Welcome to the West Orange Arts Center!
A gift of support for the arts in our community
Holiday Fair  Extravaganza!    12/7-8 & 12/14-15 
WOAC Members Small Works Show

In 2019, the West Orange Arts Council presented 10 art exhibits supporting dozens of local artists and community organizations,  workshops to explore creativity and  social media marketing, educational artists talks, a movie premiere, chalk fest, a film festival and more.

Imagine what more will be possible with your gift:
Gift items for everyone on your list!
 Unique and eclectic hand-crafted jewelry  ( Cheryl Forbes,  James Hemmel,  Michelle Trapani, Leon Sangster),  hand-knitted neck wraps ( Zena Spevak ),   honey fresh from the Watchung Mountains (Astof Apiary- Joan Tak ),  Rock & Roll art ( Timothy Shields ), 
natural bath and body products (Keep Yourself Smelling Sweet- Renee Marshall-McKinley ), luxurious home textiles ( Vivienne Oneill ),   upcycled glassworks (HMP Glassworks- Harene Pitter ),  fine art pendants ( Carol Black-Lemon ), pottery (Second Stage Creations- Tina Burk ),  pet fashions (Charlotte Wescott), and wearable art  (Hats-Monique David), headbands (Kate McCartney).

Saturdays, 12/7 ,12/14,  Noon-7pm
Sundays, 12/8, 12/15, 1-5pm
West Orange Arts Center       
551 Valley Road, West Orange, NJ 
Light refreshments, daily door prizes, food & more! 

Please like, comment and share to help us spread the word. We appreciate your support! 
(Candice Harris -above)
WOAC Members Small Works Show
Balkrishna E., Carol Black-Lemon, Lois Condon, Irene Dunsavage, Daniel Epstein, Maria Estrela, Debbie Galant, Joan Gantz, Adam G. Gustavson, Candice Harris, Kathleen Heron, Mary Howe, Carol T. Jenkins, Shoshana Kertesz, Cansuela Lawrence, Barbara Motley, Mansa Mussa, Denis Orloff, Cindy Wolf, Denise Toney, Michelle A. Trapani, and Amy Wax
West Orange Arts Center
551 Valley Road (next to Luna Stage & Pink Cupcakes)
West Orange, NJ
2020 West Orange Classic Film Festival 
15th Anniversary Year
Consider volunteering to help make this year's festival the best yet! 
Contact Ken Mandel or John Chasse 
Have an idea for an exhibit or event in  2020?
Please send your proposal that will inspire our community to .
West Orange Arts Council

    A note about parking during West Orange Arts Center events:
AFTER 5:00 PM the corner lot adjacent to the West Orange Arts Center (Valley Road & Mitchell St.) can be utilized by WOAC volunteers UNTIL MIDNIGHT during West Orange Arts Center events only.   General public or overnight parking is prohibited.

West Orange Arts Council's All Volunteer Board:  Carol Black-Lemon, Jan Carden, Lois Condon, Brian Convery, Aron Lifschultz, Ken Mandel, Joseph McCartney, Susan McCartney (Town Council Liaison), Patricia Mitrano (Chair), Amelia Panico, Lisa Suss
Gallery Manager: Rey Arvelo