News From CCF-LA | August 20, 2021
From the Desk of Our CFO
The financial markets remained strong in July, with stocks once again hitting record highs during the month despite concerns over the surging Covid-19 Delta variant. In addition, inflation continued to climb but the Federal Reserve remained steadfast that the U.S. economic recovery remains on-track. They also noted at this time the job market still has “some ground to cover” before it would be appropriate for the Fed to withdraw some economic support. 
For the month of July, the Balanced Pool portfolio experienced a 0.94% gain; the positive performance can be attributed to fixed income and domestic equity (with the exception of small cap value orientated strategies). Performance through July 31 was 9.76%. The Intermediate Fund returned 0.79% for the month, and 5.29% year to date. 
Andrew O'Boyle
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Featured Fund:
Catholic Education Foundation
Now more than ever, a Catholic education is a lifeline for students and families in Los Angeles, providing safety, support, and faith in a time of uncertainty and anxiety. The Catholic Education Foundation ensures that Catholic education is within reach for the neediest families in our Archdiocese.

CEF supports students at 209 schools across the Archdiocese and gave 10,022 tuition grants for the 2020–2021 school year. Since its founding 35 years ago, CEF has awarded $225 million in tuition assistance. The impact is extraordinary: 98 percent of CEF students graduate with the qualifications to begin at a four-year university compared to 50 percent of those in public schools.

By giving to the Catholic Education Foundation Fund, you can support these students and their families on their path to success.
A Thank-You to Our Teachers
‘A Homeroom Angel in Green Bay’

This headline, from a June 10 article in the Wall Street Journal, caught the eye of a longtime CCF-LA client. The piece reported that an anonymous donor in the city of Green Bay, Wisconsin, had given $1,000 each to Catholic-school teachers in the Green Bay Area Catholic Education network, more popularly and aptly known as “Grace.”

This so inspired our client and his family that they followed in kind, making the same gift to two local schools through their funds at CCF-LA. In their case, their gift provided an end-of-school bonus that acknowledged the achievement of teachers fulfilling their calling during this period of remote learning.

We shared this story with our clients and more joined the effort to gift Catholic-school teachers with a welcome-back bonus as they prepare to instruct again on-site and thank them for the monumental task they have performed in the last year and a half, giving our students an advantage for life through a Catholic education.

Here is what a couple of the teachers had to say:

“I am so thankful and feel extremely blessed to receive this gift! After such a trying year, it feels great to be recognized.”

“Your generosity will help my family take a camping trip this summer. There are not enough words to express my gratitude; you have put a smile in our hearts during these difficult times.”

The momentum CCF-LA has achieved is due in large part to stories like these, allowing our granting to exceed $241 million in just six short years. It is also a testament to the power of one gift that becomes the power of many.
Voices of CCF-LA

From Our Intern Program: Understanding the True Work of Philanthropy
Seminarian Intern Paul Collins reflected on his time at CCF-LA, learning both the nitty gritty of our business, as well as the role philanthropy plays in the everyday work of the church.
The Catholic Community Foundation of Los Angeles empowers charitable individuals and organizations across cultures and generations through professional philanthropy management solutions that allow clients to develop and sustain their philanthropy in support of Catholic values. Help us teach and sustain Catholic philanthropy by contacting our Client Development team at (213) 426-1187 or via email.
Catholic Community Foundation of Los Angeles | (213) 426-1180