Sunny Hills High School
A World-Class Education, Every Student, Every Day...
A Message from the Principal

Good Afternoon, Lancer Families:

Homecoming is almost upon us! This past week saw the beginnings of preparations for Homecoming Week next week all around campus. Our Homecoming Court interviews and announcement were a huge success as was the start of Homecoming Dance ticket sales. 

Festivities will continue next week culminating at the Homecoming Football game next Friday with our Homecoming Queen announcement during halftime of our first league football game against Fullerton. Then the "Enchanted Garden" themed dance will take place next Saturday night. It will be an amazing week!

I also wanted to thank our students, parents, and staff for their patience and flexibility as our counseling staff have worked through recent class additions and balancing. I know these schedule changes are never easy and that we do not like making these after the year has started but reducing class sizes for our students and teachers will be a great benefit.

Finally, as always, please see below for important information and for some highlights and celebrations of what we have going on here on the Hills.

Go, Lancers!

Craig Weinreich


Weekly News Broadcast: "Sunny Side Up"

See the link below for the  "Sunny Side Up" Weekly News Broadcast Episode created and produced by Mr. Flores's second-year students in our Video Production course!

Upcoming Calendar Reminders

Wednesday, September 28 - Late Start Day

Friday, September 30 - Double Assembly Schedule

View the SHHS Calendar Here

2022-23 Bell Schedules

General Reminders

Click here for the Lancer Student Handbook

Juniors bring home first win with 'Battle of the Classes' debut

After at least 16 rounds of playing musical chairs in the quad, the last student standing during lunch Sept. 8 was an 11th-grader, securing the first victory of the school year for the juniors as part of the Associated Student Body's [ASB] new activity to build school spirit.

Read More
Happenings on the Hills

Lancer Athletes of the Month

Congrats to our Lancer Athletes of the Month for August.  Volleyball player Noor Francisco and football player Cole Dunkleberger earned "Gold Status" for their outstanding contributions to their teams!  #lancerstogether

Fall Athletic Update

Volleyball Sweeps The Week

Congrats to our Lancer Volleyball for two huge wins over Troy and Buena Park in league this week!  Way to go, girls!

ASB & Homecoming Updates

HoCo Theme Release Video

HoCo Theme Release Video

Submit entries to shhs.proposals on Instagram!

ASB Symposium

On Friday, the Lancer ASB met together with the rest of the District's ASB students for a day of leadership and team building at Sonora High School.

Support the Lancer Regiment

Suicide Prevention / Awareness Month


Aquatics Fundraiser

Meet Your Counselor
Ms. Thomson (A - F, Lead Counselor)  
(714) 626-4278

Mrs. Beglin (G - D. Kim and ROP)  
(714) 626-4202

Mrs. Moreno (E. Kim - J. Lee and AVID) 
(714) 626-4233

Mrs. De La Rosa (K. Lee - R) 
(714) 626-4213

Mrs. Falletta (S - Z)  
(714) 626-4210 





We have multiple college reps visiting us in the upcoming months below are our September visits. I will be adding as I get confirmations. If you are interested in attending any of these visits sign up using the link below. If you have questions email  me,  or stop by the College & Career Center, Rm. 2.

Click HERE to Sign Up



Financial Aid is just around the corner get started early by creating an FSA ID  for you and 1 parent. This FSA ID will bee your electronic signature Per CA state law, it is a requirement to submit a FAFSA or DREAM ACT Application.

Fullerton College


Planning on attending Fullerton College after your Senior year? Sign-up for a FREE upcoming Counseling 140 course. You will receive college credit and priority registration for your classes when you start college in the Fall.

Questions: stop by the College & Career Center, Rm. 2, or email me,

Ms. Perez,


Other Important Information...
Join PTSA:
Buy Spirit Gear:
SHHS Foundation for Education:
Superintendent's Newsletter
Click Here for the FJUHSD September Newsletter
All breakfast and lunch meals are FREE to ALL STUDENTS again this year!

While meals are FREE, there is more to this program than free food, and FJUHSD is required to collect significant percentages of our students’ lunch applications from our families for claiming purposes specifically at SHHS as a Non-Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) school. If we collect enough at SHHS, we will no longer have the burden of lunch applications each year for qualified CEP schools.

Any students who are income-eligible may obtain a letter from the Food Services department by contacting via email at or call (714) 870.2820.
Connect with FJUHSD via Social Media
(714) 626-4201
Follow Sunny Hills On Social Media
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