Sunday Worship at 11 a.m.
Livestream service of Holy Eucharist
Download the leaflet in advance here.
Presider: The Rev. Canon Cristi Chapman
Preacher: The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason
Scripture: Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25; Matthew 25:1-13
Hymns: Signs of ending all around us [WLP #721]; Lift up your heads [Hymn #436]
Organ: Prince Johann Ernst, Allegro and Presto from Concerto for Strings in G-Major, transcribed for solo organ by J.S. Bach
Offertory music: Trad. Spiritual, Keep your lamps trimmed and burning, arr. André Thomas. Virtual choir comprised of members of The Cathedral Choir and the Evensong Choir, with Michael Kleinschmidt, conducting, and Gregory Campbell, percussion
The Office of Compline
Compline will be broadcast at 9:30 p.m. on Sunday, now with a choir of three or four singers. Listen live on KING-FM 98.1 and online at, and please subscribe to the Compline podcast:
Highlights: Ravenscroft, Let saints on earth in concert sing; Tallis, Audivi vocem de caelo
All repertoire and liturgy information subject to change.
Friday afternoon tea
Friday 11/6, 3 p.m.
Spirited Women Virtual Mini-Retreat
Saturday 11/7, 9:30 a.m.
Virtual Sunday School
Sundays 9 & 10 a.m.
Holy Eucharist liturgy (livestream)
Sunday 11/8, 11 a.m.
Virtual Coffee Hour
Sunday 11/8, 12 p.m.
Second Sunday Book Group
Sunday, 11/8, 1 p.m.
Reversing Global Warming: Introduction to "Drawdown" for People of Faith
Sunday, 11/8, 1 - 3 p.m.
The Office of Compline
Sunday 11/8, 9:30 p.m.
Creation Care Ministry Meeting
Monday, 11/9, 6:30 p.m.
Night Prayer with 20s & 30s
Monday, 11/9, 7 p.m.
Post-Election Book Discussion:
Love is the Way
Monday, 11/9, 7 p.m.
Tuesday Bible Study
Tuesday 11/10, 12 - 1:30 p.m.
Diaconal Ordination of Malcolm McLaurin
Saturday 11/14, 8:30 a.m.
Altar in the World:
Pre-Thanksgiving Outdoor Service
Saturday, 11/14, 10 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Hymn Sing!
Sunday, 11/15, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Saint Mark's Music Series:
Gary Stroutsos, World Flute Music
Friday, 11/20, 7:30 p.m.
2040 Film Discussion
Sunday, 11/22, 1-3 p.m.
Mirabai Starr: Luminous Night
Saturday 12/5, 9:30 a.m.
Morning Prayer, THURSDAYS, 7 A.M. via Zoom. A service of morning prayer, followed immediately by some time to talk and be together. All are welcome. Email for the link.
Evening Prayer, EVERY WEEKNIGHT, 6:30 P.M. via Zoom. A service of daily evening prayer to close the day. Email for link.
Ingathering and Blessing of Pledges This Sunday
Earlier this week a message of gratitude from Dean Thomason was sent by email. Click here to read that message, with data about pledges that had been received at that point.
"Our Stewardship Ingathering is this coming Sunday, November 8, and we will present all the pledge cards, and the bowl of glass stones representing each pledge at the altar during the morning services. If you have already submitted your pledge, it will be there. If you have not yet done so, I hope you will. You can do so online at or by contacting Erik Donner at 206.323.0300 x 217 or He will include your pledge in those presented as blessings in this community as we engage our mission and ministries in the coming year. By presenting these at the altar, we consecrate them as gifts, as offerings of our life and labor.
If Saint Mark’s Cathedral is a place of spiritual connection for you, this is a tangible way of giving thanks for that connection, and to take your place in this wonderful community that spans the generations. We are all invited to be part of this 'One Body.'"
