TEMS PTO Blast                                                                                        January 27, 2019
Quick Links
Our Next PTO Meeting is February 6, 2019
at 9 a.m.

Would you like to get involved?    
Click here to help!   
Click here for our volunteer form! 

Please help us reach our fundraising goal for the I'm A Bulldog! Campaign by

Thank you for supporting the  

Cultural Arts  
Brought to you by your
Visit our Cultural Arts Page to see what is coming next!  
school store
Attention Parents! 
Are you looking for a way to volunteer at school and interact with the kids? Join the School Store staff!  Only a 2 hour commitment, once a month.  
Please contact temsstore@gmail.com for more info. Volunteer clearances are a requirement to work at the store. More info 

TEMS Bulldog
School Sports Information
If you have a question about weather cancellations, call
the Athletic Hotline
for daily schedules & updates! 
Click here for School sports schedules
Visit the TEMS Athletics website here 
Are you a frequent Amazon shopper?  
Please consider shopping with Amazon thru the TEMS PTO website when doing your shopping. Each purchase can earn the PTO a percentage back!
Go to temspto.org
and click on the Amazon link provided.  
Yes, it is that easy!
**friendly reminder you'll need to click through the link each & every time you shop and items will need to be placed in the cart after you click on the link.
Side Subheading

Keep sending in those Box Tops!
  So far this year, TEMS  has earned
The Collection box is located in the front office. 
Keep on Clippin'! 

 Visit the
to learn of what's happening around the Tredyffrin & Easttown Townships

January Meeting  
Jan. 29, 2019 
Disclaimer:  TEMS  PTO  is not responsible for the activities or events of outside organizations. Local community organizations that primarily serve TEMS students may submit a request to have information posted in the Community Links section of the  PTO Blast  by sending an email to  temspto@gmail.com 
Too cold to cook?!?
Eat at Panera Bread  
This Wednesday, January 30th
from 4-8 PM and support your  
TEMS PTO at the same time!  
Must present the attached flyer for the PTO to get proceeds from your purchase.  Click on the location below and print the flyer.  
Both local locations:

Friday, March 29, 2019
  Berwyn United Methodist Church  
doors to open at 6:30 p.m.  
Trivia Begins at 7:30 p.m.   
The Trivia Night invite was sent out this past week! If you missed it, and would like to purchase a table, click here
If you have any questions regarding the event, you can contact  
Tricia Jennings at tjennings99@verizon.net  
The TEMS Library Could Use Your Old Jigsaw Puzzle Donations!
Students have been working on jigsaw puzzles in the library and would appreciate any donations of puzzles, used or new. Thank you!
Newcomer's Coffee 

Friday, Feb. 1st,
 9:00 -11:00 a.m.
at the Panera in
Gateway Shopping Ctr.

We'll be joining the Conestoga Newcomer's coffe e. 

Grade 8 Conestoga Course Selection

Grade 8 students will soon begin the Conestoga Course Selection process. Listed  below are important dates and activities.

*Jan. 29-CHS Program of Studies
booklets distributed in Gr. 8 homerooms.
*Jan. 30 & Feb.1-Mrs. Marano will meet with 8th grade students during Advisory in LGR 12 to go over course selection process.
*Jan.31- CHS Course Selection Night 7:00 pm in CHS Auditorium.
*Feb.6-Gr. 8 Parent/CHS Counselor Meeting at 7:30 am in LGR 12.
*Feb.6-CHS Department Chairs visit TEMS Gr. 8 classes.
 *Feb.11-CHS Counselors will visit Gr. 8 and distribute    the course selection cards.
*Feb. 11 through Feb.20-Gr. 8 teachers will make course recommendations on course selection cards.
*Feb.22-completed course selection cards are due back to Mrs. Marano.

Mrs. Marano will be available throughout the entire process either by email at maranom@tesd.net or by phone at 610-240-1217.

