GOTR - Girls on The Run
Practice for this week
05/09 & 05/11 from 4pm-5:30pm
Hot Dog Picnic Order Forms due This Wednesday May 10th!
Sunset Ridge School-wide fundraiser
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society the week of May 8-12th!
Monday May 8th - Pjs & Pennies
Tuesday May 9th - Neon Bright Colors & Nickels
Wednesday May 10th - “Drop Everything & Dance” & Dimes (be ready to dance throughout the day)
Thursday May 11th- Favorite team’s jersey/shirt/colors & Quarters
Friday May 12th - Tie-Dye & Dollars
*Note: ALL students may participate in spirit days regardless if they bring in money!
Future 5th Grade Family Night
Glacier Creek Middle School
Wednesday May 17th
3rd Grade Field Trip
Pheasant Branch Conservancy
Monday May 15th
KG Field Trip
McKee Farms
Friday May 19th
2nd Grade Field Trip
Olbrich Gardens
Wednesday May 24th
No School Memorial Day Monday May 29th
Hot Dog Picnic - June 1st
Senior Walk - Friday June 2nd
SSR Book Swap - June 2nd
4th grade End of Year Celebration
Lakeview Park Monday June 5th
4th Grade Graduation - Thursday June 8th
Sunset Ridge Gymnasium - 8-8:45am
Last Day of School - Thursday June 8th