Please, if you are able, submit your pledge before Ingathering Sunday on November 8, either using the card you received in the mail or using the online form. Learn more at
Reversing Global Warming: Introduction to "Drawdown" for People of Faith
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2020, 1-3 P.M., via Zoom
If you're concerned about climate change, join others from around the Diocese for a virtual gathering to look into how you—and your congregation—can make a difference. We'll hear from Drawdown Seattle's founding director, Scott Henson, about Project Drawdown—a scientific study that identified 100 solutions that together, could actually reverse global warming by 2050. Then, spend time in dialogue with others to identify the vital role you and your church can play in the movement to help care for creation. This workshop is co-sponsored by the Bishop's Committee for the Environment.
Get tickets for this free event here.
Second Sunday Book Group
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2020, 1 P.M., via Zoom
A Pilgrimage to Eternity: From Canterbury to Rome in Search of Faith is Timothy Egan's story of his personal journey to discover what he, a lapsed Catholic, really believed. It's a personal search for the faith that may not have comforted his devout mother in her final days and failed some members of his family. It's also a learned journey through church history, and it's a delightful travelogue. (Rick Steves, watch out!)
Egan is an award-winning NYT's columnist, a Pulitzer Prize winning author, and a Seattleite. He writes beautifully, lyrically, and movingly in this story of his spiritual quest. To join the Zoom discussion, email your interest to or
Love is the Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times—The New Book by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2020, 7-8 P.M., via Zoom
Let’s gather after the election and talk about hope for the future in a real, Jesus-centered way! As the descendant of slaves and the son of a civil rights activist, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's life illustrates massive changes in our times. In his new book, he uses the prism of his faith, ancestry, and personal journey to show us how America came this far and how to go a whole lot further. The way of love is essential for addressing the seemingly insurmountable challenges facing this nation today: poverty, racism, selfishness, deep ideological divisions, competing claims to speak for God. Let’s get some love going and talk about the PB’s charge and challenge together! If you’d like to hear more about the book, read here. Registration required here.
Creation Care Monthly Meeting
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2020, 6:30 P.M., via Zoom
Join us for our next Creation Care monthly meeting as we continue to explore how the St. Mark's community can achieve a net zero carbon footprint by 2030. We meet via Zoom. 6:30pm on Monday evening, November 9. Please contact Marjorie Ringness for the link to join.
Night Prayer with the 20s & 30s Group
NEXT SERVICE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 7 P.M., over the phone and (optional) in-person
The 20s & 30s at Saint Mark's will be hosting prayer together on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. This will be offered over the phone—the young adults decided that there were already too many videoconferences and Zoom meetings in their lives! The next offering will be Monday evening, November 20. Please email Canon Jennifer to receive the call-in information and liturgy for the service. Additionally, there will be an optional in-person gathering outdoors in groups of 5 or fewer to call in to our common prayer on the 4th Monday of each month. Please fill out this form if you are interested in joining a group or getting more information.
YOUR Voice Is Needed
for the 2020 O Antiphons Liturgy!
You—yes, YOU—are invited to be part of a video offering of “O come, O come, Emmanuel,” the closing hymn in Saint Mark's beloved annual tradition, the O Antiphons liturgy. The video will resemble one of the virtual choir videos our choirs have offered from time to time since the pandemic began, but this time EVERYONE is invited to contribute! No matter if you have no experience in choirs, if you think your voice isn't good enough, if you've only recently connected with Saint Mark's, or where you are physically located... your participation is needed!
Participants will record themselves and their household singing one verse and two refrains of "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel," singing along with a pre-recorded "guide track." You will then be asked to submit your video using a special link.
The liturgy is offered on November 29 this year, so submissions must be received by November 15. This project needs as many voices as possible, so if you have a reason in your head for why you should not make a contribution, set it aside! The more who participate, the more meaningful the finished product will be.
