Racism Work
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2020, 8:30 A.M., via Zoom
Join with other Episcopalians from around the Diocese of Olympia to learn about how increasing your skill in navigating intercultural similarity and difference can help you begin to do the personal work necessary to navigate, understand, and support efforts to dismantle racism in our church and in our individual lives. Register here.
"Regathering the Beloved Community" Virtual Retreat / "Reuniendo de Nuevo a la Comunidad Amada"
The Regathering the Beloved Community virtual retreat is sponsored and organized by Circles of Color, the grassroots Ethnic Ministries community network in the Diocese of Olympia (Western Washington). The Regathering the Beloved Community Virtual Retreat is for People of Color in our diocese who have passion for advocacy and support of People of Color and communities of color in our diocese. Participants will engage a visioning process towards identifying the initial steps in a strategic planning process for the work of Ethnic Ministries, identifying short and long-term goals.
Our retreat will be facilitated by The Episcopal Church Officer for Racial Reconciliation, The Rev. Isaiah "Shaneequa" Brokenleg, and the Missioner for Hispanic/Latino Ministries and The Episcopal Church Director of Ethnic Ministries, The Rev. Canon Anthony Guillén. Both facilitators serve on the staff of the Office of the Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Michael Curry. There is no cost or fee required. Register here / Registrarse
A Season of Creation
Saint Mark’s and the greater Episcopal Church joins Christian churches across the world in celebrating the Season of Creation September 1 – October 4. From the Season of Creation website: “The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator through repenting, repairing, and rejoicing together. During the Season of Creation, we join our sisters and brothers in the ecumenical family in prayer and action for our common home.”
For the Season of Creation 2020, leaders from The Episcopal Church, the Anglican Church in Canada, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada collaborated on a set of beautiful weekly devotionals to guide us through this season. Here’s the devotional for this first week of the Season of Creation, centered on the verse from Scripture: "Besides this, you know what time it is, how it is now the moment for you to wake from sleep" (Romans 13:11).
Wonder in Creation: A Two-Week Series of Spiritual Practices in Creation
TWO WEDNESDAYS, SEPTEMBER 16 & 23, 7–8:30 P.M., via Zoom
How do you experience God in everyday life? How might your daily living itself be and become a spiritual practice? The Creation Care and Faith Formation ministries will jointly host a two-week series in September to explore how spiritual practices outside bring opportunities to encounter presence, connection and reflection. Each evening, a panel from Saint Mark's will reflect on their own experiences, and you will have time to share your own. We'll also introduce tangible ways to share in active spiritual practices and reflect on how they may nurture reflection and faith in our response. Join us to "Celebrate the Harvest" on 9/16 and to practice "Mindful Steps" on 9/23. For questions and to obtain the Zoom link, contact
Our Bee Colonies are Thriving!
The bees and beekeepers have been hard at work. In July, one of the hives lost its queen. However, wild bees are able to create a new queen with remaining larvae, so apiarists Rob and Jaime moved eggs from the healthy hive to the queenless one. Once the queen was established, she then started laying fertile eggs. We're happy to report the success of Rob and Jaime's work—both beehives are now thriving!
Tent City 3: Community Update
The residency of Tent City 3, a community of 50+ residents, is enter its final weeks of its presence on the cathedral's property. They will be leaving us and moving to their next host on September 15.
Meet Tony!
Tony is a resident of TC3 and has extensive history with the tent city community, including serving on the camp's executive committee. You can find him at the front desk greeting visitors, hanging out with fellow residents, and in the kitchen making meals to share with his neighbors. If you are on campus before September 15, stop by to say hello.
Thank you to the volunteers for their donations of time, talent and treasures that provide for our neighbors!
New Seattle Service Corps Members!
This year’s cohort of Seattle Service Corps members arrived in Seattle earlier last week. All seven new members, as well as Service Corps Director Adam Conley, are currently on their opening retreat on the Hood Canal (which this year doubles as their required 14-day quarantine period before beginning their life together on the cathedral campus). Please send them prayers for their year ahead!
The 2020/21 Members of the Seattle Service Corps. Top row: Grace Attiyeh, Caroline St. Clair Bauerschmidt, Taylor Bischot, Stephanie Dickson. Bottom row: Amanda Fergeson, Kylee Hodil, April Little.
Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty: Holy Backbone
Cathedral Conversations is a podcast by, for, and about the community of Saint Mark's Cathedral. In the first part of the newest two-part interview, the Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty talks about how she got started in the Episcopal Church, how she came to Saint Mark's, and what it means to be the Canon for Congregational Life. In the second part, she discusses what it means to be a cathedral community at a time of quarantine and racial reckoning, and host Michael Perera turns the clock back to his second Sunday at Saint Mark's! Listen at or download and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.
The Daily Office at Saint Mark's
We have ended our period of offering Morning Prayer on Sunday mornings, but services of The Daily Office continue at Saint Mark's! Since the Cathedral closure in March, we have offered daily services of Evening Prayer, and weekly services of Morning Prayer, via Zoom. Morning Prayer is offered Thursday mornings at 7 a.m., contact Sarah Elwood ( if interested in joining. Evening Prayer is offered every weekday evening at 6:30p.m., to join, contact Michael Seewer at Learn more about the Daily Office here.
Friday Afternoon Tea
EVERY FRIDAY at 3 P.M., via Zoom.
Remember when we used to get together in coffee shops? We can still do that... online! Michael Perera will host afternoon tea once a week; drop in and chat about whatever’s on your mind. Bring your favorite hot beverage and let’s continue hanging out and making the isolation easier. Email Michael Perera with questions or to get the link to join:
Do you know someone who might need to be contacted?
Is there anyone you know who might benefit from a quick phone call, or a note in the mail, from clergy or a member of the community? Email Dean Steve Thomason at or Erik Donner at, or call either one—or any of the clergy—at 206.323.0300.