Hey WRAP Community,  We have been creating some kick-ass videos this Winter to highlight our work and what’s important to us. Check them out here - and then say thanks if you can with a generous donation.  WRAP Director Paul Boden: The Homeless Bill of Rights and the Right to Rest as organizing.  PLAY VIDEO >>>>> WATCH OUR PLAYLIST >>>>> We’re all an important part of WRAP’s building power. In November and December we are sharing videos that highlight WRAP’s important work and our core values and asking for your continued, committed support in honor of our 15th Anniversary. Please share these videos with your friends, colleagues, family and ask them to support WRAP. AND If you can, please make a generous donation in November & December in honor of 15 years of WRAP and building power for human rights. All donations will be matched 1:1 up to $15,000. A $50 donation turns to $100; a $100 donation grows to $200 - all donations provide double the support! If you have already donated, thank you - it takes all of us!  Judge Rules Denver Camping Ban Unconstitutional!!! Violates 8th Amendment of “Cruel and Unusual Punishment” Today, Judge Barajas, a Denver County Court Judge, ruled the Denver Camping Ban unconstitutional based on 8th amendment violation of “cruel and unusual punishment.” The judge found that homeless people, like Jerry Burton whose ticket led this case, cannot be criminalize for using cover to try and survive outside when they have no other option. The judge recognized the insurmountable limits of the shelter system including hours or access, people who are banned, and all different reasons shelters are not an option for people. Human beings cannot be forced into shelter like jail, and this ruling shows any reasonable person can understand the mere existence of a space in a shelter does not make that a viable or livable option for someone to be. Hence criminalizing people for being poor with no home and surviving on the streets is cruel and unconstitutional. This ruling comes only days after the Supreme Court let stand the 9th circuit court ruling that camping bans are unconstitutional on similar grounds. The local ruling of Judge Barajas does not in itself repeal the unconstitutional Camping Ban. It finds the law unconstitutional and dismisses Jerry Burton’s case. An actual repeal requires action either from a higher court or from Denver City Council. Denver City Council should act immediately under this ruling to align the city law with the constitution and repeal the Unauthorized Camping Ban!!! To continue to keep this law on the books is not only unconstitutional, it puts the city at risk of spending millions more dollars appealing this ruling to a higher court just to get the same ruling - you can’t criminalize people for survival. READ MORE>>>>> |