TWSTE POST - news, advocacy, and actions taken for women's equality.

December 6, 2022

Supreme Court To Hear Oral Arguments

Moore v. Harper

Independent State Legislature Theory

LWV Joins Challenge To Theory

Brennan Institute For Justice

The Brennan Institute For Justice, an independent, nonpartisan law and policy organization, states that "briefs by filers across the ideological spectrum agree the independent state legislature theory would destabilize our long-standing approach to election administration, and ultimately undermine Americans' trust in the integrity and legitimacy of our elections."

In a series of articles, the Brennan Institute explains the theory and how it could upend thousands of voting laws.

On December 7, the U. S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a case posing the question whether the North Carolina Supreme Court violated the U. S. Constitution's Election Clause when it struck down the state legislature's illegally gerrymandered Congressional map for violating the North Carolina Constitution.

In a amicus brief addressing the consequences of the ISLT on election administration, the League of Women Voters explain with detailed case studies how ISLT would complicate the administration of voting laws and create widespread confusion.

Friends of the Court Weigh In on the 'Independent State Legislature Theory'

The U.S. Supreme Court is just days away from hearing oral arguments in Moore v. Harper, a redistricting case out of North Carolina that could have disastrous consequences for our elections. The Court will decide whether the state's high court went against the U.S.

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The 'Independent State Legislature Theory,' Explained

There's a thread that links the partisan gerrymandering of congressional maps in North Carolina, attempts to dissolve the Wisconsin Election Commission, and efforts to overthrow the 2020 presidential election in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. In each case, the participants have invoked a dubious interpretation of the Constitution called the "independent state legislature theory."

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Annotated Guide to the Amicus Briefs in Moore v. Harper

On December 7, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral argument in , a case posing the question whether the North Carolina Supreme Court violated the U.S. Constitution's Elections Clause when it struck down the state legislature's illegally gerrymandered congressional map for violating the North Carolina Constitution.

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For Your Information

How one college is tackling the rural nursing shortage. Grow -your-own community college programs in rural communities by reaching nursing students who might struggle with a commute to campus. The Hechinger Report

Child Tax Credit Expansion Is Especially Important to Rural Families

Broadband Data Collection Consumer Information: Find out what internet services are available in your area.

Carbon Removal Is Coming To Fossil Fuel Country. Can it bring jobs and climate action. Inside Climate News

How States Can Lead On Reducing Harms From Methane CAP

What's Happening In Our Corner

These organizations listed on our website are offering workshops, virtual classrooms, new programs, updates on their initiatives, valuable resources, and news you can use.

Lean On Me: A Caregiver's Guide To Safeguarding Children and Supporting Healing From Sexual Abuse. RAINN and No Limit Generation have created a five-module video training series for parents and caregivers to understand how to safeguard children from online and in-person grooming, how to respond to disclosures, and how to support children. RAINN

The December Book Browse booklist is here.

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