Contribute Funds—and Hands—to Altar in the World: A Pre-Thanksgiving Offering of Service and Prayer
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 10–11:30 A.M. (mini-pilgrimage), 12 P.M. (prayer service)
As the season changes and the weather becomes colder, Saint Mark’s offers an opportunity to remember and be of service to those in our community who lack safe and secure shelter. On November 14, stations will be set up around the cathedral campus, and participants will be invited to make a "mini pilgrimage," walking from station to station, assembling a care package for neighbors living outside, and reflecting in prayer at each stop. The event will conclude with a brief Noonday Prayer service on the labyrinth, which you are welcome to attend whether or not you participated in the mini pilgrimage. Pre-registration is required, and masks and distancing will be observed at all time. Those who do not wish to come to the cathedral are invited to participate by making a donation towards the cost of the materials.
Diaconal Ordination of Malcolm McLaurin
Former Cathedral Canon Malcolm McLaurin will be ordained to the transitional diaconate in Sewanee, Tennessee on Saturday November 14, at 8:30 a.m. Pacific Time. (Note the early morning time.) The livestream will be viewable at this link.
Hymn Sing! Hosted by Dean Thomason and Canon Kleinschmidt
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 4:30-5:30 P.M.
Join in an old-fashioned Hymn Sing via new-fashioned Zoom. Hymn requests from any hymnal will be welcomed. (For this occasion, please do not request Advent or Christmas hymns; opportunities to sing those are coming soon!) The Zoom link for this event is found here. Use this form to request ONE favorite hymn. This is a first-come, first-served process; act fast!
Native American Flute Songs with Gary Stroutsos, World Flute Artist
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2020, 7:30 P.M., via livestream
The 2020-21 season of the Saint Mark's Music Series continues with a free, virtual concert from the cathedral nave. Gary Stroutsos’ live performances have captivated audiences around the world. His meditative flute music evokes the lands and cultures that he has studied over the course of his 36-year career. Gary’s mission is to carry the music forward to future generations and to promote stewardship of diverse cultures and the natural environment. The sound of Native American flutes played by Gary in the acoustical environment of Saint Mark’s Cathedral is breathtaking. This concert is offered with special appreciation for Native American Heritage Month.
2040 Film Screening and Discussion
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2020, 1-3 P.M.
Film available upon registration 11/13-11/22
Now, more than ever, we need positive voices in the ecological crisis. Join people from around the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia to see director Damon Gameau's "exercise in fact-based dreaming" titled 2040. The film takes a solutions-based approach to how we can, using the technology we already have, mitigate the enormous global issues we currently face. The main themes/solutions looked at in the film are around: empowerment of women and girls; marine regeneration; regenerative agriculture; renewable energy; and circular economy. It's a story of hope, and a powerful tool to encourage people to take action. The film may be watched for no charge between 11/13 and 11/22 using this link. And then join in a conversation about the film with others on Sunday, November 22, 1-3 p.m. Hosted by the Diocese of Olympia.
Mirabai Starr Returns to Saint Mark's
Renowned interspiritual teacher Mirabai Starr returns to Saint Mark’s on December 5 to offer a virtual workshop on loss, grief, and hope titled Luminous Night: A Spirituality of Loss, Grief, and Hope. She will share teachings from the mystics of various traditions that illumine the connection between loss, spiritual longing, and reframing the future. The teachings of the sixteenth-century Spanish saints Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross show us how we may approach the radical mystery that often accompanies loss and lament as a spiritual opportunity rather than as a problem requiring a solution. By engaging a contemplative approach, we cultivate an environment of emotional refuge and deep peace in which we can name and offer our burdens to the Holy One.
Our time together will include poetry and contemplative reading, deep dialog in small breakout groups, writing exercises, and a closing liturgy. We especially invite those who are grieving any kind of loss or those who find the holiday season a painful or difficult time. We will gather via Zoom. The event is free but pre-registration is required; register for the workshop here.
Diocesan Convention: Bishop Rickel's Address
"What kind of people will we be? What will our collective reality, our community as the Body of Christ in the world, what will that Body reveal of us, and to us, and especially as it is supposed to, about the One we follow, Jesus Christ our Lord?"
Read the full text of Bishop Rickel's 2020 Convention address here.
