Prickly Ed for New Moon.jpg

Latest News from

Prickly Ed's Cactus Patch

May 12, 2022

Super Flower Blood Moon Roadside Stand Details

The first full moon in May has always signaled the beginning of gardening season here in Rhode Island and Southeastern, MA. And this year, what a great full moon it will be! The official full moon occurs at 12:14am on May 16th, and the lunar eclipse, when the full moon passes through the shadow of the Earth, will peak at 12:11am on that same date. The moon, appearing larger than normal due to its proximity to earth, will take on a reddish glow, thus the term "blood moon". Let's hope this colliding celestial energy sets all of our gardening friends off on a pathway to a great growing season.

In that spirit, we will be a opening up the Roadside Stand for a few additional hours this coming week, details below. In the coming week additional inventory will also begin to arrive. The majority of our organic herb and vegetable plants will be here May 14th, we have an amazing array of heirloom and unusual items heading our way. And, lots of additional gorgeous pollinator annuals and beneficial native plant plugs will be here on or around May 18th. Inventory is arriving - and leaving - too quickly to keep our website lists up to date. Stop by often to see what's available or send us a message if you are looking for something special. And remember, our signature gallon sized neonicotinoid free straight species native perennials will be ready in June to get your summer pollinator garden buzzing. They are coming along great, can't wait to share them with you.

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Take Part in the Bee-Safe Plant Day of Action

One of the most important ways we can help pollinators this spring is by planting bee-safe plants. Unfortunately, toxic levels of insecticides and high levels of fungicides have been detected in nursery plants repeatedly.

Together, we can change that! Join your fellow pollinator advocates for Xerces’ fourth Nationwide Day of Action on May 21 and talk to area nurseries about how important it is to you that they offer bee-safe plants.

The plants at Prickly Ed's are always Bee-Safe, let's work together to make that the case everywhere. 

Learn More About Bee Safe Nursery Plants

May is Garden for Wildlife Month

What a perfect time to plan or expand your Wildlife Garden. Help birds, bees, butterflies and area wildlife all while also helping the planet by planting native plants, and embracing wildlife friendly gardening practices. The month long celebration is a time to remind us all of the collective impact gardeners can have right outside their own doors. 

Yards Gone Wild, Learn More

Prickly Ed's Cactus Patch

 6 Barneyville Road,

Barrington, RI 02806-2715

(401) 248-4785

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Prickly Ed's Cactus Patch, Roadside Stand and Apothecary is a super small, hyperlocal, roadside stand located directly on the border of Barrington, RI and Swansea, MA focused on making the area a little bit wilder one yard at a time! Offering great native plants, prickly pear cactus, magic dirt, unusual pollinator friendly annuals, organic herb and vegetable plants, lots of solicited and unsolicited advice & random curiosities designed to get your yard really buzzing. You can read all about us on our website, including the story of where the name Prickly Ed's Cactus Patch came from.

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