SUNDAY, MAY 16, 2021
Sunday Worship at 11 a.m.
Livestream service of Holy Eucharist
Download the leaflet in advance here.
Presider: The Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty
Preacher: The Rev. Mark Miller
Scripture: Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; 1 John 5:9-13; John 17:6-19
Hymns: All praise to thee, for thou, O King divine [Hymn #477]; Alleluia! sing to Jesus [Hymn #460]; The head that once was crowned with thorns [Hymn #483]
Organ: Olivier Messiaen, Alleluias sereins d’une âme qui desire le ciel [Serene Alleluias of a soul longing for heaven], and Transports de joie d’une âme devant la gloire du Christ qui est la sienne, [Outbursts of joy from a soul before the glory of Christ which is its own glory], from L’Ascension
Choir: Michael Praetorius, The Lord ascendeth up on high
This Sunday's Preacher: The Rev. Mark Miller
The sermon this Sunday will be offered by Priest Associate of Saint Mark's, The Rev. Mark Miller. He retired from St. John’s in Snohomish several years ago and served a number of Episcopal churches in western Washington. Besides a commitment to parish life and liturgy at the heart of that, he has worked ecumenically with many other faith groups, and takes a lively interest in social concerns.
Virtual Coffee Hour
Immediately following the 11 a.m. service, join us for Virtual Coffee Hour! All are welcome. Join using this Zoom link.
The Office of Compline
EVERY SUNDAY, 9:30 P.M., on KING 98.1 FM and
Highlights: arr. Peter R. Hallock, God is ascended; Luca Marenzio, O Rex gloriae
All repertoire and liturgy information subject to change.
Community Lunch Volunteer Shifts
Friday, 5/14, 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Funeral for Jim Green
Friday, 5/14, 2 p.m.
Saint Mark's Music Series:
All Bach on the Flentrop Organ
Friday, 5/14, 7:30 p.m.
Circles of Color Service of Lament
Saturday, 5/15, 2 p.m.
Virtual Sunday School
Sundays 9 & 10 a.m.
Holy Eucharist liturgy
Sunday 5/16, 11 a.m.
Virtual Coffee Hour
Sunday 5/16, 12 p.m.
DEEPER DIVE: The Breath of God
Sunday, 5/16, 12:30 p.m.
Second Sunday Book Group:
Isabel Wilkerson's Caste
Sunday, 5/16, 1:00 p.m.
Youth Watch Party: 2040
Sunday, 5/16, 7-9 p.m.
The Office of Compline
Sunday 5/16, 9:30 p.m.
Registration opens for 5/23 liturgy
Monday 5/17, 9 a.m.
Cathedral Website Scheduled Outage
Tuesday–Wednesday, 5/18–5/19
Vaccine Clinic in the Nave
Thursday, 5/20, by appointment
National Cathedral's Vigil of Hope
Friday, 5/21, 5 p.m.
Funeral for Kevin Patz
Saturday, 5/22, 2 p.m
Concert for the Human Family
Saturday, 5/22, 2:45 p.m
The Feast of Pentecost
Sunday 5/23
Pentecost Revival Worship Service
Sunday 5/23, 1 p.m.
Volunteer at Nurturing Roots Farm
Sunday, 5/23, 12:30 - 3 p.m.
Night Prayer with 20s & 30s
Monday, 5/24, 7 p.m.
Vaccine Clinic in the Nave
Thursdays, 5/27, 6/3, & 6/10, by appointment
Habitat for Humanity Annual Luncheon
Thursday, 6/3, 11:30 a.m.
¡Encuentro! with Santa Marta LGBTQ+ Youth Center
Saturday, 6/5, 2:30 p.m.
Newcomers Coffee Hour with Clergy
Sunday 6/6, 12 p.m.
Cathedral Yoga
Monday, 6/7, 5:30 p.m.
Community Lunch Volunteer Shifts
Friday, 6/11, 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Funeral for Gretchen Jolly
Saturday, 6/12, 1 p.m.
Spirited Women Present: Progressive Psalm Writing
Sunday, 6/13, 1 p.m.
DEEPER DIVE: Christology in Daily Life
Sunday, 6/20, 12:30 p.m.
All the following upcoming funeral liturgies will be livestreamed. Links to register to attend in person will be found in the usual place.
The funeral of Jim Green will be offered TODAY, FRIDAY, MAY 14, at 2 p.m.
The funeral of Kevin Patz will be offered SATURDAY, MAY 22, at 2 p.m.
The funeral of Gretchen Jolly will be offered SATURDAY, JUNE 12, at 1 p.m.
The cathedral website will be down for maintenance on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 18–19. Here are the links for Evening Prayer and for Morning Prayer in case you are accustomed to visiting the website for these links.
Planned Website Outage This Week
This week the Saint Mark's website will be upgraded, which requires taking the cathedral website offline for 12-48 hours. Staff email will be unaffected.
Annual All-Bach Concert on the Flentrop Organ
TODAY! FRIDAY, MAY 14, 7:30 P.M., via livestream. Free.
For the 2021 offering of this beloved annual institution in appreciation for Kapellmeister Bach—the second All-Bach Concert of the pandemic— Hannah Byun, Wyatt Smith, and Susanna Valleau, three of Seattle’s finest young organists, will take turns performing on the mighty Flentrop organ of Saint Mark’s Cathedral. Join Hannah, Wyatt, Susanna, and Johann Sebastian for this, the final livestreamed concert of the 2020–21 Music Series. Learn more here.
Circles of Color Service of Lament
SATURDAY, MAY 15, 2 P.M., via YouTube or in person at Trinity Parish in Everett
Trinity, Everett is proud to host a Service of Lament on May 15 at 2 p.m. sponsored by Circles of Color, the grassroots network of communities of color in the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia. Circles of Color represents several communities who are experiencing grief due to our current social times and realities, including officer-involved shootings of black Americans; hate crimes against Asian Americans; Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Children; racist attitudes towards Hispanic and Latino Americans as well as towards immigrants seeking aid at our southern boarders; the continuing pattern of murders of trans women and legal challenges to the civil rights of the LGBTQIA+ community; and the ongoing losses across the world to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is an opportunity to come together as community committed to being in mutually supportive relationship to share both our griefs and our hopes.
A New Saint Mark’s program exploring the Church, faith, and spirituality
THIS SUNDAY, MAY 16, 12:30 P.M., via Zoom. (Register in advance here to receive the link.)
Breath of God: The Holy Spirit with Canon Nancy Ross
Mark your calendars and join Cathedral clergy via Zoom for a DEEPER DIVE into the ways the Episcopal Church worships, the way we practice and grow in faith, and the ways we experience and evolve in Spirit—with time for learning, questions, and discussion together. This Sunday, May 16, Canon Ross will present on the gift of the Holy Spirit, from the ancient church to discerning the movement of the Spirit in our lives, in our times. Breath? Advocate? Fire? Wind? Prayer? What is the Spirit up to? Register in advance here.
Who Do You Say that I Am? Christology in Daily Life with Canon Jennifer King Daugherty
Canon Daugherty will explore who Jesus has been across time and cultures (informed by the book Jesus Through the Centuries by Jaroslav Pelikan) and also ask the question: Who is Jesus in a post-pandemic world?
Book Discussion: Isabel Wilkerson's Caste
SUNDAY, MAY 16, 1 P.M., via Zoom. (rescheduled for the third Sunday in May, due to Mother's Day)
Youth Watch Party: 2040
SUNDAY, MAY 16, 7–9 P.M., via Zoom
How old will you be in 2040? What will this world look like for you then? Youth, let's watch this entertaining and engaging documentary together and talk about it. We are God's hands in this world. How will we respond with hope to the climate crisis? Check out this YouTube trailer, and tune into Zoom to watch 2040 together.
COVID Vaccine Clinic in the Cathedral Nave: New Dates
Saint Mark's is thrilled to be hosting a series of COVID-19 vaccine clinics. Some appointments will be accompanied by live organ music! Additional times may still be added, and will appear here as they become available. Making a reservation in advance is strongly recommended. This clinic is offered in partnership with 6M Geriatrics and Hospital Medicine, a clinic located on First Hill. We are so grateful to 6M and its director Dr. Sikirat Iyabo Tinubu-Karch, MD, MHA, for the opportunity to serve the community in this profound way. Saint Mark's encourages everyone to receive a vaccine as soon as they can. Getting vaccinated protects both yourself and our entire community. Please share this information with your friends and family!
Final Offering of the Spring 2021 Film Series: A Selection of Shorts, Including the Oscar-Nominated The Present
DISCUSSION: FRIDAY, MAY 21, 7 P.M., via Zoom
As the situation in Palestine again becomes more and more horrifying, MEFM invites everyone to engage with a selection of short films exploring the indignities and dehumanization that citizens of the West Bank have faced every day for decades.
