Sunset Ridge Elementary Newsletter


  • PTA Meet and Greet with Mr. Wilfrid: Tues, Sept 19th at 8:30am OR 6:30pm in the school cafeteria. This is a great way to meet other SSR parents/caregivers and learn more about the school and PTA objectives and plans for this upcoming school year. We can't wait to see you all there! (Kiddos are welcome.)

Noodles & Co. Night Out

*The PTA is hosting our first Community Night Out at Noodles & Co. this Thursday, 9/21 from 4pm-8pm at the Deming Way location in Middleton.

This is a great way to get to know other Sunset families outside of the school walls....invite your kiddos friends family to meet you there! Don't forget to mention to the cashier that you are there for the Sunset Ridge fundraiser. Online orders use the code GIVING25

Tie Dye Volunteers!

We need parent/caregiver volunteers from each classroom to sign up to help with our Tie Dye T-shirt project, which will take place NEXT WEEK! Ms. Sutter runs the show but she can't do it without parent participation - thanks in advance! Sign Up Here

Sunset Ridge Annual Sun Run - October 4th

October 4th - Annual Sun Run

rain date October 6th

Sun Run Pledge Packets will be distributed this week to your students. Please get signed up now to help mark laps on t-shirts, be our mascot, or help with snacks! Sign Up Here

Sun Run Scheduled Times:

1st Grade: 8-8:30am

3rd Grade: 8:40-9:10am

2nd Grade: 9:20-9:50am

Kindergarten: 10-10:30am

4th Grade: 10:40-11:10am


September 18th - NO SCHOOL PD DAY

September 19th - 8:30am or 6:30pm

PTA Meet & Greet w/ Principal Wilfrid

September 21st - School Picture Day

September 21st - PTA Fundraiser Night Out

Noodles & Company

from 4pm-7pm

Don't forget to tell the cashier you're there for the SSR Fundraiser. Online code is GIVING25

September 27th - MHS Homecoming Parade

October 4th - Annual Sun Run

rain date October 6th

October 13th - Trunk or Treat

October 16th - No School PD DAY

A Letter From The Library

Library Volunteers Needed

The library is looking for parent volunteers to help out weekly with K-1 classes in the afternoon when there is no para support in the LMC. Please email Erica if you’re interested in arranging a time to visit the LMC and see if it’s a good fit for you. We’re looking for a few people who could come once a week starting around 12:20 to check-out books and help with K-1 activities. If you haven’t had a district background check, volunteers need to fill out this form: and return it to the office. Thank you for considering becoming part of our library team! -Erica Wagoner & Bernadette Priestley

Sunset Ridge Elementary School Library Media Center Mission

The Sunset Ridge Elementary's Library Media Programs seeks to create a nurturing and engaging environment that promotes equitable access to information. As a center of collaborative learning, the library media center promotes an understanding of diverse cultures, identities, and experiences through literature while making connections and developing life-long skills.

Sunset Ridge Families, 

Now that the school year is underway, I figured I'd offer a few ways for you to support your children's development of literacy and numeracy. Teaching - and parenting - is a partnership, after all :-)

While reviewing this assessment that we administer in the younger grades, I thought, "That could be a fun thing to do during car rides - "Say car. Now don't say the /k/ sound but replace it with /f/."  This website, Reading Rockets, is full of good ideas for teachers and parents.  

For math, probably the best thing to do is to focus on mastering math facts because having them mastered opens opportunities for more complex computations and problem-solving. Beyond using Reflex Math, the subscription the PTA has paid for, and asking basic math facts like, "What is 6 times 5?," I'd encourage asking questions that build number sense, like thinking of 6 x 9 as "six times 10 minus 6." When calculating how many kids can sit in our cafeteria, I saw 15 tables that can fit 16 kids each. 10 x 16 = 160 and half of 160 is 80 (I did half because 5 is half of 10), so 240 kids could sit in our cafeteria.  

Soon, I hope to solicit your opinions about Reflex Math. Specifically, there are some staff who are advocating for Lexia Core 5. Both are backed by research, both are adaptive (getting more challenging when kids are ready), both can be used at home, and both offer reports that can inform what a child has learned and where they still struggle. The only real difference is that Reflex Math is focused on math facts, and Lexia Core 5 is focused on developing reading skills. So as we think about what we might invest our funds in, or what families want access to at home, your opinion matters!

For me, a strong argument for Lexia Core 5 is that it's connected to the District's goal around literacy development. A strong argument for Reflex Math is that we already send books home to support reading but don't have math homework opportunities, and this is an engaging way to master math facts.  

To be continued - there will be a survey coming soon! 


This Weeks Lunch Menu brought to you by

The Sunset Ridge Kitchen Staff

Links to The Lunch and Breakfast Menus

Breakfast Menu

Lunch Menu

School Picture Day

Thursday September 21st   

This Thursday September 21st is Sunset Ridge School Picture Day. Forms were sent home in take home folders last Friday 09/15. To fill out forms please use a check, to order online click here:


Join us on Wednesday, September 27th at 6pm at Middleton High School for the Homecoming Parade! Sunset Ridge will be in the parade and we need families to join us in walking, waving and handing out candy. We’ll also need a few strong kids to carry the banner and one energetic adult to wear our Sunny the Lion costume! Meet at 5:45 at the corner of Lee & Clark St and wear your tie-dye or spirit wear. If you’re not interested in being in the parade, plan to come watch and support your fellow lions!

Volunteering in Our School

Are you interested in volunteering in the classroom, lunchroom or going on your child's school field trip? That's great! But first we do require a background check. Any caregiver wishing to volunteer must fill out the form listed below. Once completed please alert the school office. This form is good for 5 years!

Volunteer Disclosure Form:

After School Care at Sunset Ridge:
Learn more about the PTA: