Dear DDRC Community
You have a timely opportunity to make a difference. The Colorado legislature is now considering a bill to address the long waiting list for Residential/Home and Community Based DD Comprehensive Services and workforce capacity concerns, and we urge you to show your support for this bill today.
Fund 300 new resources for individuals who are waiting for services, and whose family caregiver situations are at risk of experiencing an emergency situation (meeting a most-in-need criteria).
Fund an increase specifically for direct support professionals’ compensation.
Funding to make progress toward meeting these important needs would come from the Colorado general fund, and those funds would be matched by Federal Medicaid dollars.
Please help this effort, and act now, by:
Signing the
in support of the bill by
clicking here
It’s easy!
Contacting the
Joint Budget Committee (JBC)
members individually to show your support. Find the six JBC contacts by
clicking here
. The JBC is considering this bill today and tomorrow,
Wednesday, March 21
, so please contact them as soon as possible.
Please let them know of:
your support for the bill and its two main goals, and
your personal perspective (e.g. that you or someone you know has waited for years for services, or is facing the future vulnerability of being an aging caregiver).
Contacting your
state Representative or state Senator
to share your opinion and urge their support of the bill. Find your legislator by
clicking here
and entering your address. Please contact your legislator now
anytime over the next week as the bill continues to move through the process.
The bill is now tracked as JBC Bill #46 – LLS 1067
“Concerning Increasing Access to Services for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities that are Provided by a Stable Workforce.”
Over the next few weeks, DDRC will be sharing updates on this bill on our website and Facebook pages. This outreach is part of DDRC’s longstanding leadership in promoting funding, legislation and policies that are good for people with intellectual developmental disabilities and delays, and their families.
Thank you for partnering with us in this mission.