How to Run a Zero Waste Business
The zero-waste movement is having more than a moment—the eco-friendly lifestyle is here to stay. As global warming and environmental degradation becomes a pressing problem, many people feel called to make smarter, conservationist choices in their daily lives.
Going zero waste, while challenging, can reduce your personal carbon footprint by leaps and bounds. By definition, living a zero waste lifestyle means that a person doesn’t produce any trash that can end up in a landfill or incinerator. Everything must be recyclable, compostable, or reusable, from your shopping bags to your clothing to the toilet paper you use.
Admittedly, this can be crazy challenging. Our society isn’t meant to “circular,” or zero waste friendly. Petroleum products and disposables (items that are meant for single use) are pretty much ever
ywhere—and even though most Americans do recycle, some statistics say that only 25 percent of those plastic, glass, and metal byproducts actually make it through the recycling process.
By adopting just a few zero waste and eco-friendly practices, you can make a huge difference and greatly help the environment. A great place to start? Your business. Here’s what you can do to reduce your waste at work.