SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 2021
Sunday Worship at 11 a.m.
Livestream service of Holy Eucharist
Download the leaflet in advance here.
Presider: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Preacher: The Rev. Emily Austin
Scripture: 1 Samuel 8:4-11,16-20; 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1; Mark 3:20-35
Hymns: O day of radiant gladness [Hymn #48]; We walk by faith and not by sight [Hymn #209]; Thy strong word did cleave the darkness [Hymn #381]
Organ: Jean Langlais, Chant de Paix [Song of Peace] from Neuf Pièces, Op. 40, No. 3; Louis Vierne, Carillon from Vingt-quatre pièces en style libre, Op. 31, No. 21
Choir: arr. Annabel Morris Buchanan, Jerusalem, my happy home
Virtual Coffee Hour with Birthday and Anniversary Blessings
Immediately following the 11 a.m. service, join us for Virtual Coffee Hour! All are welcome. Join using this Zoom link.
On the first Sunday of each month, Coffee Hour also includes the pronouncing of our traditional blessing for all those celebrating a birthday or anniversary in the month of June.
Newcomers' Coffee with Clergy
On the first Sunday of each month, a special virtual coffee hour is offered for those who have recently started experiencing Saint Mark's liturgies (wherever you may be located), those who are new to Saint Mark’s, or anyone who has questions about the cathedral community. Come meet new people and bring your questions! Find the link at, or email
The Office of Compline
EVERY SUNDAY, 9:30 P.M., on KING 98.1 FM and
Highlights: African-American Spiritual; arr. Brian Fairbanks, Sometimes I feel like a motherless child; M. Searle Wright, Slowly the rays of daylight fade
All repertoire and liturgy information subject to change.
¡Encuentro! Sharing with El Salvador LGBTQ+ Group
Saturday, 6/5, 2:30 p.m.
Virtual Sunday School
Sundays 9 & 10 a.m.
Holy Eucharist liturgy
Sunday 6/6, 11 a.m.
Virtual Coffee Hour
Sunday 6/6, 12 p.m.
Newcomers Coffee Hour with Clergy
Sunday 6/6, 12 p.m.
Choral Evensong featuring the Cathedral Schola
Sunday 6/6, 4:30 p.m.
The Office of Compline
Sunday 6/6, 9:30 p.m.
Registration opens for 6/13 liturgy
Monday 6/7, 9 a.m.
Vaccine Clinic in the Nave
Thursday 6/10, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Community Lunch Volunteer Shifts
Friday, 6/11, 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Funeral for Gretchen Jolly
Saturday, 6/12, 1 p.m.
Spirited Women Present: Progressive Psalm Writing
Sunday, 6/13, 1 p.m.
Night Prayer with 20s & 30s
Monday, 6/14, 7 p.m.
Tent City Returns to Saint Mark's
Tuesday 6/15
Ordination Liturgy
Tuesday, 6/15, 6:30 p.m.
Year-End Conversation with SSC
Wednesday, 6/16, 7 p.m.
Vaccine Clinic in the Nave
Thursday 6/17, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
9 a.m. Sunday Holy Eucharist Resumes
Sunday, 6/20, 9 a.m.
Dedication of the new EV charging station
Sunday, 6/20, 10:15 a.m.
DEEPER DIVE: Christology in Daily Life
Sunday, 6/20, 12:30 p.m.
EfM Forum
Wednesday, 6/23, 7 p.m.
Vaccine Clinic in the Nave
Thursday 6/17, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Sending and Blessing of SSC
Sunday, 6/27, 11 a.m.
Funeral for Kathryn Barnhouse
Saturday, 7/10, 2 p.m.
Second Sunday Book Group
Sunday, 7/11, 1 p.m.
The funeral of Gretchen Jolly will be offered SATURDAY, JUNE 12, at 1 p.m.
The funeral of Kathryn Barnhouse will be offered SATURDAY, JULY 10, at 2 p.m.
¡Encuentro! Meet Each Other!
Meet People in El Salvador (via Zoom) and Hear First-Hand Their Stories – and Stories from four Saint Mark’s Folks, too!
Meet people and hear first-hand their stories of living in El Salvador, and hear the personal stories from four Saint Mark’s community members, too, for mutual sharing, as we kick-off Pride Month together with an Encuentro (gathering to get to know each other). It’s a chance for us to learn more about the situation in El Salvador, where many members of the migrant community in U.S. come from, and to hear about the Diocese of El Salvador’s work to advance LGBTQ+ rights, as we celebrate individuals’ stories and share in solidarity with LGBTQ+ members. Saint Mark’s is a supporter of the Anglican Church of El Salvador’s Santa Marta Center project, to offer shelter and services for LQBTQ+ youth and young adults, many of whom have been kicked out of their homes or deported. The Anglican Church of El Salvador is one of the few open and affirming churches in a region that has historically been (and continues to be) very hostile to LGBTQ+ people. Let’s meet each other with gratitude for this chance to begin an ongoing relationship. Email Canon Nancy Ross for the link:
Choral Evensong on the Second Sunday after Pentecost... Featuring the Young People of the Cathedral Schola
SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 4:30 p.m., livestream only
Offer your evening prayers and praises to God, together with the talented young people of the Cathedral Schola (youth choir). At this service, we will say farewell to Schola members who are graduating. The service will include anthems by Kevin Siegfried, a contemporary composer with ties to Seattle and to Saint Mark's.
