Sunrise in the West

The Life of American Mystic Samuel L. Lewis

by Murshid Wali Ali Meyer

Murshid Wali Ali Meyer, along with his dedicated research and editing team, spent 8 years writing this book about his teacher, and the founder of the Ruhaniat, Murshid Samuel L. Lewis. We are thrilled to bring it to publication.

We have printed a limited number of hardcover editions to be sold at a higher price to help support the immense expense that went into making this book a reality.

Order the Hardcover Edition Here

available to ship to USA addresses only

~ The softcover edition is also now available for purchase from Amazon ~

International shipping may be available in some locations.

A Letter from Pir Shabda Kahn

About the Murshid SAM Biography Project

and the Special Edition Hardcover Sale

Beloved Family,


Nearly 20 years ago I began requesting our dear and accomplished Murshid Wali Ali to write a proper biography of our teacher, Murshid Samuel Lewis. At the time he said he wasn’t ready. 


Then he became the chief editor for Physicians of the Heart and did an amazing job. 


Shortly after that his wife, Sabura Rose Meyer, said to me, “Ask him to write a biography again, I think he will say yes this time”. And he did.


Now, nearly a year after Murshid Wali Ali’s passing on Thanksgiving 2022, Sunrise in the West: The Life of American Mystic Samuel L. Lewis, a 752-page book with 160 pictures has been released.


We offer our deepest gratitude to Murshid Wali Ali, his amazing research crew and especially to Barakat Bryan, Halim Dunsky, Hassan Herz, Hauke Jelaluddin Sturm, and Tawwaba Bloch who worked so very hard to bring this book to fruition, especially during the past few years.


We have printed 3000 softcover books for the general public which will be sold for $39.95 in all the usual channels.


We also printed 1000 hardcover books as a “Special Edition”. About 160 of these editions were sent to supporters who had donated more than $201 to the project while Murshid Wali Ali was writing the book. Thank you for your support!


The hardcover edition cost is $116 including shipping and handling. At this time, our distributor can only ship to USA addresses. If we will let you know.

Order the Hardcover Edition Here

available to ship to USA addresses only

Thank you for your generosity in supporting this hardcover Special Edition sale. Please order soon, before the one-time hardcover books sell out.


With all love and gratitude,


Book Reviews

With a profound inner life, Samuel Lewis became known as both Sufi and Zen master. He also came to embody the deep teachings of living Hindu saints, the Kabbalah and the Christian mysteries. His horticultural endeavors and engagement in political and social causes throughout the world earned him international respect, and his spiritual realization generated a devoted following of spiritual seekers that is flourishing today.

— Pir Shabda Kahn, Sufi Ruhaniat International


A comprehensive testament to a pioneer of 20th Century spirituality, universal in its scope, a treasury of lore where the reader will find many spiritual gems. Samuel Lewis synthesized in his own being the essence of the traditions he had first-hand experience of: Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sufism, especially the lineage of Hazrat Inayat Khan. His legacy lives on in all he set in motion.

— Kabir Helminski, Co-Director of The Threshold Society (, translator of Rumi, author of The Knowing Heart and The Mysterion.


Murshid Sam was a prophet, a rascal, a sage, an unfettered lover of the Divine, and one of the greatest spiritual masters of the twentieth century. He reconciled traditionally polarized religions in his own fiery and generous heart, offering us a path to union that both transcends and welcomes the living wisdom at the root of all the world’s great mystical transmissions.

— Mirabai Starr, author of God of Love and Wild Mercy


Be amazed by the God story of this wondrous American saint. His life is the kernel of American spirituality—fresh bread, clear water, new wine, intoxicating honey shared among heart companions and offered to the soul of the world. This food will transform us into who we truly are.

— Shaykha Fariha Fatima al Jerrahi


It is a blessing to have this comprehensive biography of the Sufi master, modern mystic and beloved teacher Samuel Lewis. Murshid Sam’s life invites us to join in the dance of mystics and sages.

— Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart


As Rumi reminds us of the ecstatic heart of mysticism, and Jesus danced with his disciples (as recorded in The Gospel of Thomas), so Samuel Lewis brought embodied ecstasy through his transmission.

— Coleman Barks, editor/translator of Essential Rumi

Murshid Sam with Wali Ali, photo by Mansur Johnson