Exciting news! In order to help keep children reading over winter break, all children will come home with a new book to keep this week! This is a book of their choosing from our "Read On" program. You will know it is there Read On book to keep by the "Read On stamp" in the front inside cover of the book.
Read On was a program we started many years ago in which children worked towards earning books each month by meeting their monthly at home reading goal. In recent years, it has transitioned to a program in which all children receive a free book of their choosing before the 3 breaks (winter, spring and summer breaks). This program was funded by donations from a silent auction we held each year (the silent auction has stopped by we still have some money from the donations that we can get each child before 2 or 3 of the breaks yet this year) If you have questions, please reach out to Jessica Block, Reading Specialist at jblock@mpcasd.k12.wi.us
Watch for this book and thanks for encouraging your child to keep reading over winter break!
Jessica Block
Reading Specialist
Sunset Ridge Elementary