Surge Learning has some big news

Your Quarterly News & Updates
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Happy Holidays
With  appreciation for your business, we extend our best wishes for the Holiday Season and throughout the New Year! 
The Team at Surge Learning
Quality & Risk Manager Updates

We are pleased to announce some changes and upgrades to our Quality & Risk Manager (QRM). You may have already noticed the new look and the new icon.        
My Actions
Here are some of the highlights:
Multi-Part Audits
Create part audits that can be assigned to various people with schedules attached to each part.
On Demand Audits
This allows you to create a hot list of audits that would be available to start on demand as specified situations occur such as incident reports and concern/complaint tools.
You can now identify deficiencies, set thresholds and create actions.  You can assign actions to staff when completing an audit and send a notification to them at the time of the audit.  The new "My Actions" allows staff to see what's been assigned to them and document actions taken to address deficiencies.  

We've also streamlined the scheduling of audits and authoring tools and provided enhanced Enterprise Level tools for our corporate partners.

To view the Quality & Risk Manager tutorial click here: QRM Tutorial
If you have any questions or need to book some training please contact us at
If you are not utilizing Quality & Risk Manager and would like a demonstration please contact [email protected]

Laptop woman happy giving thumbs up success sign sitting at computer PC with excited face...
Programming Updates

Automated weekly email reminders
A New automated email will be sent to users with email in the system and alerts turned on. This email will only be sent when courses are outstanding or coming due

You can now exempt staff from taking courses when assigning course from the library.

When assigning courses you can now group by various requirements such as MOL, MOH.  This enables you to filter reports by these groups.

New custom fields in the user profile to enable you to enter additional information such as employee number.

You can now customize some of the reports by choosing columns you want to view and save the custom view.

 A new completion button on external courses and policies has been added to prevent users from seeing the verification box without completing the full course.

Surge Learning |  1.844.843.4670[email protected]