Volume 170 | January 2020
Supreme News and Updates
Group Exercise Update
Intro to Zumba: Please sign up at the front desk for "Intro to Zumba" with JJ coming up on Saturday February 15th at 11am. Come get aquatinted with this ridiculously fun fitness trend!

New Zumba Class: Zumba Fitness with Ashley is now being offered every Tuesday at 9am. Join us!

Want to see more Intro Classes?
If you are curious about a group fitness class and would like an intro, group exercise director Luanne is happy to find you an instructor to show you the ropes. Please contact her at: [email protected]
Welcome Claire - Our Spring Semester Kinesiology Intern!
My name is Claire and I am a senior at UW-Madison studying Kinesiology- Exercise and Movement Science and getting a certificate in Global Health. After taking a year off, I hope to attend grad school and obtain a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree, with an emphasis in pediatrics or sports medicine. I am so excited to spend my semester at Supreme as a student intern and can’t wait to see what the next couple of months holds!
TRX/Kettlebell Fusion with Shannon
Coach : Shannon Maguire
Class time: Monday’s at 12:15pm and Wednesday’s at 1pm.
Kettlebells and the TRX Suspension Trainer are great ways to strength train and improve cardiovascular fitness at the same time. This is a dynamic workout that burns lots of calories while having fun!
Price: $120.00 for a 10 pack of classes. These classes do not expire until you use all 10.
Introduction to TRX and Kettlebells for one hour with Shannon for $25, a half price rate if you buy the class 10 pack.
You do not need to be a member to take this class. You may use the child care on Monday’s at the 12:15PM class. For more information please contact Shannon Maguire at  [email protected]
Playroom Update

Plastic/Metal Water Bottles Only:   Please refrain from bringing in glass/breakable water bottles into the playroom.  Plastic/Metal water bottles are safer for all.  

Getting rid of some gently used toys/baby items?   We are always looking for durable toys/baby items to keep things new and interesting in the playroom for the children.  If you happen to be getting rid of items, please let us know by dropping us an email at  [email protected]

Inclement Weather Policy:   During inclement weather, we will observe MADISON METROPOLITAN SCHOOL DISTRICT closing schedule.  If MMSD is closed or has a late start due to weather, the playroom will be closed.  For inclement weather on the weekends, simply call Supreme to see if the playroom is open.

Playroom health and wellness:   Lots of cold and flu bugs have been going around everywhere lately. Everyone in the playroom, both the other families and the staff, would like to remain healthy so please have your child stay home if they are showing any cold or flu (or anything else) symptoms.  
***Below are some guidelines:
-If your child has experienced any of the following symptoms within the last 24 hours (a fever of 100º or more, vomiting, diarrhea, severe nausea, runny nose), please keep your child at home.
-If you have any doubts about your child's health, DO NOT bring them in that day.  This will help to keep us all healthier. 
***The playroom reserves the right to send any child home that MAY be contagious to others.

Looking for a home for outgrown diapers or pull-ups:  If you have diapers/pull-ups that your son or daughter have grown out of or no longer need (Yeah!!), please consider donating them to the playroom! Although the playroom does not provide diapers on a regular basis, it is always nice to have a few diapers on hand for “emergencies”.  

Wearing Boots: Bring along an extra pair of dry shoes: If your child came in boots, we would greatly appreciate the kids bringing in a dry set of shoes to change into for the playroom. It will keep the room cleaner longer and be easier for the kids to walk and play in.

Fitness Funny
Member Bio: Courtney Cisler

Where do you work?
I work at Flad Architects as an associate on the academic design team. 

What are some of your hobbies/sports you participate in?
My first love is golf (I played on my college team, and I've had two hole-in-ones). I also enjoy drawing and painting, hiking, power yoga, training for half marathons, and anything else that keeps me moving. I have a love/hate relationship with cycling (last summer I loved it enough to have biked all the way across Wisconsin in two days). 

How long have you lived in Madison?
I moved to Madison just over a year ago, most recently from Eugene, Oregon (go Ducks!). I grew up in Green Bay, then spent four years of college in Missouri. 

Are you involved in any community activities?
I play in a golf league during the summer months. Once my time frees up after finishing architectural licensure exams, I look forward to renewing my involvement with Habitat for Humanity. 

What is your favorite part about being a member of Supreme Health and Fitness?
Without a doubt, the people. Joining Supreme right after I moved to Madison really helped me transition to the new city, and the members and staff are a second family to me. I also love the variety that Supreme offers - I've been able to take all my favorite classes, and I've even fallen in love with workouts I never thought I would enjoy.

Fun Facts:
I'm secretly a huge nerd. I have a degree in math and physics, and I really really love numbers ... almost as much as I love dogs!
Staff Bio: Becky Jalbert
Learn about personal trainer and cycling instructor, Becky Jalbert!

Where else do you work other than Supreme?
I am the Global Product Manager for Group Training at Johnson Health Tech.  We are the fastest growing fitness equipment manufacturer in the world.  I work with industrial designers, engineers, our factory, marketing and sales to bring new group training products to market.

What are some of your hobbies/sports you participate in?
I must do something active every day or I get a little squirrely.  I enjoy running, riding, strength training, scuba diving, hiking, playing volleyball, racquetball and golf.  I also belong to a book club with some fantastic girlfriends where every month we read a new book and have avid discussions.

How long have you lived in Madison?
I’m from South Dakota originally.  I lived in Texas while I went to college.  After college, I settled here in the Madison area and have been here for 27 years.

Do you have any children?
Yes, we have one son, Luc who is almost 8 years old.  He keeps my husband and I on our toes with his boundless energy.  He loves swimming, riding, running and video games.  He did his first triathlon this summer which was neat to experience.  I’ve never seen him work so hard.