Saint Mark’s Spirited Women Present: Progressive Psalm Writing Together
GATHERING: SUNDAY, JUNE 13, 1–2:30, via Zoom
The Spirited Women’s next women’s gathering is focused on writing and exploring a created psalm together. More details and suggestions/instructions on writing your verse here. Please submit your verse to Mary Segall by Sunday, June 6, or contact her with questions: At the meeting on Sunday, June 13, each will have the opportunity to talk about her verse and what inspired her. Register for the Zoom using this link.
Tent City Returns to the Cathedral Campus on June 15
Share / Wheel's Tent City was last located on the cathedral campus during the summer of 2020. On June 15, Tent City will return to the cathedral campus to house up to 100 homeless men and women. The portable, self-managed Tent Cities are democratically organized. They operate with a strict Code of Conduct which requires sobriety, nonviolence, cooperation and participation. Saint Mark's parishioners are encouraged to provide support to residents through a variety of ways. Stay tuned for more about how you can help these unhoused members of our community!
Ordination Liturgy for Malcolm McLaurin
TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 6:30 P.M., via livestream
God willing and the people consenting, Bishop Rickel will preside at the ordination of new priests, including Saint Mark’s own Malcolm McLaurin, Charissa Bradstreet (Epiphany, Seattle) and Gerry Brennan (St. James, Cathlamet). Pre-registration for this service opened on Wednesday, June 2, at 9 a.m. Incense will be used at this service.
We have an ordination gift for Malcolm to be presented on behalf of the Cathedral community. If you’d like to send a note or card to him at the cathedral, we will share those with him on the evening of the ordination.
Year-End Conversation with the Seattle Service Corps
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 7 P.M., via Zoom
Join this year’s SSC cohort for an evening of conversation and Q&A to learn more about their service year experience, learnings, impressions of Seattle in a pandemic, and what they’re doing next. Please pre-register using this Zoom link. (There will also be a blessing and sending of the members during the 11 a.m. liturgy on June 27.)
9 a.m. Service of Holy Eucharist Resumes
As more people register to attend Sunday worship in-person, we will resume the 9 a.m. service of Holy Eucharist beginning Sunday, June 20. Normal pre-registration will be required, and our current policy requiring masks and distancing will continue until such time as the governor and local public health officials direct otherwise. Additional services will be added, perhaps this fall. Up to 100 in-person worshippers may attend by pre-registration. NOTE: This service will not be livestreamed.
The Rev. Malcolm McLaurin to Preside at Cathedral Eucharists
SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 9 A.M. & 11 A.M.
Before beginning his curacy at Holy Cross, Redmond, Fr. McLaurin will preside at the cathedral Eucharists on his first Sunday as a priest in the Church. Register for in-person worship beginning Monday, June 14 at 9 a.m. The 11 a.m. service will also be livestreamed.
Dedication of the Cathedral’s new Electric Vehicle Charging Station
SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 10:15 A.M.
Gather on the upper south parking lot and around the Peace Pole as we dedicate the new EV Charging Station in memory of long-time member Jim Mulligan, who was a pioneer in creation care and environmental justice efforts. (The brief ceremony of about ten minutes falls between the two Eucharists that morning.)
A series exploring the Church, faith, and spirituality
Who Do You Say that I Am? Christology in Daily Life with Canon Jennifer King Daugherty
SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 12:30 P.M., via Zoom. (Register in advance here to receive the link.)
Over time and across cultures, faithful people have understood Jesus the Christ in different, life-giving ways. Canon Daugherty will discuss some of these traditions, then will lead the group in exploring how our experience of pandemic has impacted our answer to Jesus’ question, “Who do you say that I am?” Canon Daugherty recommends reading these two articles in advance of her presentation:
Register in advance here.
"Is EfM for Me?" An Introduction to Education for Ministry
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 7 P.M., via Zoom
If you have attended Saint Mark's for some time, you have probably heard about Education for Ministry many times—especially this time of year when registration for the upcoming session is open. If you are new to Saint Mark's, you might be hearing about EfM for the first time. But what it is really like to participate in an EfM class? What sort of work is required? What happens at the class meetings? Are there exams??? Please consider attending a Zoom forum on Wednesday evening, June 23, to learn all about what EfM is... and what it isn't! Sacristan Michael Seewer will be the host, and Saint Mark's team of EfM mentors will be the panelists. Join using this Zoom link.
Second Sunday Book Group
SUNDAY, JULY 11, 1 P.M., via Zoom
We're reading "The Language of God" (2006) by Francis Collins, Director of the National Institute of Health. Collins' book, published the same year as evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins', "The God Delusion," is indicative of the on-going attacks religious beliefs were facing from some popular scientists and other religious skeptics. As a former religious skeptic, Collins takes on skeptics, those who are hostile to religious beliefs, and what he believes to be unscientific religious beliefs to argue that faith in God and faith in science need not be at odds with each other. Although not a recent book, it may still be relevant when the loudest voices in the rooms seem to be deriding science, not religion. Collins is most famous for directing the project that mapped the entire 3.1 billion letter code of the human DNA and for being Dr. Fauci's boss. To join the zoom discussion, contact or
"Projecting Justice" at Saint Mark's
On May 25, the anniversary of the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, the Saint Mark’s cathedral building became a public monument. With the approval of the Vestry, and in collaboration with the ACLU of Washington and the Washington Coalition for Police Accountability (WCPA), the names of citizens killed by police will be projected onto the façade of the cathedral through June 8, in letters over three feet high. With the exception of George Floyd, all the names will be people from Seattle and Western Washington. See images from the first eight nights of projects above. See the complete schedule of names here.
This project intends to highlight the need for systemic change in policing as an issue of justice. ACLU-WA and WCPA have successfully pushed the state legislature to pass new laws intended to address this issue, but so much remains to be done. The message of the "Projecting Justice" project is to declare that all these deaths were unnecessary and preventable, and that there exist legal, policy, and procedural reforms that would avoid such deaths in the future. Read more about these possibilities here.
Creation Care Weekly Tip:
Return of Farmers Markets
Check out your neighborhood farmers markets as many reopen for the first time since pandemic closures and restrictions. This is a great way to buy local, try new fruits and vegetables, and support local farmers and our community. Learn more about openings and events at:
Interested in hearing more about the Creation Care Ministry and being more involved? Please email Marjorie Ringness for more information.
A General Note about Masking and Distancing during Worship
There has been a good deal of confusion in recent days about use of masks for those who are vaccinated. We continue to require masking for everyone indoors, including worship. We will follow the guidance of the governor and local public health officials as the situation changes. That said, if two or more people who are fully vaccinated mutually agree to sit together during worship, they are welcome to do so at this time (still masked). Just make that known to the Hospitality Ministers as they assist with seating.
Saint Mark's Land Acknowledgment Statement
Earlier this week, Dean Thomason sent a message to the community introducing the Land Acknowledgment that you have heard said at the beginning of liturgies and meetings recently:
Saint Mark’s Cathedral acknowledges that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of the Duwamish Tribe.
Over the last year a Vestry-appointed ad hoc group has worked to develop the Land Acknowledgment we are now using. It was adopted unanimously by the cathedral Vestry in April of this year, and every group at Saint Mark’s—every ministry, every gathering, every committee—is encouraged to begin your time together with this Land Acknowledgment. The Vestry is committed to this action and many more as we seek to deepen our relationship with and support for the Duwamish People.
Please read more here about the land acknowledgment and the actions Saint Mark's is taking to support the lives of local indigenous tribes and nations.
A Cathedral Cookbook for Covidtide
As we inch forward into a post-pandemic existence, we all had experiences that involved preparing food at home. To memorialize this piece of the pandemic experience, every household is invited to send one (only one please) recipe that you found especially meaningful for you. You are welcome to include a brief comment (not to exceed 50 words) that offers some context if you like. We will organize this and make the cookbook available in digital format for free. Please send your one recipe to no later than June 15, 2021. (If you’d like to be part of a small group to work on this project, let Dean Thomason know).
New Dates and Times for the Vaccine Clinic in the Nave
THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 9 A.M.–1 P.M.
THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 9 A.M.–1 P.M.
The vaccine clinic (with live organ music!) in Saint Mark's Cathedral has been a great blessing to the entire community. For the next three Thursdays, the clinic will operate from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Links to register will be found here when they become available.
Graduate Names Requested
We will recognize and bless high school, college, and other post-secondary program graduates on Sunday, June 13 during the 11 a.m. service. If you or someone you know is graduating this spring/summer and would like to be recognized, please send their names and graduation information to Rebekah Gilmore,, by Tuesday, June 8 at 5 p.m.
Volunteers Needed to Serve Lunch
FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 9:30 A.M.-1 P.M.
On Friday, June 11, volunteers are needed to serve at Community Lunch at All Pilgrims Christian Church on Broadway on Capitol Hill, a service that provides free meals and survival services to hundreds of homeless and low-income people of Seattle. Duties will include food prep and bagging to-go lunch bags. You can sign up by emailing Rev. Emily Austin here. Masking and distancing requirements apply.
Night Prayer with the 20s/30s Group
NEXT SERVICE: MONDAY, JUNE 14, 7 P.M., over the phone
Night Prayer with the 20s/30s Group at Saint Mark's will continue on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. This will be offered over the phone. As the weather permits, an in-person option in addition to audio will be offered—stay tuned! Please email Canon Jennifer to receive the call-in information and liturgy for the service.
Sunday Morning Church School
SUNDAYS, 9 A.M.: Godly Play with Alicia (for pre-K—grade 2)
SUNDAYS, 10 A.M.: Saints & Sacraments with Sonjia and Kristen (for grades 3–5)
Saint Mark's Sunday School offerings have returned to their usual pattern. For more information and Zoom links, contact Canon Jennifer King Daugherty at