Diocesan Convention: Rev. Dr. Bradley Hauff's Keynote Address
"There is a need for healing, and healing can occur. There is a need for transformation, and transformation can take place within us. There is a need for redemption, and there's no better redeemer than Christ."
The Rev. Dr. Bradley Hauff gives the keynote address at the Diocese of Olympia's 2020 Diocesan Convention.
Nominations for Vestry Are Now Open
Nominations for candidates for Vestry and for Delegates to Diocesan Convention will be open from Sunday, October 18 through Sunday, November 22. If you would like to nominate someone or would like more information about either of those important roles, please send an email to Thank you!
The Rubric: Fall 2020 Issue Now Available Online
In continual publication since December of 1890, The Rubric is Saint Mark's magazine, used to tell the story of the cathedral community to ourselves, the Diocese of Olympia, and the wider world. The publication of the spring issue was prevented by the rapidly changing situation, and so the new fall issue takes a step back and reflects in various ways about the unprecedented times we are living through.
The contents of the issue will be available online here, either using the Issuu reader interface, as a downloadable pdf, or as individual articles.
Weekly Online Sunday School
SUNDAYS, 9 A.M. (for pre-K—grade 2) AND 10 A.M. (for grades 3–5).
Church School on Sunday mornings has started up again for the Fall season! Children in Pre-K through second grade meet at 9 a.m. for Godly Play with Alicia Goodwin, where they tell bible stories with objects from home, make art together, and share their prayers and praises. Children in third through fifth grade meet at 10 a.m. for Exploring Saints and Sacraments with Kristen Kelly, where they study scripture together and make connections to life in quarantine, plan projects for the community, and more! Contact Kelly Moody, Associate for Spiritual Formation, for more information and zoom links at
Prayer Podcast for Children and Families from Saint Mark's Cathedral
In each 6–8-minute episode you'll hear a passage of scripture, reflect on the weekly chapter of The Path, and be invited into prayer. Search for "Prayer Podcast for Children" wherever you get your podcasts, or check out all the episodes here!
Diocesan Youth Night
Join youth (grades 8-12) from all across Western Washington gather for games and activities, discussions, guest speakers, and worship, every Sunday at 7 p.m. Visit for more information and for the link to register.
Tuesday Bible Study
EVERY TUESDAY, 11:30–1:30 P.M., currently meeting via Zoom
Tuesday Bible Study provides a weekly conversation around the scripture readings for the following Sunday. The group meets from 11:30-12 pm for social time and 12–1:30 pm for study and prayer over the lectionary. For more information and to get the link to join, contact The Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty.
Holiday Ditty Bags for Seafarers
The Seattle Seafarers' Center WILL be delivering ditty bags to the seafarers who come into the Port of Seattle this year! They are accepting donations of toiletries (Deodorant, Shaving Cream, Toothpaste, Shampoo/Body wash combo, disposable razor, and a toothbrush sealed in a single pack), and handmade ditty bags (instructions available here). Donations for the purchase of toiletries can be made online (please specify "Ditty Bags") or mailed to: Seattle Seafarers Center, 3568 W. Marginal Way SW, Seattle, WA 98106. For more information and to schedule a donation drop-off, contact the volunteers of the Seattle Seafarers' Center at 206.935.3439 or email:
In addition, you can also join Saint Mark’s Ministry of Worsted Wool in making watch caps for the Mission to Seafarers. Contact Barbara Erickson or visit this page for more information and a pattern—even if you’ve never knitted a cap before!
Friday Afternoon Tea
EVERY FRIDAY at 3 P.M., via Zoom.
Remember when we used to get together in coffee shops? We can still do that... online! Michael Perera will host afternoon tea once a week; drop in and chat about whatever’s on your mind. Bring your favorite hot beverage and let’s continue hanging out and making the isolation easier. Email Michael Perera with questions or to get the link to join:
Do you know someone who might need to be contacted?
Is there anyone you know who might benefit from a quick phone call, or a note in the mail, from clergy or a member of the community? Email Dean Steve Thomason at or Erik Donner at, or call either one—or any of the clergy—at 206.323.0300.