Supporting You
It's National Family Caregiver Month
A caregiver is anyone who provides emotional, physical, financial, spiritual and logistical support for someone who is ill.

In recent years, improvements in the treatment of major illnesses, such as cancer and brain tumours, have enabled patients to live longer, fuller lives. Caregivers, in turn, share the challenges and joys associated with their loved one's illness.

This month, we recognize you and your incredible strength -- for each and every day you give of your time and well-being to assist loved ones, we thank you. Read more >>
Learn how to spot the signs of Caregiver Burnout
Supporting the Community
Ideas to Improve Physical and Emotional Well-Being

Ingrid Exner, a professional writer and volunteer brain tumour support group facilitator, shares her ideas on how to live well after a diagnosis and treatment. 

While written for brain tumour patients, many of Ingrid's ideas apply to caregivers too!

Read about some of the practices Ingrid uses to "survive and thrive" >>

Recognizing Caregiver Stress and Burnout

Caregiver stress can be damaging since it can be a chronic, long-term issue. With brain tumour patients surviving longer due to advances in treatments, you may face years of caregiving responsibilities. Without adequate help and support, the stress of caregiving can leave you vulnerable to a wide range of physical and emotional problems.

Words of Wisdom:
Tips for Caregivers

We asked caregivers and patients from across Canada how caregivers can manage the brain tumour journey. From self-care to positivity, there is something for you in this Words of Wisdom.

For Jen, she says, "Be a loving, patient caregiver but not at the expense of your own health! Ask for help when you need it."
Donate Now 2014
Your gift changes the future for brain tumour patients and families

Make your one-time, recurring or tribute gift and give to patient programs and brain tumour research. 

Thank you for your support.
Are you in Alberta and want to volunteer with BrainWAVE?

The pediatric and family support program, BrainWAVE, has expanded to Alberta. Join in and organize fun events to provide respite for children on the brain tumour journey.
New on the blog: Johanna's Story

For survivor Johanna, staying positive is key to keeping her head above water while navigating the brain tumour journey. She says it was in part due to the incredible care she received that she could keep smiling. 

Thank you to each and every donor whose support makes the brain tumour journey one full of hope. 
Your gift means critical research continues so the cause of and cure for this disease will be found. 
Your donation also provides the tools for patients to feel empowered about their health care and
connect with others so they don't feel alone on their brain tumour journey. 

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