A Special Teaching

October 9, 2023

There are a number of support rallies taking place in our area.


Tuesday, October 10, 6:00 pm at Temple Beth El in Stamford.


Tuesday, October 10, 8:00 - 9:15 pm at Temple Israel Center, White Plains


Tuesday, October 10, 5:00 pm, Dag-Hammarskjold Plaza, NYC

Dear Temple Sholom family,

As we reflect on and respond to the crisis in Israel, it is important to note that our Temple Sholom community can be a real solace. Over the past few days congregants have connected, shared ideas, ranging from how to help organizations in Israel to how to help young people on campus dealing with anti-Israel sentiment. I encourage you to attend one of the rallies listed above, to join fellow community members and show our love and solidarity with Israel.

I have also received over 20 emails and texts from local clergy and non-Jewish friends to show their support. This is a tight and caring community!

On the High Holidays I noted, "we do not love Israel because it has no blemishes. We love Israel because it is our Jewish home."

In the early 20th century, a member of the House of Lords of Great Britain asked Zionist leader, Chaim Weizmann who was working on the establishment of the State of Israel, "Why do you Jews insist on Palestine when there are so many undeveloped countries you could settle in more conveniently?". Weizmann replied, "that is like me asking you why you drove twenty minutes to visit your mother last Sunday when there are so many nice old ladies on your street."

Israel rose out of the ashes of the Holocaust and is the one place in the world where a Jew is always welcome, can live together, and have common heritage, language and destiny.

There are so many challenges in Israel, and our consistent response is to support Israel the best way we can because it is our Jewish home.

Seven suggestions:

  • Buy Israeli products and services
  • Fly the Israeli flag
  • Give tzedakah
  • Increase your connection to Judaism, the local Jewish community and overall activism
  • Protest bias in the media
  • Support Israeli soldiers and the Israeli families who are victims of terror.
  • Plan a visit to Israel (Temple Sholom is planning a mission to Israel in December 2024).

As always, I am available to provide pastoral support at [email protected] or 203-542-7150 and to give further meaningful guidance on how to increase your engagement with Israel advocacy, education, and tangible supports.

Am Yisrael Chai,

Rabbi Mitch

Yesterday's Simchat Torah festivities:

We gathered, we marched, we prayed, and we celebrated Israel

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