Honor Betty White by Supporting PAHS
Join the Betty White Challenge today!

We love animals. You love animals. Betty White loved animals.

Betty White’s support of organizations just like PAHS was unwavering. She would be very proud of our work to alleviate the suffering of animals, increase public sensitivity to animal issues, and elevate the status of animals in our society.

When Betty died just before the new year and just weeks before her 100th birthday, those of us who love animals mourned the loss of a lifelong champion of animals and animal-rights organizations.

A call to action flooded the internet, asking for people to honor her birthday month by donating at least $5 in her name to a local animal organization.

The “Betty White Challenge” gives all of us both the opportunity to show how much we appreciated Betty and how much we value animals around the world.
Today, please donate to PAHS in honor of Betty White.

Just click on the button below to make a secure online donation, and type Betty’s name in the dedication box.