Gospel Outreach Church
Superman's Cape!!! 1/26/22
Superman's Cape! 1/26/22

Ezekiel 22:30 (KJV)
30  And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.

In a conversation earlier this evening, I was somewhat shocked/taken back at a question posed to be in a loving and honest manner.....

“WHY did I struggle so hard to remain alive and fight the seemingly endless battle????”

At the time of this writing it is 2:50 AM-little Amanda has become sick!! Although she tested negative for both Covid and the flu, the doctor seemed fairly certain she has Covid.

Amanda-PRAISE THE LORD-has NEVER suffered any sickness in NINETEEN YEARS!!

To say I was and still am-SCEEEEEEERED is just a word!!

We rushed her to a wonderful local clinic where she received VIP treatment and again, PRAISE THE LORD, is now fever free and resting comfortably.

BUT her dad stayed up all night with her and her mom will take over at 4 AM-PLEASE keep Amanda and her mom in your PRAYERS!!!

I stayed up all night simply because it is my D-U-T-Y!!

I am NO hero or do or have done ANYTHING beyond what God has called me to do!!

Luke 17:10 (KJV)
10  So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.

WE-YOU AND ME-have been CALLED of God and entrusted to be WATCHMEN!!!!!

Ezekiel 3:17 (KJV)
17  Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.

My beloved friend and fellow Pastor recently moved into a brand new house.

He has a LARGE dog that loves ONLY him and his wife and when I rang the doorbell I was quickly advised NOT to enter until their dog had been restrained.

That dog is a FAITHFUL servant!!

Although gentle and loving to its masters, it did not know me..........................

OR in the words of Jim Croce:

“You don't tug on superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask of the ol' lone ranger
And you don't mess around with Jim.”

Or, better yet:

“YOU DON'T MESS AROUND WITH JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


NOBODY, in their right mind, desires trouble, trial and tribulation-the Bible accurately says that WE “FALL INTO divers temptations!!!”

James 1:2 (KJV)
2  My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;

Trust me, I do not get up in the mornings and stick my tongue out at the devil and dare him!!!!

I have often remarked I wish my life had been “more blessed and trouble free!!”

CAN I GET AN AMEN from somebody?????

I “wish” I was Joel Osteen or some rich and famous athlete or celebrity sunning my old pale body on glistening white sea sands-ENJOYING the life of the rich and famous!!!

NOBODY willingly embraces trial and tribulation!!

BUT, beloved, KNOW THIS:

Psalm 55:19 (KJV)
19  God shall hear, and afflict them, even he that abideth of old. Selah. Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God.


James wrote these Words:

1 Timothy 6:9 (KJV)
9  But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.

TODAY, perhaps you too are ENDURING a little CHASTENING???????

Hebrews 12:7 (KJV)
7  If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?

CHASTENING-from <G3811> (paideuo); tutorage, i.e. education or training; by implication disciplinary correction :- chastening, chastisement, instruction, nurture.
Strong's Talking Greek & Hebrew Dictionary.

It is because YOU are a SON of God!!!

God Bless You,

Pastor Doug

Please feel free to contact me anytime at DOUGGHC@AOL.COM, or by phone:

404-295-5644 or 


70 Stone Rd.

McDonough, GA. 30253

Your tithes and offerings are greatly appreciated and much needed and can be sent to the above CHURCH ADDRESS or by accessing our website:

and/or via pay pal or cash app.

Thank You and God Bless You!!!

Pastor Doug

Please feel free to contact me anytime at DOUGGHC@AOL.COM, or by phone:

404-295-5644 or


70 Stone Rd.

McDonough, GA. 30253

Your tithes and offerings are greatly appreciated and much needed and can be sent to the above CHURCH ADDRESS or by accessing our website:

and/or via pay pal or cash app.

Thank You and God Bless You!!!

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