The Most Frequently Asked Question:
How would this $50,000 funding cut affect me?
To summarize, this cut would affect everyone who uses the library, and those who take advantage of our off-site programs and participation in community events. Specifically, the following would be curtailed for ALL Upper Nazareth Township residents, and reduced for every other patron:
- Materials such as (but not limited to) books, newspapers, magazines, DVDs, etc.
- Resources such as (but not limited to) museum passes, computers, printers, online databases (including, ebooks, Quello, etc.
- Services such as (but not limited to) AARP tax preparation, inter-library loans, meeting room space, faxing, one-on-one technology appointments, etc.
- Outreach such as (but not limited to) Nazareth Area School District activities, preschools, local senior centers, etc.
- Classes such as (but not limited to) Cooking, DIY, Painting, Coding, Yoga, etc.
- Drop-in Activities such as (but not limited to) story times, wee build, shake & boogie, maker spaces, etc.
- Programs such as (but not limited to) Summer Reading, Reading to the Pups, Valiant Veterans, Library-led Book Clubs, Lehigh Valley Story Telling Guild, Bachman Players, Neill Hartley, etc.
In addition, the library would be forced to scale back, or cancel participating in community events, such as Nazareth Day and Christmas in Nazareth.
This cut affects YOU and everyone in our community.