Sunset Ridge Elementary Newsletter
School Wide Fundraiser
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
This Week May 8-12th!
Hot Dog Picnic
Thursday June 1st 2023  
If you wish to join us for lunch, please return the slip below by
Wednesday May 10th, 2023
Click Here for Payment Directions: MAKING PAYMENTS FOR THE MEAL PROGRAM
Last weeks Teacher Appreciation had SSR staff feeling so loved and appreciated!
Thank you SSR PTA & Families!
Sending a HUGE Thank you to The Sunset Ridge Elementary PTA for all of the amazing goodies, treats and meals Sunset Staff were showered with during Teacher Appreciation Week!

Another Shoutout to Infinity Martial Arts and families for donating time and food for our salad bar potluck!

Thank you to our amazing students for all of the cards for teachers, staff treats and love.

Sunset Ridge Elementary appreciates all of you so very much!

GOTR - Girls on The Run
Practice for this week
05/09 & 05/11 from 4pm-5:30pm
Contact for questions

Hot Dog Picnic Order Forms due This Wednesday May 10th!

Sunset Ridge School-wide fundraiser
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society the week of May 8-12th!
Monday May 8th - Pjs & Pennies
Tuesday May 9th - Neon Bright Colors & Nickels
Wednesday May 10th - “Drop Everything & Dance” & Dimes (be ready to dance throughout the day)
Thursday May 11th- Favorite team’s jersey/shirt/colors & Quarters
Friday May 12th - Tie-Dye & Dollars
*Note: ALL students may participate in spirit days regardless if they bring in money!

Future 5th Grade Family Night
Glacier Creek Middle School
Wednesday May 17th

3rd Grade Field Trip
Pheasant Branch Conservancy
Monday May 15th

KG Field Trip
McKee Farms
Friday May 19th

2nd Grade Field Trip
Olbrich Gardens
Wednesday May 24th

No School Memorial Day Monday May 29th

Hot Dog Picnic - June 1st

Senior Walk - Friday June 2nd

SSR Book Swap - June 2nd

4th grade End of Year Celebration
Lakeview Park Monday June 5th

4th Grade Graduation - Thursday June 8th
Sunset Ridge Gymnasium - 8-8:45am

Last Day of School - Thursday June 8th
March Students of The Month
Each month our staff is on the lookout for students following the Sunny Way (be respectful, be responsible, be safe and be a learner). Our March focus was on being responsible, especially in the cafeteria! The following students were recognized for Student of the Month for their outstanding behaviors!
Kindergarten: Jordan, Miles, Lily, Morgan, Sully and Siiddharth
1st Grade: Daxx, Evelyn, Louise, Riaan, Marco and Levi
2nd Grade: Conner, Ahmad, Calvin, Mason, Sam, Emerson, Sterling and Keska
3rd Grade: Lucas, Gabe, Valeria, Anson, Brian, Amie and Mila
4th Grade: Marquin, Rowan, Will, Calvin, Logan, Cooper, Brayden, Aria, Mya, Stella, Morgan, Zhenya and Karley
Sunset Ridge Families, 

Thank you so much for your support of our teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week! From special lunches to class gifts to "chalking the walk," our teachers really felt the love.  

I think just about everybody is aware of the challenges in the labor markets these days, and I know it impacts many professions. But the trend in staffing challenges in education has been growing over time, and I'm predicting more shortages for the coming years.  

* Education has an aging workforce (meaning more retirements to come) while enrollment in education programs has been steadily declining over the last 10 years. 
* Many teachers cite low pay combined with high stress/pressure and a lack of respect as their main reasons for quitting.  
* In fact, special education, elementary education, and early childhood education are among the college majors that result in the lowest pay.
* Some States are doing away with college requirements to be educators, some are giving teaching jobs to veterans, some are putting National Guard troops in schools as teachers, and some districts are looking to reduce to a 4-day week to address teacher shortages.  

Principal Brett Wilfrid
4th Grade Field Trip Payment for Lakeview Park!
Click Here for Directions on How to Pay!
Click Below:
School Supply Kits are available for ordering now for the 2023-2024 school year with a due date of June 26th! Save time and skip the stores! Easy online ordering is available!
You can order using the paper form OR order online

Save Time with Easy Ordering
Scan QR code or go to
Search: Sunset Ridge Elementary

Questions to: Lila Litchfield

This Weeks Lunch Menu brought to you by
the Sunset Ridge Kitchen Staff
Links to The Lunch and Breakfast Menus
SSR Summer Book Swap
Fall 2023 4th Grade Orchestra Registration Happening Now!
Sun Run 2023

Sun Run 2023 planning has begun and Joy can't be a one person team:) Joy Kurber is looking to add TWO team members to help with the planning! Teamwork makes the dream work!

Please reach out to her directly at 
OR The SSR PTA Email at 
Thank you!
Futura Spanish Club
Let's embark on a language learning SPANISH! Registration is now open for 2023-2024! All new material and lessons.

Register by 6/4 to take $15 off your tuition!  

Enroll today: 
After School Care at Sunset Ridge:
Learn more about the PTA: