In this edition:
Surfing the Wave; Congratulations!;
and Next Scheduled Public Course Dates
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Surfing the Wave
by Steve Kay

Many people say to me, ‘If only I was more confident, I’d be able to do what I really wanted.’
A mate of mine learned to surf a few years ago in North Devon. He told me that the Surf Dude’s lessons applied to life in general and to ‘taking opportunities’ when they arose.
He learned that he had to swim out to sea and wait for a wave, then lie on the board and learn to stand up. He fell off loads of times. Surf Dude told him not to wait for the 'right' wave but to jump on one that looked 'about right'. My friend said that many people are scared to jump on the wave in case they fall off, or they wait too long saying, ‘I’m not ready for the wave yet, I need a better understanding of my profession.’
I was chatting to one of our delegates the other day who said they weren’t ready to start coaching - they felt they needed to understand more about NLP. I said many coaches don't even learn NLP and so can't work with Imposter Syndrome or Limiting Beliefs but they still coach. I suggested that they get a few people and just start coaching.
Here is what we are going to cover on our Accelerate Programme this week:
1.   Prepare for an opportunity, e.g., learn to coach with NLP
2.   Notice the opportunity when it arrives
3.   Act on it
Many people fear the ‘unknown’ but, in fact, we are good in the ‘unknown'. We do well there otherwise we wouldn't have learned to walk.
To all our recent Master Practitioner graduates who completed their course with us last week!

Grainger was one of them and he has been kind enough to give us his take on his coaching and training experience with us so far.... have a watch of his interview with Kali below and for further information on any of coaching and training programmes feel free to reach out to [email protected] or [email protected]
Next Scheduled Public Course Dates

7 day NLP Coach & TLT Practitioner Courses 
with optional ILM 5 or 7 in Coaching and Mentoring

12th – 15th September and 26th – 28th September 2023
Online delivery via Microsoft Teams

3rd – 6th October and 18th – 20th October 2023
Online delivery via Microsoft Teams

14th – 17th November and 28th - 30th November 2023
Online delivery via Microsoft Teams

11 day Master Practitioner Course
with optional ILM 7 in Executive Coaching and Mentoring

6th – 10th November 2023 and 10th – 15th December 2023
Online delivery via Microsoft Teams 

15th – 19th January and 18th –23rd February 2024
Online delivery via Microsoft Teams
(only a few places left!)