Join the PowHER Partners in Giving Girls a Bright Future

On October 11th, International Day of the Girl, we launched our PowHER Partners Campaign. The campaign highlights leaders in our community who are sharing their stories of success, inspiration, and generosity to help raise funds to support the mission of the Ann Bancroft Foundation. 


Join these extraordinary women by providing a gift to help us reach our goal of $70,000 by October 31st. 


We are almost there as our extraordinary PowHER Partners have committed $52,000 towards our goal. Read their profiles below and join them today with a gift. Gifts of all sizes will support talented, ambitious girls across Minnesota as they unlock possibilities for their futures.

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Who Are the PowHER Partners?

Alene Sussman

Alene is the Executive Director of the Minnesota Jewish Community Foundation (MN JCF) and the Senior Director of Minneapolis Jewish Federation Charitable Gift Planning.

Q: What is a personal (outside of work) accomplishment that you are proud of? 

A: Thanking people, whether family or friends, who have supported me and uplifted me in small to large ways. Showing gratitude feels so fulfilling!

Q: Why should others join the ABF PowHER Partners this October and support this campaign?   

A: Ann herself is such an incredible inspiration: her story, her impact, and accomplishments. ABF uses that spirit and inspiration to support girls and their dreams in a thoughtful and holistic approach. Receiving a grant allows them the financial access to their chosen experience, and the mentorship provides lifelong guidance and support, which is just as, if not more, valuable than the grant itself.

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Andy Steiner-Manning

Andy is an award-winning freelance writer, author, and editor.

Q: What is one of the most rewarding aspects of your profession? 

A: I feel honored to have a job that gives me an opportunity to speak with people and tell their stories to others. I try to write articles and books that make a difference in the world.

Q: Why do you support the Ann Bancroft Foundation? 

A: Through my family’s foundation, I support the Ann Bancroft Foundation because I believe that all girls deserve the mentorship and support that will help them gain the confidence required to take risks and achieve their dreams. Though ABF grants, many girls are able to take on new adventures and grow in ways that they might not have been able to do on their own. 

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Dr. Artika Tyner

Artika is an author, motivational speaker, nonprofit founder, and lawyer.

Q: ABF grantees are encouraged to create and strengthen connections within their community. What connections have been most significant in your work?

A: It’s been the possibility of connecting with other change agents. To be able to say “can I connect with someone who’s an artist? Can I connect with someone who’s a future engineer?” Because as we bring our skill sets together, those gifts and talents through our interdisciplinary approach, I got a hunch that we will have all the tools we need to make the world a better place.

Q: Why should others join the ABF PowHER Partners this October and support this campaign?   

A: Because when you support a campaign like PowHER Partners this October, you’re investing in the young Dr. Tyner. You’re helping to create those opportunities to learn, grow, and lead. And with that investment, it’s better than the investments that you’re going to find at the bank or portfolio because it will yield a residual benefit as a young woman gaining confidence to realize the change she’s been waiting for lies within. So thank you for investing in the future. 

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Irene Quarshie

Irene is Senior Vice President of Global Supply Chain and Logistics for Target Corporation.

Q: What should girls know about your story of success?

A: That it is riddled with failure and low points, which served as great learnings that propelled me farther than I could ever imagine.

Q:Why should others join the ABF PowHER Partners this October and support this campaign?   

A: It’s a small and low-barrier way to have an outsized impact on the lives of dreamers.

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Janet Stellpflug

Janet is a partner at Ropers Majeski, an international law firm.

Q: What has been instrumental to your professional success?

A: Knowing exactly who I am and what I represent. 

Q: Why do you support the Ann Bancroft Foundation? 

A: Opportunities for girls and young women lead to a more balanced society which benefits the entire world.

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Reham Habib

Reham is currently the Vice President of Brand Partnerships and Business Development at Target.

Q: What should girls know about your story of success? 

A: Your current circumstances do not define your future. We moved to the US when I was young and grew up in very humble circumstances. I could never have imagined how my future would turn out. However, I always had bold dreams and a strong determination to succeed to make my parents proud and make their sacrifice worth it.

Q: Why do you support the Ann Bancroft Foundation? 

A: Girls having opportunity changes community and the lives of families more than almost anything else. Giving someone the opportunity to pursue a dream is a priceless gift and a way for me to give back.

Read Reham' Full Profile
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Special thanks to Sue J. Albrecht and Mairi Doerr for their support of the campaign!

Thank you for your continued support of the Ann Bancroft Foundation! With your contribution, we can help girls gain the tools they need to succeed and thrive.