Are you involved in any community activities?
I volunteer for Luc’s school activities and have participated in some lake clean up projects in the past.

What is your favorite part about working at Supreme?
Supreme has such a warm and welcoming atmosphere.  There are so many incredible members that have been here for years who love to share their stories and their days with us.  That’s what it’s all about.  Connecting with and learning from each other.  Then there’s Howie and Joe.  They’ve been folding towels and asking about our days with a smile for 30+ years.  That is not something you’ll see most club owners doing week after week.  Lastly, between Luanne and Shana, we have two of the most talented women in the fitness industry guiding us to be a little bit better every day as personal trainers and group fitness instructors.  

Additional fun facts about Becky!
As a middle-aged female and aging athlete, I’ve become very interested in corrective exercise and nutrition.  As we age, we have more injuries to work through to keep doing what we love.  Weight management becomes even more challenging due to changes in hormones, stress levels, and having to juggle more responsibilities like kids, aging parents and our own health.  To become a better resource for clients and friends, I have recently completed the Biomechanics Method Corrective Exercise Specialist course as well as the Precision Nutrition Level 1 coaching certification to expand my knowledge in these areas.  
Fitness Fun With Shana: 5 Rules for Better Burpees
Between the popularity of CrossFit, bootcamp and HIIT workouts, more fitness enthusiasts than ever are doing (and possibly dreading)  burpees . There’s a good reason they’re so commonplace these days: They’re an efficient way to get your heart rate up. But because of their intensity, they’re also one of the hardest moves to master.
“Burpees tax our muscular and cardiovascular systems, but they also fatigue us,” explains Kari Woodall, owner of  BLAZE . Why does that matter? “High fatigue can lead to poor form and possibly injury.” The best remedy for sloppy burpees that could hurt you, she says, is to give yourself form checkpoints to focus on along the way.
Here, five trainer-approved cues to up your burpee game:

Focus on Quality over Quantity
“Too often, the burpee is looked at only for cardiovascular conditioning,” says  Shana Verstegen , fitness director at Supreme Health and Fitness in Wisconsin. Most people are trying to do as many burpees as they can in a short period of time.
“In reality, the burpee was first created to monitor movement patterns during a fitness test in which only 4 reps were required,” Verstegen says. So one of the best ways to get better at them is to “take a deep breath, take your time and think about the individual parts to this complicated movement: a plank, a pushup, a squat and a jump.”

Rock the Plank
“Check yourself at the beginning and end of the pushup,” Woodall recommends. “Is your body in a long line? Are your hips piked or is your pelvis dropping toward the floor? Stop for a second and do a slight hold to tighten your plank before you lower yourself down to the floor.”
It can help to think of the lowering portion of the pushup as a controlled crash versus a crash landing, she adds. “This sets you up for a powerful pushup to pop up off the floor. Stop again at the top of the pushup and make sure you’re rocking the plank again.”

Push the Floor Away
When the going gets tough, people tend to sag into their plank and pushup, which can make it tough to generate enough energy to get back to the top of the burpee. “Pretend you are doing your burpees on a giant scale,” suggests  Brian Nguyen , CEO of Elementally Strong. “You want the number on that scale to go up and stay up when your hands and feet touch the floor.”
The reasoning behind this is simple. By pushing the floor away, you create extra tension. “Remember, for every action there is an opposite reaction,” Nguyen says. “So when you push the floor harder, that floor pushes you back up harder as well.”

Master the "Pop"
For many people, getting up off the ground after the pushup when they’re starting to tire is the hardest part of burpees. Woodall has a trick for that: “From the plank, think of popping your hands and feet off the floor to land in a squat.” People tend to round their backs and stand up with their feet close together, but if you separate them and land in a squat, you’ll have an easier time getting up. “Be sure to pop the chest up at the same time, so your back stays flat and your spine is tall in the squat,” she adds.

Find Your Progression
Not everyone can do regular burpees and maintain good form, and that’s OK. “If proper pushup form is lacking, your knees buckle before the jump or your back can’t stay straight when the feet shoot out to the plank, simply select a modified version,” Verstegen advises.
“Options include removing the pushup, removing the jump or stepping in and out of the plank position.” You’ll still get a killer workout and can rest assured you’re not going to tweak something in the process.

-Julia Malacoff & Under Armour-
Club Congrats
Congrats to member Dick O'Leary on publishing his SECOND book: Beyond Anacapa L.A.!
"This is the continuing story from my book 'Memories of Anacapa' which gave a personal accountof the Cold War. That book contained stories of our country's early space race, a Navy Sea Air Rescue team, and a love story with a Las Vegas showgirl. "Beyond Anacapa L.A." is the true and exciting story of my life after those events. Los Angeles is this nation's playground for the young and single. You will find it difficult to put this book down. These were the years of history, and unforgettable times."                                                               
All profits from this book benefit Gary Sinise "Wounded Warriors" Charity
       Paperback book-- from Dick (he will have these for sale with him at the gym) $8.00
       E-book Kindle--- $3.55
Racquetball Corner: Club Single Tournament Photos
Check out our Supreme Facebook Page for some great action shots from the Club Singles Tournament held this month. Thank you to Jim Berkvam for capturing these great shots!
Leave Us a Review!
I n an attempt to create more exposure 
for our small but wonderful gym on the 
internet, we are hoping to add to the number of reviews of Supreme on google and on Facebook. 

Could you please do us a favor and write a review 
(even the same one) that is from the heart, about your experience at Supreme Health and Fitness?

Google Reviews (click on "Write a Review" 
on the far right hand side of the screen)

Facebook Review (scroll down to "Reviews" on the right hand side of the Facebook page.