Cambodian Community Dream Organization, Inc.
Dream Journal ~ July 2020 
Rice Seeds Loans
A big thanks to Bill Taylor of SE Asia Foundation who asked how his organization could help beyond initial COVID-19 prevention support to help our Cambodian rural communities recover. Leangseng Hoy , CCDO’s Executive Director , immediately responded with the idea of providing rice seeds for the farmers to grow their next rice crop. Most of the resources to borrow money had dried up during this epidemic.

Our newest partnership initiative is to provide $60 worth of rice seeds to 150 vetted farmers to plant. They will begin to harvest in 3 months. They will then repay the loan by contributing 120 kg of rice to our breakfast program plus an additional $10 in cash, which will be used to procure needed protein sources. This will create an income for 150 families plus help feed our school children. It is a win-win sustainable solution for all.

Stop Press

We proudly announce that Texel Foundation has donated $3,125 to our Rice Seeds Program so that another 52 farmers will grow rice and pay back with rice to our breakfast program. Thanks to Katy Beechey and her diligent Board.
School Uniforms
When Maureen Maloof , President and Founder of Uniforms for Hope Organization , contacted CCDO to see how they could best support our poorest children, we never imagined the impressive outcome. We are delighted to thank them for donating new uniforms for 1,000 schoolchildren, so that they can go to school without shame.

While school is compulsory and free in Cambodia, every child is mandated to have a school uniform and school supplies in order to attend. The $10 for the uniform and shoes can be a huge burden or a real detractor to sending children to school for the poorest families. Uniforms of Hope donated $10,000 so that the kids are ready when the school starts again in November. CCDO will provide the school supplies, so all children have a good start of learning. 

CCDO Scholarship Students Shine
We are very proud that two of our scholarship students earned a coveted scholarship for a semester of a study course with Australian Center for Education in Cambodia (ACE) . Both grade 12 graduating students Veha Soeurm & Pov Pharom have earned the IDP Merit scholarships .

Because of COVID 19, all classes are held online this year with the goal of helping students prepare for University. All our sponsored high school graduating students will continue to University. We will let you know soon what Universities and majors they were accepted into. 

Regional Relief Platform
for COVID Relief Advocacy
Regional Relief is a new platform to showcase a collection of Southeast Asian COVID-Relief efforts and stories. This youth-led movement that aims to encourage collaboration and solidarity across the region, has worked hard to bring together 27 charities across Southeast Asia and encourage donors to allocate funds for continued work in the field. 

Within this database, they also provide short pandemic response summaries for every Southeast Asian country. CCDO is one of the top 5 charities showcased as a model organization. We appreciate the acknowledgment and support.
A big thank you to our longtime supporter, Paul Schrieber for his generous donation of $1,200 to be used where most needed. Thanks for your vote of confidence.

Staff News
Our CCDO family continues to grow. Congratulations to our Computer Teacher , Kosal Sean . His wife, Rotanak Sean gave birth to their second child, a beautiful baby girl, Ging Hong , weighing 6.6 lbs. 
Ordinary people can do extraordinary things
to change lives, one child at a time.