Great downtowns don’t just happen; they are the result of people like you.

Residents, business owners, members of civic organizations, and volunteers breathe life into the Lititz community. And for more than a decade, Venture Lititz has served as an advocate for our downtown, fostering initiatives that sustain a vibrant downtown Lititz.
Venture Lititz, a nonprofit nationally accredited Main Street Program, is powered by passionate volunteers, a full-time executive director and an engaged board of directors, all dedicated to making downtown Lititz a dynamic business environment, a welcoming tourism destination and the best community to live in.

We work in tandem with the Lititz borough and local civic organizations to support and sustain local businesses and our community’s quality of life through economic development, business recruitment and retention, beautification projects, community cleanups, and historic preservation and advocacy.
Make a year-end gift to Venture Lititz to support your Main Street Program, your Community, your Lititz.
You can also donate to Venture Lititz during The Extraordinary Give November 22.
Scroll down to learn and see more of what Venture Lititz does for the Lititz community.
Venture Lititz community enhancements and programs:
Winter tree lighting with Edison Bulbs
Lititz Farmers Market held May through October in Lititz Springs Park
• Lititz Dollars - gift certificate program for Downtown Lititz businesses
Wayfinding maps - located all over Downtown Lititz
• Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Annual Spring Cleanup
• Economic development initiates to keep our downtown thriving
Venture Llititz community information tools:
Annual Visitor guide and brochure map with business listings
• Downtown Lititz newsletter and 2nd Friday e-blast
• Downtown Lititz social media - @DowntownLititz Facebook, @LititzPA Instagram, @LititzFireandIce Facebook, @LititzFarmersMarket Facebook and @LititzFarmersMarket Instagram
Venture Lititz annual community events:
Lititz Fire & Ice - Presidents Day Weekend every February
• Taste of Lititz - First Friday in June
• A Night Out with Venture Lititz - 2nd Saturday in October
• Apoca-Lititz 5K Run - Last Saturday in October
• Outdoor Community Movie Nights