Vol. 1, Issue 2, January 9, 2020
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: EmployerOne Survey shared throughout Hamilton; Expectations for Canada's Labour Market in 2020; Canadian energy efficient companies workforce challenges
Hamilton Businesses:
We need to hear from you!
WPH's EmployerOne survey is making it's way around to Hamilton's businesses. It is a way for Hamilton employers to provide feedback on current l abour market trends. Hamilton employers of all sectors and sizes are encouraged to complete the survey.

Thank you to our partners and community for sharing the survey through emails, word of mouth, and social media.
Please continue to share!

The survey is live until January 31, 2020 and is confidential.
2020 Expectations For Canada's Labour Market
“The future of work is complex, but much of the research has simplified the picture …”

To date, there has been little to no evidence suggesting that job quality in Canada has been eroding. This is seen through the 8 2% of full-time jobs created in the past decade .

The Jobs Set To Power Canada's Economy Are All About Using Less Power
Canadian employers in the energy-efficient sector are finding it hard to fill openings as a good portion of the workforce lacks the experience, skills, qualifications, certifications and education employers need. Click here to read more.
Labour Force Information
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca