Issue No. 80
Saturday, March 25, 2016


From the Utah Supreme Court...

USAC counsel has received notice from the Utah Supreme Court that Judge Thomas, who had been appointed to replace Justice Pearce, who had recused himself from the  Weber and  Provo cases, has also recused himself from both cases. Judge Christiansen of the Utah Court of Appeals has replaced Judge Thomas in both cases.

In the Weber case, neither the Court, nor any of the parties involved have requested additional arguments.

In the Provo case, the Court has ordered supplemental briefing and additional oral arguments.  As soon as a date is set (sometime this summer), we will let you know when this additional round of oral arguments will take place. 

Call for Volunteers

USAC is in need of 3 or 4 volunteers to help man the USAC booth at the Wasatch Intermountain Fly Tying and Fly Fishing Expo, at the Southtowne Event Center in Sandy, Utah on Friday, April 7th and Saturday April 8th.  You don't need to be an expert on USAC's fight for recreational rights to volunteer.  If you would like help out, especially on Friday, 4/7/2017, please contact Bert (  [email protected]) for more information.

Whitewater Film Fest at Brewvies

Our boating friends at the  Utah Whitewater Club  will be hosting their annual Whitewater Film Festival at  Brewvies  on April 6 at 7:00pm. Tickets available at the door. Come kick off the season pre-runoff with us.  Details on their website . All proceeds to benefit USAC.

As the days get warmer and longer, we hope to see you on the river.

Board of Directors
Utah Stream Access Coalition

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Or by check to:
Treasurer, USAC, PO Box 91154, SLC, UT 84109
The Mission of the Utah Stream Access Coalition is to promote and assist in all aspects of restoring and preserving public access to, and lawful use of, Utah's public waters and streambeds.
The USAC is an all-volunteer, 501(c)4 nonprofit corporation, and while your donations are appreciated, they are not tax-deductible.