THANK YOU for making TEMS' Annual Martin Luther King Casserole Drive a  success!
This year we collected 561 casseroles!  Thank you to the parent & student volunteers  who came in early to collect, sort and load casseroles. We could not have done it without you!
Our parent volunteers delivered casseroles to Safe Harbor in West Chester, Wayne Presbyterian Church, Saint David's Church,  Saint Isaac Jogues Church, St. Katharine of Siena Church, and the Great Valley Food Cupboard. In addition,  St. Norbert ' s volunteers delivered two full vans to Bethesda in Philadelphia.  All were extremely thankful for the much needed boost to their food supplies. 
As always this project would not be possible without the support of Dr. Philips, the office staff, teachers who encouraged participation, the cafeteria staff and the custodians.
Finally, THANK YOU to all the staff, parents and students of TEMS who took the time to make casseroles over the weekend!  Your time, effort and support of this project is what makes it so successful.
School Board Education Committee Discusses Scenario for Adjusting School Start Times

One of the goals for the 2018-2019 school year is to assess the impact of potential strategies for addressing adolescent sleep needs, including the implications for school start times.

Visit the web page for the latest updates on the school start time initiative as well as presentation materials, resources and meeting dates when school start times will be discussed. There are links available on the left side of this page for additional details. Please check back often as the page will be updated as new information becomes available. Feedback on school start times may be submitted via email at  starttimes@tesd.net.  

to the  
Curbside Recycling:
What is Acceptable & NOT Acceptable?   
Some items may seem so obvious - others not so much
Click here to View the Waste Management Guidelines on Curbside Recycling
TEMS is Hosting a Used Shoe Collection
Any style, size, gender or condition
Collection dates: Monday, January 14th through Thursday, January 31st, 2019
A collection box will be located in the front entrance lobby. Please rubber band or tie pairs together - single shoes accepted. 
TEMS Recycles Holiday Lights - in the front entrance lobby bin 
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact Heather Hill at 610-640-3805 or send her an e-mail at globularclusters@yahoo.com
For more on recycling visit TEMS Green Initiative link.

IMPORTANT Information from the School Nurse:

ALL 6 th grade physical exams & 7 th grade dental exams returned to the nurse ASAP. TY!
Lice can happen to anyone. Personal hygiene & home cleanliness has nothing to do with who gets head lice. It is typically seen in kids due frequent head to head contact. Lice do not carry any diseases. The nurse would appreciate being informed if your student has lice in order to track if there are multiple cases. The nurse will keep student names confidential.
Signs & symptoms:
Your student may start itching their head, state that they feel like something is moving in their hair or complain about itching or irritation of the skin on the back of their neck below the hair line.
What am I looking for?
Parents are encouraged to check their student's hair periodically and also, if their student is symptomatic. Nits (lice eggs) look like sesame seeds but are smaller. They stick to shafts of hair and are unable to be easily removed from the strand of hair. Live lice are brown in color, tiny & move very fast.
What should I do if I find lice (live or nits) on my student's head?
Treatment should be started immediately. There are multiple products that can be purchased from a local pharmacy as well as non-toxic options found on the internet. We recommend speaking with your pediatrician to discuss the best treatment option for your student. Daily combing of each section of hair for a minimum of a week to rid of all nits is the best way to ensure complete eradication of lice.
Fact about lice:
They cannot jump, fly or hop to another person. Their goal is to stay on the head where they presently live & to multiply. They cannot live without a human host. If even one nit remains on the head, lice can continue to hatch. Lice do not like the scent of tea tree oil. There are multiple hair care products on the market with tea tree oil in them that can be useful in repelling lice. Tea tree oil can be purchased and added to current shampoos & conditioners.
Feel free to contact the nurse if you have any questions.
all student medications, including over the counter medications, MUST be brought into the school nurse BY A PARENT.  All medications must include a signed doctor's order.   Unfortunately, we can't make exceptions since this is Pennsylvania law.  Students are not to carry any medications other than an Epi pen, inhalers, or medications for diabetes when there is a self-carry order on file in the nurse's office.  If medications are sent into school with a student, a parent will be required to come pick up the medication and it will not be administered by the nurse.  Unfortunately, we can't accept any medications without a written order from the doctor. Please contact Leigh Ann Coary, RN at 610-240-1210 with any further questions.  Thank you for your support and understanding as we look to create the safest possible environment for all students!
Important Dates at TEMS...   

01/31   Last Day of Used Shoe Collection
01/31   Conestoga Course Selection Night   Calendar
02/01   Welcoming Committee Coffee  
02/04   NO SCHOOL - Staff Inservice 
02/06   PTO Meeting    
02/18   NO SCHOOL - Presidents Day  
02/28   Half Day - Parent Conferences
03/01   Half Day - Parent Conferences  
03/06   PTO Meeting