Dear Subset Ridge Families,
I want to thank the volunteers and PTA who made the Winter Tea such a successful and lovely event. There was a lot of work behind the scenes, both before, and afterwards, to pull this off. We appreciate our PTA so much, and invite anyone who is willing to volunteer to help make these events possible.
On a completely different note, you might have heard about the school dance! We’re going to have an optional dance in the gym (the cafeteria will be set up for arts & crafts and a quieter space) during the afternoon of the last day of school before Winter Break. This is one of many things where kids have engaged in persuasive writing to try to change things for the better, and it’s been a fun process helping them think through all of the details (Should it be during school? After school? Snacks? What songs? Who does what?).
It’s really not a big production - just some fun on a Friday afternoon. No need to dress up, and certainly no need to ask a date ;-).
Have a wonderful break!