You are also invited to watch the following films, available any time on demand:
The Feast of Pentecost at Saint Mark's
The Feast of the Pentecost is a principal feast of the church year, celebrating the gift of the Holy Spirit and marking the end of the Easter season. Incense will be used at the 11 a.m. Eucharist service, and many parishioners like to wear red to mark this special day. Whether you participate in person or at home, why not put on your favorite red outfit, show it off in the Virtual Coffee Hour, and share a photo on Facebook?
NOTE: Community members who receive announcements from the Diocese of Olympia will know that Bishop Rickel has requested that all parishes in the diocese incorporate a public presentation of the Covenant to Root Out Racism (approved at the most recent Diocesan Convention) into their liturgies on the Feast of Pentecost. The cathedral has received special permission from the Bishop to postpone this proclamation. In the coming weeks, the Vestry is expected to approve a revision and updating of the cathedral's "Statement of Commitment and Action" from 2016, in the works for many months, which incorporates the content of the diocesan Covenant. Stay tuned for much more information on that to come.
The Episcopal Church Presents:
A Pentecost "Way of Love" Revival Weekend
The weekend comprises several offerings:
FRIDAY: Washington National Cathedral’s Vigil of Hope
Poised on the edge of reopening, the nation carries deep wounds following more than a year of global pandemic and public reckoning with centuries of racial injustice. Join us as we gather in word and music to acknowledge the sorrow of this past year and to turn our collective gaze toward the hope rooted deeply in our faith. Learn more here.
SATURDAY: Concerts for the Human Family & Conversations Across Difference
Filmed at Philadelphia Cathedral in compliance with COVID protocols, the concert features a diverse team—including Nashville pianist and composer Kory Caudill and Baltimore-based hip-hop artist Wordsmith—offering original music inspired by the BCP's Prayer for the Human Family. The concert is framed by the From Many, One: Conversations Across Difference effort, with a pair of musicians sharing their stories at the opening of the concert. Bishop Curry will host further conversation after the concert and then invite the entire audience to share in small group Conversations Across Difference. This series of short videos explains the two-year process of creating this event. Register for the free concert and conversations at
SUNDAY: Revival Worship Service (Featuring Contributions from Saint Mark's)
SUNDAY, MAY 23, 1 P.M., streaming here
The entire Episcopal Church is invited to a virtual Pentecost Way of Love Revival Worship Service on Sunday, May 23, at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. The spirit-filled celebration will draw on the gifts, testimonies, songs and voices of Episcopalians in cathedrals and communities across the church. Saint Mark's was honored to be one of the few communities invited to contribute to this liturgy, along with indigenous churches in Navajoland and South Dakota, Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral, Washington National Cathedral, and Christ Church Cathedral in St. Louis, MO. The Pentecost Way of Love Revival Worship Service will be aired on the Episcopal Church’s various web channels, including Facebook and, in addition to Saint Mark's own livestream page.
The Cathedral Building to Serve as a Memorial to Those Killed by Police
Beginning on May 25, the anniversary of the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, the Saint Mark’s cathedral building will become a public monument. With the approval of the Vestry, and in collaboration with the ACLU of Washington State, the names of citizens killed by police will be projected onto the façade of the cathedral, in letters over three feet high. With the exception of George Floyd, all the names will be people from Seattle and Western Washington. In this way, Saint Mark’s will use its most visible asset—the cathedral building itself—to “say their names” in this extraordinarily public way, in order to spark discussions and move towards meaningful change in our own community and region. More details about this project will be released in the coming weeks.
¡Encuentro! Meet Each Other!
Join Saint Mark’s Sanctuary Online Gathering with Santa Marta LGBTQ+ Youth Center in El Salvador
Meet people and share stories with members of the Sexual Diversity Ministry of the Episcopal Church of El Salvador, as we kick-off Pride Month together with an Encuentro (gathering to get to know each other). It’s a chance for us to learn more first-hand about the Diocese of El Salvador’s work to advance LGBTQ+ rights and to celebrate individuals’ stories and share in solidarity with LGBTQ+ members. Saint Mark’s is a supporter of the Anglican Church of El Salvador’s Santa Marta Center project, to offer shelter and services for LQBTQ+ youth and young adults, many of whom have been kicked out of their homes or deported. The Anglican Church of El Salvador is one of the few open and affirming churches in a region that has historically been (and continues to be) very hostile to LGBTQ+ people. Let’s meet each other with gratitude for this chance to begin an ongoing relationship. Email Canon Nancy Ross for the link:
Saint Mark’s Spirited Women Present: Progressive Psalm Writing Together
Participate NOW to share at a gathering on SUNDAY, JUNE 13, 1–2:30, via Zoom
The Spirited Women’s next women’s gathering is focused on writing and exploring a created psalm together. The practice is writing a “Progressive Psalm,” where each woman will write one verse (two lines) of a psalm of Praise/Gratitude prior to the gathering on June 13, and submit her verse to be put together with others’ to create a modern and personal psalm unique to Spirited Women. At the meeting on Sunday, June 13, each will have the opportunity to talk about her verse and what inspired her. More details and suggestions/instructions on writing your verse here. Please submit your verse to Mary Segall by Sunday, June 6, or contact her with questions: Register for the Zoom using this link.
Ordination Liturgy for Malcolm McLaurin
TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 6:30 P.M., via livestream
God willing and the people consenting, Bishop Rickel will preside at the ordination of new priests, including Saint Mark’s own Malcolm McLaurin.
The Episcopal Church's Racial Justice Audit Report and Resources Now Public
After two years and more than 1,300 surveys, the ground-breaking Racial Justice Audit of Episcopal Leadership is now available to the wider church and public. The audit identifies nine “patterns” of systemic racism—ranging from the historical context of church leadership to current power dynamics—that will also be highlighted in three public webinars in May and June.
You are invited to read, reflect, and share the full report available here. The executive summary is available here. Find other resources and announcements from the Racial Justice Team of the Episcopal Church here.
The Episcopal Church Racial Justice Team is also hosting three webinars introducing the report and diving deeper. Register for any/all of the webinars by clicking on the dates below, or by visiting the main Racial Justice Audit website.
Seattle Service Corps Newsletter #2
The Seattle Service Corps have released another newsletter! It contains reflections on their time here, information baout their service placements, photographs, and even a favorite recipe! Read it online here.
Cathedral Survey on (Post-Pandemic) Cathedral Life and Formation
An email was recently sent out to the parish from Dean Thomason, in which he asked everyone to participate in a brief (10-minute) online survey, the results of which will help guide the direction of the cathedral community—in particular faith formation offerings—as we emerge from the pandemic. The Dean wrote, "Regardless of your level of involvement in the life of the community, I am asking each and every person who counts Saint Mark’s Cathedral as a spiritual resource to please take this survey. I yearn for your voice to be in the mix at this critical juncture for the cathedral. Your voice matters!" This process is guided by nationally-recognized consultant Jamie Martin-Currie, M.S. Ed., who will also be leading several listening sessions with small groups of parishioners. If you are interested in participating in a session, please contact Erik Donner at or 206.323.0300 x 217. Again, the survey can be found here.
Weekly Conservation Tip: Local or Organic?
Recently in our Sacred Ground forum, there was a question about what's better to purchase - local or organic? When it comes to this question, it could be helpful to think about your objective.
- Buying and eating organic is a health and environmental objective. You can avoid ingesting chemicals like pesticides and herbicides and support food grown using soil enriching techniques that do not harm water quality.
Buying local, instead of from another state or country, is a carbon reduction objective. You can reduce your carbon footprint by 7% by eating locally. Learn more about the breakdown of food emissions and use the carbon tracker to help in making sustainable selections.
SAVE THE DATE for a fun training session on the carbon tracker with its designer, Lisa Altieri, on Thursday evening, June 3, via Zoom. More details soon.
Interested in getting involved with the Creation Care Ministry? We meet the second Monday evening of every month at 6:30 p.m. Feel free to join a meeting anytime. Please email Marjorie Ringness for more information.
Volunteering at Nurturing Roots
SUNDAY, MAY 23, 12:30–3 P.M.
Join Creation Care for an opportunity outside to volunteer and support Nurturing Roots, an urban farm and community farming program in Beacon Hill. Nurturing Roots is focused on food justice and empowerment. All ages and garden skills welcome. Group size limited to 15 volunteers and masking and distancing requirements apply. Email Emily Meeks ( to RSVP and for more information.
Volunteers Needed to Serve Lunch
FRIDAY, MAY 14, 9:30 A.M.-1 P.M.
FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 9:30 A.M.-1 P.M.
On Friday May 14 and Friday June 11, volunteers are needed to serve lunch at Community Lunch, a service that provides free meals and survival services to hundreds of homeless and low-income people of Seattle. Duties will include food prep and bagging to-go lunch bags. You can sign up by emailing Rev. Emily Austin here. Masking and distancing requirements apply.
Lummi Totem Pole Journey 2021
SATURDAY, MAY 22, 12–3 P.M., Victor Steinbrueck Park, downtown Seattle
In 2014, representatives of the Lummi Nation took a totem pole on a long trip across the US and Canada, in protest of a planned coal export terminal on their sacred lands. (Many in the community of Saint Mark's will remember the inspiring and moving event at the cathedral in August of 2014, when the totem pole was brought here and blessed on its journey—see photo above.) Although the coal export terminal project was abandoned, the Lummi are again taking a newly-carved totem pole on a cross-country tour, this time connecting twenty of the country’s Native-led struggles where sacred lands, waters, and wildlife are imperiled by dams, climate change, and extractive industries. The journey will end in Washington D.C. in July. Learn more about the totem pole and its journey here. An event in Seattle is planned for May 22 in Victor Steinbrueck Park, on the Seattle Waterfront (just north of Pike Place Market). RSVP for the Seattle event here.
Canon for Cathedral Music Michael Kleinschmidt to Take Sabbatical Leave
This Sunday is Canon Kleinschmidt's final Sunday with us before his sabbatical from May 17 through August 8, 2021. Canon Kleinschmidt writes:
- "I am deeply grateful for this opportunity for spiritual refreshment and to pursue interests for which I have long wished I could dedicate more time. I plan to hike and backpack in Southern Utah and Washington; to learn organ repertoire by women and BIPOC composers of the modern era, and North German composers of the Late Renaissance; and to develop skills for making effective instructional videos. I look forward to offering a forum about my sabbatical experiences after my return."
Sunday Morning Church School
SUNDAYS, 9 A.M.: Godly Play with Alicia (for pre-K—grade 2)
SUNDAYS, 10 A.M.: Saints & Sacraments with Sonjia and Kristen (for grades 3–5)
Saint Mark's Sunday School offerings have returned to their usual pattern. For more information and Zoom links, contact Canon Jennifer King Daugherty at
The Choir School remains hopeful for a return to in-person singing in the fall! Campers will renew their skills and repertoire in these two camp options.
AGES: rising 3rd grade–8th grade
CAMP DATES: July 11-14, 2021
- Sunday, July 11, 3–4:30 p.m.: Camp kickoff (masked/distanced at the cathedral)
- Monday, July 12–Wednesday, July 14, 10–11:40 a.m. daily: Camp via Zoom
- Wednesday, July 14, 4:30 p.m.: Final Zoom Choral Evensong
TUITION: No tuition fees will be charged for Camp 2021.
AGES: rising 9th-12th grade, and younger newly changed-voice tenors/basses
CAMP DATES: August 2-6, 2021;
- 7–8:30 p.m. daily
- This camp may be a hybrid in-person/Zoom if state and cathedral guidelines allow. Stay tuned!
TUITION: No tuition fees will be charged for Camp 2021.
Bloodworks Northwest Declares "Code Red"—Donors Needed to Book Appointments Immediately
Bloodworks Northwest is declaring a “Code-Red” alert, calling on our community to combat the ongoing blood shortage affecting local hospitals and trauma centers across the Pacific Northwest. A sustained increase in patient demand for blood, combined with low donor turnout, means only 85% of the blood needed by patients is now available. Now is the time to give. Make your appointment at
Habitat for Humanity Annual Luncheon
THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 11:30 A.M., via Zoom
Habitat for Humanity of Seattle-King County has sent along the following announcement about their upcoming annual luncheon:
This event raises funds to address the affordable housing crisis in our area. Please join our virtual “table” on June 3, 2021, from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. COVID-19 has had significant and worrisome impacts on this year’s budget and Habitat's ability to continue helping families in our community during this unprecedented time. Donations from individuals at this virtual event will be crucial to making this help possible. Our table goal of $3,000 will support this important work. Please help us reach our goal in one of the following two ways:
Register for the June 3 event here and either donate when you register or at the event itself.
- If you are unable to attend this event, donate on our personal Habitat fundraising page by texting the message btb20219 to the number 71777.