It’s no secret there are hundreds of benefits to strength training. Whether it be for injury prevention, building bigger muscles, strengthening bones or boosting metabolism, everybody has something to gain from a regular weightlifting routine. But with so many exercise choices, levels and tools to use, even the most experienced weightlifter can feel overwhelmed at times. This 30-day program goes back to the basics with simple moves that reap all the benefits desired from a weight-training routine.
This routine includes three days of weightlifting per week, doing just five exercises per workout. The three days are broken into different movement focuses to ensure all muscles and common movements are targeted every week. As the weeks progress, the load (weight) increases, reps decrease, and sets increase. The overall goal is to maintain proper movement patterns, and only increase weight as you have earned that progression.
Give yourself at least 48 hours of rest in between each workout day. For example, choose a Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday schedule. These rest days allow for muscle recovery, resulting in strength and neurological gains.
Most importantly, start simple and be proud you are incorporating resistance training into your life. All great accomplishments come from small beginnings.